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Arena Proving Grounds : JEDI Master Vs Apprentice

if they're watching anyways
Auteme, admittedly, thought the padawans might still be hiding somewhere; she'd seen them about a minute ago talking at the edge of the lake. But per usual, her sense of danger was a little better than her active sensing. Some perimeter in her mind was crossed. She looked around, and then down, feeling out the movement of the water as the two swam under the lake. Clearly she shouldn't have been worried about temperature if that was the route they were taking.

Instead she found herself wondering about the challenge for herself. The opponents she'd be facing would likely be able to conceal their presences from her if they attempted something like this. Should she intentionally quell her senses in order to force her own surprise? No, she already knew they were coming.

What she didn't know was what they were planning to do once they reached her. The ice cracked, the cracks widened, and steam burst out, the gas freed into a miniature geyser. Auteme swung her hand up, an opaque barrier of Force-threads blocking it from blinding her. Instead it spread, a brief mist surrounding her.

Another pang of danger flashed into her mind -- not yet the emergence of the two padawans, but an attack coming soon. She spun, threads spitting from her wrists to stick to the ground a dozen meters away, and slingshotted herself across the ice away from the cracks.

University of Commenor
Interacting with myself in my Dorm room


Aris Noble Aris Noble didn't reply back but Zaiya wasn't expecting him to. Instead she returned her attention back towards the holocast, opal blue eyes wide as saucers as she was trying to process that the Epicanthix was going to be fighting the Chancellor and O.M.S. she is a JEDI? Whaaaaaaatttt???!

Comm fell to her lap, and the Lovalla teen went, reaching blindly for another chip, only for her fingers to brush against a box of Zoki sticks. With the skill of a hungry teenager who could multitask watching a show and opening up a box of snacks, she deftly opened the container holding pretzel candy-coated sticks. She grabbed two, sticking them into her mouth only for her to give out a muffled gasp, "OhmystarsAris!!!!?"

What was going on?! Why was he swimming under the ice? Wait, what was Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose doing? T
here was a boom, and then the ice began to crack.

She scooted closer to the holo screen, frantically chewing her Zoki sticks, eyes searching to try and catch where Aris and Konrad went, only to go, "Whoa, what the -" as Auteme Auteme all of a sudden shot -- wait, are those threads? Rope? Does she have some sort of gaget shooting sticky webbing? then slingshotted across the ice.

"Holy beek-monkeys, what in stars sake just happened?!"


She moved.

Aris frowned as he surfaced to find her not there waiting, but already skittering across the ice. On one hand, their attack had worked to move he. On the other, wasn't that too easy? She made it seem like she wasn't ever going to move, no matter what they did. Was he.. Upset? No, maybe a little disappointed, but he wasn't going to let up. He reached down to pull up one of the larger chunks of ice, holding it in front of him.

A shield for the coming flash bang. And a weapon. The moment the flashbang from Konrad went off, he'd huck the chunk of ice as easily as he would a ball; way too quickly and with far too much gusto.

Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Auteme Auteme
Before hoisting himself out of the water, he would angle his throw so that the flash grenade arched downward instead of being hurled straight ahead. This would create more of a rain effect, enhancing its effectiveness.

Once the maneuver was completed, Konrad would pull himself out of the icy water, snapping off an icicle to use as a makeshift weapon, realizing too late that he had left everything else behind with his jacket.

Aris Noble Aris Noble Auteme Auteme Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Sazo twitched as Grrwunhoooll shine in the Force, as if calling all comers. Talionis shook harder, the spirit dwelling within the blade excited at the prospect of being tested against a worthy opponent.


...True enough? I'd feel like I'm splitting hairs arguing with you on this point.

As Talion roared with anticipation, Sazo turned to Jalen. "I'm going to take the fight to him, put his attention on me. You can move to flank him, and together we can immobilize him."

With that she stepped into the cave, blinking as it plunged to near total blackness, and no sound save the ever-whirring holo-cam floating overhead. She drew Talionis, the blade casting a vibrant green hue over the cave walls. Silently, she crept through the cave, feeling herself get closer to Grrwunhoooll's presence.

Talion chose to break the silence.


Sazo came to a stop, as the Wookie was close by- very close by. She began gathering her strength, channeling the Force.


With a surge of speed, Sazo jumped onto the ceiling, and then with a leap, shot like a rocket towards Grrwunhoooll, Talionis glowing brighter.

Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

"I'm going to take the fight to him, put his attention on me. You can move to flank him, and together we can immobilize him."

"Alright," Jalen sighed.

This was certainly going to be something. What, he wasn't sure, but Jalen would follow behind slowly, doing his best to let the young woman draw the attention of the Jedi Knight.

Meanwhile, he would sit down, feeling the earth below him. The vibrations, subtle movements of water dripping down in the cave around them, the shifting of feet from the Wookiee and Sazo as she begun to pick up speed and launch her attack. But what to do? In this meditative state, Jalen let his mind wander, feeling around for anything that he could make use of. There had to be something that he could use as a teather to bind the Knight and keep him in place...

Roots. Jalen could feel them in the ground all around them, the interlockings of trees above them. They extended down for miles, so intertwined they could easily make one think that the entire forest was one singular lifeform. That was something he could work with. As Sazo struck from above, Jalen would subtly will the roots to slowly slither up the leg of the Wookiee, trying his best to do so in a manner where the Knight might not notice. If he could just get them to a good position around the man, maybe he could pull him down and they could see a success out of all of this.

Engaging: Sazo Vass Sazo Vass Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
Equipment: In Sig.

Interesting tactics.

Grrwunhoooll pondered as the caves tunnel glew with light. At first it was dim but over a short span of time it grew brighter and brighter in till the source of right being propelled at him! Finally they had arrived. Or maybe one of them did? From a third person perspective the wookie made no move from his position despite the incoming attack. The tingling of danger itched over his body and made the hair of his shoulders and back stand up straight. The follicles pointed in the direction of the dangers origin! With a pivot of his heel the wookie spun and rotated his upper back to face his attacker and spearheaded his movement to backhand like motion of his left arm toward the air. And at the last possible second a shaggy fist was formed. The motion activated a instant flash of yellow light emitted from his left vambrace. It was a Lightshield in the shape of a Wookie ceremonial shield. It was almost the same size as the Jedi Knights body, though set to stun, the shield intercepted contact with the green blade and with a jerking shove poised the the blade safely to the side. All the while Grrwunhoooll's right hand, his free hand shot forward with preternatural speed seeking to grab any limb of Padawan Sazo Vass Sazo Vass and throw her in a shallow pool of water adjacent to him!

Midst the action, a tickling sensation managed to snake its way up the Jedi Knights leg without notice or perhaps his concern. Either the wookie was underestimating someone or was too swept up in the moment to feel the roots slowly close to entangle him. By the time Grrwunhoooll realized the plant moving of its "own" accord, He was already committed to his counter attack.

Relaying a series of snorts, sounds that passed as a laughing in Shyriiwook, before the sounds changed to a whining groan with the realization of tangled roots around his leg. "Arrrrggggg!!"
if they're watching anyways
Auteme didn't stay gone for long. As she slid past the contact points for her threads, a makeshift ramp only a foot or two tall wove itself in her wake. Once she'd slid as far as the threads allowed her, she did the same thing she'd done before, slingshotting herself back at the padawans. She went up the ramp and into the air, smashing straight through the ice block Aris had sent her way, and spun through the air towards Konrad.


They had this. She was on the retreat, technically, so all they had to do was keep the pressure up. She had some good maneuverability with her threads, but that just meant she could pull herself around. They could take advantage of that with both of them, if they were clever. And- Oh. Aris blinked in surprise as she slingshotted her way right back to him, breaking through the clump of ice he'd sent.

Those cords could be used like that?

He gritted his teeth as he steadied himself, lifted his saber. He didn't strike, not yet. He waited for the flashbang to go off before he leapt towards her, bringing his blade down.

Auteme Auteme | Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose
Sazo darted down to Grrwunhoooll, victory in her grasp. Talionis chose this moment to speak


'Doesn't matter, it's not like he can react fast enough to do anything!'


'...What do you mea-'


With a pivot of his heel the wookie spun and rotated his upper back to face his attacker and spearheaded his movement to backhand like motion of his left arm toward the air. And at the last possible second a shaggy fist was formed. The motion activated a instant flash of yellow light emitted from his left vambrace. It was a Lightshield in the shape of a Wookie ceremonial shield. It was almost the same size as the Jedi Knights body, though set to stun, the shield intercepted contact with the green blade and with a jerking shove poised the the blade safely to the side. All the while Grrwunhoooll's right hand, his free hand shot forward with preternatural speed seeking to grab any limb of Padawan Sazo Vass Sazo Vass and throw her in a shallow pool of water adjacent to him!

The spirit within the sword erupted with hysterical laughter as the Wookie sent Sazo skipping across the water, before she finally skidded to a stop.

"...That didn't happen", she whispered, looking at Jalen meaningfully(and ignoring the holo-droid zooming in) as she gathered herself together, shucking off her soaking robes. But, all things considered, her fellow Padawan was able to tie the Wookie up.

She raised an arm, intent on pulling Grrwunhoooll's lightsaber to her.

Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

Relaying a series of snorts, sounds that passed as a laughing in Shyriiwook, before the sounds changed to a whining groan with the realization of tangled roots around his leg. "Arrrrggggg!!"

Oh. That was working.

Jalen pressed his new advantage, now less subtle with his influence over the tree roots. More shot up out of the ground to begin binding the Wookiee Jedi Knights arms, snaking around him in an attempt to pull him to the ground. Sazo was thrown away by the Knight's counter attack, but Jalen needed to maintain his focus. He just had to trust that she could get back on her feet without issue. The blind padawan's brows knotted with strain as he focused on maintaining control of the environment.

He knew the truth well. There was no way he was physically stronger than Knight Agaburry. Jalen just had to make sure that he maintained his distance and kept the Wookiee in one spot.

No pressure.

Gripping the icicle tighter, now serving as an improvised dagger, Konrad's demeanor shifted from seriousness to bewilderment as he observed their opponent's actions. He half expected the scene to be accompanied by a rendition of 'Force on Ice', a notion that would have amused him under different circumstances. However, now was not the time for internal jokes; he needed to focus on the task at hand.

As the flash grenade detonated, he seized the opportunity to move from the water hole to a better vantage point. However, his advance was halted as he noticed their opponent closing in on him. Konrad instinctively assumed a bracing position, preparing for the impending confrontation.

Aris Noble Aris Noble Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
The danger flashed through her mind twice; first was the bang. Her roiling armour snaked around her head, covering her ears just in time to mute the worst of the deafening sound it let out. The flash, however, reflected harshly off the ice and snow. For a moment she could see nothing. She managed to land, at least, skidding along the ice to a stop.

But the Force was her guide; she felt the saber coming towards her and swung her arm to meet it, a glimmering shield materializing to block. Despite the strength of her threads, the shield half-crumpled under the strength of the attack, and the ice beneath her feet cracked. She couldn't see yet, so she latched onto the thing she could feel most clearly -- the makeshift ramp she'd manifested was suddenly pulled towards her, angling at Aris. Instead of something solid, however, it acted like a mass of heavy, viscous fluid, like freshly-poured duracrete to entrap the padawan.

Her other hand lashed out at where she sensed Konrad, a mass of Force-threads sprouting from her fingertips to grab him.

University of Commenor
Interacting with myself in my Dorm room

"Oh. My. Stars!" Zaiya gasped, unable to tear her eyes from the holoscreen. Her mouth fell open in a gape of astonishment, watching Aris jump up out of the ice with his saber.

"How... even.... like... HOW!!???"
Hand gestures would ensue wildly, the teen asking the 'verse as if expecting a response regarding trying to make sense of how this fight was ensuing.

As soon as that flash grenade went off, her nictitating membranes blocking the flash, before they swept back and she was able to see what occurred.

How Aris Noble Aris Noble , Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose , and Auteme Auteme were even able to do what they were doing. If she didn't know that the Force was a thing - and even then, Zaiya was still up in the air about the crazy abilities this Force allowed anyone to do - she'd have said that this was all fantastical cinematography and stunt work. There would be no way a thirteen-year-old, another teenager, and the blasted Galactic Alliance Chancellor would be having this fight.

An insatiable need to stuff her mouth with more salty, savory goodness peeked, and Zaiya went grabbing for a bag of chips. These were a spicy flavored kind, the sort she'll need chopsticks to pick out of the bag to make sure she didn't stain her fingers red.

Scrambling to find the chopsticks, she did her best to keep one eye on the holo screen while her other hand took a few glances until she found the metal ones. These were the ones she'd been practicing with. Pair found, she immediately opened the back of cheesy, spicy puffed goodness. Her right hand took the time to adjust her chopsticks, tapping the end on her thigh to level them, before diving in to grab a cheesy poof to pop it into her mouth.

"Whoaa.. okay, where did that shield come from?!! I didn't see a solid state band on her wrist!!!" she gestured at the screen with her chopsticks, "Hey! What is up with those spiderweb threads?!"

Oh man, was Zaiya ever going to have a massively long conversation with Aris after this.
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They helped her move, sprang her around, and now could be a shield?

Aris was grinning. He knew Loomi Loomi used something similar, but to think that it was this versatile? He wasn't even jealous it wasn't something he'd ever be able to do. He just wanted to see what else she could do with them. Okay maybe he wasn't that eager as he found himself suddenly swallowed by the threads. That was an experience he could do without.

He forced his way out. Or would have. Raw strength meant little while he didn't have the ability to find his footing. He gritted his teeth, swinging an arm to try and knock the webbing away. It didn't work, so he swapped gears. His body lit up. The dull glow he had brightened in intensity until he was near flashing white with heat. The ice around him melted instantly. The webbing did too, for that matter.

Which just had him in water again. He blinked as he fell underneath before dimming the heat as he swam towards another section of ice to get back to the surface and rejoin the fight.

Auteme Auteme | Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
More roots, branches and vines animated a strain against the wookie. Snaking up his legs and inching over his arms with a tension that sought to bring the wookie to his knees. Thus far he had kept his energy in reserve. Toying around was what got him into this very situation but now the situation called for something else and Grrwunhoooll's assessment of the two padawans strategy was nearly complete. Thus far the two were still trying to out muscle him and it would never work. On top of this, both were not yet working as a team. A new tug was felt on the wookies arm and golden eyes were able to percieve the source. Sazo Vass Sazo Vass attempting to disarm him? Maybe off balance him? The vambraces on Grrwunhoooll's arm made that difficult, if not improbable to take off his light-shields.

A detail that he had not revealed yet.

" Aaaarrrraaggrraaahhhhhuuahaha!" He roared once more and in a instant additional light filled the room in a yellow hue. Its energy took shape in yet another tear drop shaped lightshield, only this time, it was located on his other forearm. The shield apon activation flashed, bisecting any roots attached to his right arm and with a slight rotation the Jedi Knight began cutting the roots at his feet with the bottom portion of the weapon. Dual-wielding two shields Grrwunhoooll began working on cutting the other roots and intending to end this fight once and for all he let his mind take a step back. He drew apon the living force around them more and more. Saturating his being with it. If the padawans were keen enough to sense this they may have ample time to prepare.
Aaaarrrraaggrraaahhhhhuuahaha!" He roared once more and in a instant additional light filled the room in a yellow hue. Its energy took shape in yet another tear drop shaped lightshield, only this time, it was located on his other forearm. The shield apon activation flashed, bisecting any roots attached to his right arm and with a slight rotation the Jedi Knight began cutting the roots at his feet with the bottom portion of the weapon. Dual-wielding two shields Grrwunhoooll began working on cutting the other roots and intending to end this fight once and for all he let his mind take a step back. He drew apon the living force around them more and more. Saturating his being with it. If the padawans were keen enough to sense this they may have ample time to prepare.

Sazo felt victory turn into ash, as Grrwunhoooll hacked away at the vines.



Roaring back at the Wookie, Sazo gathering the Force around her, imagined a spatula, and with all of her might, pushed down on the Wookie. She ignored the freely bleeding nose, intent on forcing the Jedi Knight to stop attempting to extricate himself from the trap, while giving her companion more time to ensnare him.

Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
Surprised by the rapid escalation of the conflict, Konrad's natural instincts momentarily dulled, slowing his reaction time as he assessed the threads hurtling toward him. He quickly threw his body to one side in an attempt to dodge, partially successful in avoiding the threads and granting himself some freedom of movement, though one or two of his limbs had ended up wrapped within the threads.

Under his breath, he uttered a curse before attempting to cut at the threads with his makeshift dagger. If that proved ineffective, his next plan involved utilizing the extra smoke grenade he had brought along. Originally hoping to use it later in the duel but now seemed like the best time to provide some cover.

Aris Noble Aris Noble Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
The threads proved difficult to cut; progress was slowed further by how they seemed to regenerate damage, if at a somewhat slow pace.

Auteme, momentarily not under attack, was able to allow her senses to recover. She could see Aris hoisting himself out of the water, and Konrad... no, that wasn't difficult enough. She threw up her hand, a telekinetic wave rolling outwards to knock the older padawan away.

Then she put her hands together, slowly weaving something new; after about three seconds they stopped just over a meter apart, a traditional steel-looking longsword materialized between them. She grasped the handle, spinning it in her hand as though it weighed nothing, then threw it. It seemed to have a will of its own for a moment, curving to attack Aris -- whether deflected or dodged, it somehow spun over, landing in the ice within Konrad's reach.


Things were getting out of hand real fast. Whatever plan he had made with Konrad had failed now, and he hadn't tried to think of a backup. Which meant, throw it all out the window. Aris reignited his saber once he found his footing, fully prepared to leap only to blink as a sword was thrown towards him. He twisted, bringing his saber up to knock it aside.

Only to watch it land beside Konrad.

"Don't touch it!" He shouted as he rushed forward to Auteme, bringing his blade up for a very fast slice. She made it, likely with those strings. Which meant she still had control over it.

Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose | Auteme Auteme

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