The Amalgam, after leaving [member="Kay Arenais"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"], had traveled surreptiously down Kay's cell block, having memorized the positions of the cameras as her currently musclebound form plodded crudely through its passages. Out of camera sight, a cavity in her stomach opened up and she removed a small jar of blood. Her blood to be exact.
She had been writing little incantations all over the walls, watching the blood disappear seconds after due to the dark magic it was tainted with. She had been writing parts of it down systematically in whatever section of the prison she could get access to. It reminded her of the good old days. Of when she had been operating out of her ship during the the early days after she had become what she was now.
The days when she hadn't had a doubt in the world. Where she would have mocked the idea of having a friend. Before the centuries had set in. Before the thousand different betrayals that used to give her such a rush had begun to lose their edge.
The promise of power, of transcendence, was an intoxicating one. Enough to keep her going. The torture and murder and utter chaos had been fun. But at some point it had to have an end goal for her. It always did.
A twisted, treasonous-to-the-Bogan thought played out...what if she had just...stayed buried. Went to sleep in that lie she crafted.
This thought almost made her stop as she applied the blood to an out of the way area with no witnesses. This magic would take more time to prepare...but when she sprang it...this whole wretched prison would get a surprise. What slowed her was the fact she could not risk using Force Powers. Not with Kay's husband around. She'd go off like a flare to him if she did that. The magic was slower, but less risk of setting Veiere off. The Amalgam didn't want to fight him and automatically make an enemy of his wife. Besides, she was good at picking off your average knight, but as her own master had warned her, never go after another vet in the profession without a damn good plan.
"Witches need besties..." The Amalgam repeated under her breath as she watched the blood she had written her horrifying incantation in disappear into the wal, slowly but surely turning this surface into a conduit.
"Witches need besties..."
Later on...
The Amalgam walked in her burly prison guard form, watching the blocks she passed through engage in gang fights. Casually cracking the skull of a random prisoner who came a bit too close, she sighed, watching how this naked anarchy and cruelty reminded her of the alleys she had battled other homeless people in for food, often with that straight, double edged fighting knife that had been her only friend. She didn't know where it was. If she had, it might have caused even more internal conflict then she was already feeling.
Casually dodging another prisoner with a shiv, casually knee capping him as the person she imitated would have done, she calmly looked for another place to smear her blood where no one would notice. The stink of this place reminded her the most of the underworks, and the way the shadows hugged the walls, and the banality of its inhabitants. She had taught herself to read by the time she was fifty. A good many of the people in the works after the Plague had been so intellectually impoverished they could barely spell their own name. It disgusted and ashamed her that she was once just like those hundred different vagabonds she had been in competition with down there...shortsighted and impulsive.
Had her daughter Uri been there, she might have been so bold as to make the claim that not much had changed. She would be so wrong. She looked at these prisoners and saw nothing of herself in them. As has been said before, elsewhere, this was due to both her vanity and hubris. In time, she would come to see that too much of the pain she saw in these people tearing each other apart for the amusement of the guards resided in her still. But by the time she would be of a mindset to appreciate this fact and want to change it, it would be far too late.
But that time it would be far too late had not arrived.
Not yet.
The Amalgam completed the rounds of the man she was disguised as before heading for the cafeteria. The place may have been crap but at least the food was excellent. It'd have to be, with what the guards had to deal with on a daily basis. Before she entered the cafeteria, traveling down the stark, empty passages that led to administrative sections and to the cafeteria, she carefully laid down the same tainted summoning inscriptions on a wall, watching as it disappeared. It was sure annoying having to re-hide the jar of blood every time she did though...oh well...Kay was her...friend (she still was not used to that sentiment) and the Amalgam could only show affection in her own ever twisted way...