Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Purple and Red

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy stopped and looked at her as she spoke tilting her head. "Hmmm strange. I was going to say the same thing to you." SHe said it and turned back around to keep walking in slowly and carefully. "It won't be a problem, if something attacks it is something we can handle together yes... that is what you were hoping to do... bond and create a connection. Try to make me your student so that I would leave the world with you?" She said it and had a look on her face of a blank expression in the shadows of the outpost. Still not using the glow rod as it would give her away and Mi'la but she was going down silently and went ot one of the chambers opening it up. "This was a room built like the room of a thousand fountains... for meditation. On the other side it goes deeper into the vaults which were for artifacts and stasis chambers."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
She was never quite sure where she sat with Remy, and Mi'la wondered if that was on purpose. It probably was. Then the woman poked at the idea of it being a plan of hers, trying to insinuate what she might be trying to do, forcing a bond between the pair like it was all planned out on Mi'la's part. If only she could say that was the truth. "If you think this is a scheme on my part, then you're not correct. I simply don't wish harm to befall you." She corrected, knowing the woman would throw some half compliment and insult her way.

Pressing ahead, she listened to what Remy said, wondering why this hadn't been mentioned before. "This all sounds like things we shouldn't be poking around in with the current situation." Mi'la said calmly, unsure as to what was really going on.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy stayed there and looked at the other side of the room. "If there is something waking up the stasis chambers would be the first place to look and eliminate as a danger... if none of them as failing it means those things are not a threat... so something else got in from somewhere else. If it was in the vault then there is more dangerous things down there and it could escape with something or worse be sentient enough to use them and endanger something or someone." SHe said it more as a practical assessment of what they could face... there was always a chance it was in the ruins beneath but they would have to explore to find out and eliminating things would be important.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
The Twi'lek was none too happy with Remy's insistence of pushing in deeper. Her assessment of the vault and it's contents was no comfort to her either, and she was rather unhappy with how lax she seemed about this whole endeavor. "Remy, can I ask that you let me lead just in case something happens? I have no idea what manner of creatures we might face down here, but I doubt they will be seeking to make friends with us." She advised, moving to grab her sabers, as that ill feeling rose in her gut. This was just a bad idea waiting to happen, as she was dreading whatever manner of monster might lurk within the vaults of this old place.

Clearly nothing good.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Her feet stopped moving and Remy turned to look back at her with a raised brow ridge. "As you wish." She said it and remained there to let Mi'la pass and lead the way. Her hands holding her tonfa's with a light grip so that she would be able to shift them around. HEr head tilted but falling back towards a support position she could better help she supposed the jedi knight as they would be abel to move around the outpost checking things over. "We should make sure things are secured as we go... we don't want something sneaking around here and able to get behind us." She stayed there feeling witht he force and maintaining her neutral expression while she felt it deeper in

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
To Mi'la's relief, she was happy that Remy would allow her to lead the way. Least that was one concern to put to rest. As the pair moved on, Mi'la agreed with trying to secure the rest of the area. "Agreed, but we should be mindful of what monsters might be within here." Mi'la spoke more sternly now, as she ignited her sabers, and felt something in the darkness move. It brought her to a halt, as she focused on her senses, and felt the creatures within still. "Somethings' found us, Remy, be ready." She tenses, calling upon the Force as the creatures lunged. Large reptile like beasts snapped towards them spines bristling as a maw of teeth seemingly broke out from nowhere, only for the one near Mi'la to find itself being thrown through the room via the force, her saber flying from her hand as she bisected it, letting two halves splat onto the ground, as she rolled out of the way of another attack, cut off from Remy now.

This day was getting better and better.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy moved when she felt it and as the sabers ignited her tonfa's were at the ready and she crouched down. Purple blades igniting with a snap hiss of them and she flipped them to point forwards into one fo the maws of teeth. Eyes focusing before she rushed to the side to dodge a swipe... slamming into the wall itself as it went pact her and she sliced itno it. Thick skin but the purple blades bit deeply into its body as she looked over more of it. Her attention to the details getting skewed before she was dropping down and rolling out of the way of another. THe floor slick where her sliced gutted the foul smelling internal organs. THen she was moving and crouching with one blade in front and the other behind following the light of Mi'la's saber more then she was following the woman herself... to avoid being caught in an arc or swipe of it.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Catching her thrown saber in her hand, Mi'la focused on the other remaining creature, and found that Remy had already killed it. The rather foul scent made her nose wrinkle in disdain, though she stowed her sabers and linked them back to her belt. Eyeing the scene, Mi'la felt a tad relieved that they had managed the attack without harm. "Nicely done." She complimented, giving a smile to Remy, before looking at the vault ahead, and the darkness that seemingly crept from it. "Now, what do you think they might have sealed up in this vault?" She asked, stepping forward towards the cracked open structure, planning on the worst.

As a precaution, she gathered the Force around herself, and stretched it out to encapsulate Remy as well. Just in case there was a dark side entity within, she wasn't going to let it take her padawan.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

She could feel the force wrap around her and moved to back up and support as the question about what might be in there came. "Hmmm if it was important or something of value I imagine the jedi would have taken it with them... likely something the jedi didn't worry about if it was lost. Some secret journal of a grandmaster or other." She said it as a mixture of sarcasm and fact... dangerous artifacts were usually in the main jedi temples unless it needed to be lost. She was feeling something though deep down... a little blood rushing and heart racing... maybe excitement... or gas... she hadn't eaten as much so likely still hungry. "What do you think it could be?"

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Mi'la was not amused by Remy's jokes. If she ended up taking her as a padawan, she'd have to find some way to tamper her humor. "It could be the jedi were attacked and left it here hoping it would remain lost, do not take it so lightly Remy." She advised, hand hovering her near saber, but not drawing it yet. Moving towards the vault, Mi'la would sense it empty, but to make sure she ignited her lavender lightsaber to drive the shade from the room. The darkness was still felt, but the source was a seemingly unknown book that rested before the knight. Dark and seemingly wrapped in crimson, it rested on a pedestal, long since coated with dust.

Remy, if she moved closer, would immediately see it was a Sith book from the emblem upon it, though little else was known, aside from how it seemed seemed in the dark side. "I...don't know what sort of book that is, but it feels...wrong..." She had never thought that a book could be evil, but standing before this thing now, she felt that this might be an exception.
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Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her and remained quiet but she was moving moving into the room with the jedi when she held the tonfa's and stopped feeling the force and following it. The purple of her blades and lavender of Mi'las illuminating a book as Remy looked at it holding her saber up and deactivating the other. She clipped the one to her belt while she looked at it and didn't touch it. "It is old... tainted." Her eyes gleamed in the purple light but she was more curious while looking over parts of it still without touching it. "We will have to see if there is any nullification resin.. we could store it in that and it would lessen the taint and feeling of it."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Mi'la kept her blade out, eyeing Remy as she moved near the book, the Twi'lek not liking how close the woman was getting towards the thing. "Careful Remy, I don't know what that thing is, but it's not safe." She warned, reaching out a hand in an attempt to form a barrier around it, and...felt it vanish from her senses as she did so. The darkness began to wane, the taint of it's power seemingly rendered moot by Mi'la's usage of the Force; much to the jedi's confusion. Looking back to the padawan, she seemed uncertain as to what she had done, but both could no longer feel the dark-side emanating from the book. "I don't know if we have any of that but...." She muttered, rather confused as she would reach out a hand, poking at the bound leather and feeling a faint chill of it's taint manage to reach her.

Recoiling her hand, she looked back to Remy, shaking her head. "It's...negated for right now, whatever I did seems to be containing it." She muttered, feeling an odd pressure building within her now, reminding her of her trip with Master Wu not all that long ago. She still had no idea what that really meant, nor what to do from here.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her and she nodded not touching it but she was looking at it. There was a chancee they might be able to better contain it if they knew what it was but she didn't need to open it up. Then the darkside was contained and she was looking at it as her master touched it. Remy didn't make much but she used the force to dust it off. "It is Broodica's grimoire... something of legend." SHe said it and looked towards it while she went back around the room itself. She wanted to look at and for some of the others they could get. "THe resin was used for containing darkside energies... if we could contain it in a crate lined with it it should stop any influence of the book."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Reaching out, Mi'la took hold of he book mentally, holding it aloft with a small bit of work, as she watched Remy begin prowling around looking for something. "Well, until we find such things, I'll store it in my cargo hold, shouldn't be able to taint anything from there." She said softly, wondering what in the world Remy was looking for however. "I'm not entirely sure what to do with this frankly, but I imagine we can go and return it to the jedi order, let them work out what to do with it so no one is threatened by it." She said calmly, moving to depart, but not without the pure-blood in tow. "Come on Remy, I'd rather not linger in this place, not without reason." If allowed, Mi'la would lead the way back to the woman's camp, setting the book within the confines of her shelter, seeming a bit weary as she eyed it.

She had come here for knowledge, and now it seemed she had gained an evil book and a nudist for an apprentice.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her and gave a nod of her head to the woman. "Very well." SHe said it and ignoring the jedi's Nullification resin though unnearved her. It was useful for something like this but Remy ignored the book walking towards the doorway and setting the coarse back to her camp waiting and blocking passages where they would be able to create the barriers to protect from threats if there were more. Remy checked over a couple more things when she made it back to her camp and opened the entryway out if the twi'lek was going to take the book to her cargo hold. She could use the time to properly check more of the snare traps as well as water collectors which were set up for her to get the few drops of moisture from the morning.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
To her surprise, Remy offered little in the way of objection, and with the new book in tow she returned to her ship, letting Remy stop to fidget with her camp. Stowing it within the most secure container she could find, Mi’la left it there and locked it, pondering what to do with it once she returned to Kashyyyk. Frankly she didn’t know.

Returning to Remy, she took up a meditative posture near her structure, and reflected on the path ahead, she felt that map she had seen earlier might point to more outposts, and with that come into more of these artifacts. Perhaps there were more adventures ahead for the pair.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy remained there while Mi'la went off with the book it was an interesting way to handle it but the pureblood had taken the time and moved from her camp after getting some of the sanres checked and retrieving the food for the night to the dust bath she had set up slightly outside of the cave. Being able to use it to clean herself and what there had been she was more humming to herself and letting her hair hang loose behind her head. She smoothed the dust onto her ridges and tendrils as her body relaxed and rolled a little before scraping it off. "You are back." She said it and remained where sshe was but could feel the heat of the sun and enjoyed the feeling of it

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Mi'la had been in concentration when Remy entered, seemingly without clothing, again. Pushing her lips together, Mi'la's brow twitched, the Twi'lek perturbed as to why the pureblood was doing this. She didn't find Remy repulsive by any means, but in her world, no one should be taking pride in showing off so much skin; least not in Mi'la's world. "Yes Remy, I'm back." She said, eyes remaining closed, but unable to ignore the reality that was taking place before her. Sighing, she shook her head. "I'm thinking of departing in the next day, assuming I can work out that map. So, I was going to ask if you were going to come with me or not." She kept both eyes closed, waiting to hear what Remy would respond with.

She still wasn't sure where the Sith felt her ties should be with; isolationism, or adventuring with the prudish Twi'lek.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

"I thought it was a given." SHe said it and finished dust bathing while shaking a little out of her hair. Internally resigned to going with thw twi'lek who had disrupted her existance here but... she could always come back after the twi'lek passed on to the force. Purebloods lived for hundreds of years sometimes over a thousand like Ragnos given the level of power that they could have. If she got bored with it she could always return or find a new place to hole up so really this was just a diversion. "You showed me you need as much help as anyone else... and it would be remiss of me to not aid you in your endeavors."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Mi'la sighed as she could feel Remy was merely taking her time, intent on bothering her into submission it seemed. Well, it might just work given the current situation. "You could just say, 'Yes Mi'la, I enjoyed your company and I wouldn't mind', but I'll take it." She responded, a tad irked, and pondering if this woman was secretly just trying to make her suffer. "I am serious about learning of your people, so be prepared to be questioned and prodded at. Sith culture is one subject that I've been fascinated with."

She remained in her trace of eyes closed, mind extended, as she would have to wait for Remy to dress herself before starting to break down her site. "I was thinking we can pack up and consider moving on by tomorrow."

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