Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Contest Psssst, would you like to win ALL the UCs?

How would you like to win 80K+ UCs?

Yes, you heard that right!

I gathered up quite a bit of UCs from posting like a mad man the last few weeks and I realized I'd like to spread the love around a little bit. So I had an idea. Why not encourage even more public thread making and story building?

Here's my pitch:

Make a great public thread, run it for two weeks and come back the 26th of January with a link to it. If your thread has reached 2 pages (give or take, this is all in good fun, but obviously a five post thread won't do the trick) it will be put in the pot. Half the pot's earning will be equally divided between all participants. The other half will be the grand prize won by a random draw from the pot. This way everyone has an equal chance of winning! A few pointers: participation will require you to put in 1K UC into the pot, this way the prize will grow and everyone will get more out of it by the end. Since a single public post earns you exactly 1K , the starter of your public thread already covers the price!

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin liked the idea so much they contributed 20K themselves, so give him a hand for that. And thanks to Kuzo Kuzo for the creative contribution! It goes without saying that we will not be eligible for participation.

And to be clear- the board rules prevent any OOC shenanigans. So you can trust that your contribution will only be used for the prize and nothing else.

Hope I see a lot of contributors and looking forward to reading y'alls stories.

Pot currently stands at: 347,577UC
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Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

It is 1K per thread, since the thread is your entry into the pot. You can certainly come up with a public thread as a group however. Keep in mind that your group will be seen as a single participant.

Would you like me to refund the extra UCs that you paid forward or will the people you mentioned be starting their own public threads?

Zavvo the Hutt


For your consideration

Where should I send the money?

I'd like to submit this a few days early; it's still in progress, but I've caught a nasty flu and may not be posting for a few days.
Hey, folks, apologies for the wait! Busy busy week and just wasn't able to find a moment to get to this. I am glad to see a few participants, happy y'all had the opportunity to set something up and have fun with it!

I will check out the threads in the next few days and use a dice roll (most likely in the Chaos discord server) to determine the final winner.

Thanks to everyone who decided to participate!

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