Ballen-Ist's concealed figure would emerge from the shadows, continuing to watch the scene as it unfolded. This seemed to have become a habit for the young Sith, seeing as [member="Maleus"] was someone he required information on. The Zabrak would never leave his sight, he was his prey and he would be sure to delivery any finishing blows to him. Examining the situation, the teenager would notice the two men that stood with Maleus, one being a Sith, the other appearing to be a soldier. Perhaps a storm trooper? Glancing over the stage, and it's title, the boy would groan in disgust as he began to walk, shaking his head in annoyance at the Zabrak's uncontrollable lust. Was he really interfering with a Hutt's slave operation? Sounded fun, to be honest, though he did not enjoy the actual performance. The boy's black, shrouded figure would appear behind the group, watching quietly as the whole thing continued. He could not help but grin as he watched the Sith throw the man, his body slamming into the nearby wall with a crash.
"Shall we dispose of this Hutt?" He spoke, hoping to draw their attention.