Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Purpose

Moya smiled, went back to a pen in the cargo area and retrieved one of the rabbits, a soft brown one named Durasteel. He was indeed quite fluffy, with long brown ears.

"Don't worry about the blasters then. We can cover that later. As for Lightsaber Crystals...I could make you own, if you were so interested..." Moya offered.

After Kava Koyote Kava Koyote was finished petting the fluffy, friendly rabbit Moya put it back in its Pen, Moya switched into form fitting Black Armor and descended down the ramp after picking out a pair of pistols.

Nar Kreeta was still ravaged. The air felt humid and sickly.

Moya went ahead of Kava. She spotted the partly buried wreck of a republic Cruiser.

"There." she pointed. "We go there first..."
Kava petted the huge rabbit then when it was time to go she looked around finding a staff she fashioned a sling for it putting it on her back following her mother. She saw an old republic cruiser. She mostly ran on all fours to keep herself hidden and also to spread her weight out on the uneven ground. “What are we looking for? “

( Moya Virtu Moya Virtu )
"Mostly salvageable War Material. Computer Chips, sensors, targeting systems..." Moya assured. "Weapons if any are intact. Armor. There is so much lying around after an invasion it isn't funny..." she explained as she walked to the Cruiser. The humidity in the air was thick.

As Moya reached it, she subconsciously noticed the world around her, and it made her sad.

This was the world that had broken her first Daughter. Watching the Bryn'adul slaughter and murder even the children on such a scale had sent her into a deep shock and depression. And from that, something had begun to warp inside her, make her desperate to stop them.

Desperate enough to turn to a butcher almost as vile for help when the Jedi wouldn't listen to her arguments...

Moya was the first into the wreck itself, checking for danger and hazards. Nothing. It was dead like so much of this planet. "Okay, Kava, it's safe! Come on in!" she said when she searched the deck she landed in. She saw a few old skeletons in SJC uniforms, damaged consoles everywhere, and red emergency lights. Place still had juice.

Moya pulled out one of her blasters, checking a burnt out computer console, ripping open a panel and immediately checking the circuits for anything salvageable.

"Be very careful. Some stuff has a charge and you risk a nasty electrical shock if you pull it out wrong. Take your time, we are in no rush..." Moya told Kava Koyote Kava Koyote ...
Kava would look down through the hole before jumping into the deck. Using the force she landed softly letting her staff hit first leaving her crouched and balanced on top of the staff before snaking around the length and pulling up behind you. “This place is creepy, I hope what we find here will be worth the trip momma.” When she started to look around she reached out with the force almost on instinct checking through the technology on the deck they were on before pushing Moya Virtu Moya Virtu to the side just as blue rings from some stun blasters went off from some automatic defense turrets on the ceiling.
"Oh, it'll definitely be worth it, child..." Moya said to Kava Koyote Kava Koyote as she began searching through old processors and circuits.

"Military processors and data modules go for thousands in the aftermarket scene. I paid the rent sometimes by scavenging from wrecks just like this--"

She stopped herself, thinking of how she had done this with Laertia. The two would spend quiet afternoons stripping old warships, Laertia taking ideas from what she found, using it in her own technology.

Moya's heart warmed in a major way at being called Momma. It gave her a sense of purpose she hadn't had in months and years of running.

She had been so lost, so running on empty. A part of her had started to understand just why Laertia could get to the point of wanting to self delete.

But she didn't want to do that now. She had someone to look after.

Kava felt the same, for she pushed Moya out of the way of hidden stun beam turrets. Moya reacted by letting out a beam of her unusually powerful electric judgement and slammed it into the turrets, permanently short circuiting.

She rose up, embarrassed she had been so lost in memory she hadn't noticed the threat...

"Thank you Daughter..." Moya said to her sincerely. "I should have paid more attention. Sorry about that."

Moya then spotted a shiny, gleaming object, small and silver, and plucked it from a broken motherboard.

"Ah. First catch of the night..." Moya said, showing Kava the military grade Multiprocessor chip.

"This alone will pay for the next three refuelings...maybe a little something to spare after. We could both use new clothes, come to think of it..."
Panting softly from the quick exchange Kava looked around reaching and pushing out simultaneously with the force. It was a reaction to the fear of being in an unknown place. As she watched her mother celebrate their “first catch” her senses touched a large power surge in the ship. “Mother, the ship, it wakes.” Kava stated as a screen lowers on showing the Confederacy of Independent System’s emblem like a beam of a lighthouse. “I am afraid the ship knows we are here” Kava would start trying to move towards the hole they had used to enter the ship.

As Kava turned she sensed movement as metal rattling against metal sounded as a squad of antique Droidekas rolled into the hall uncurling into attack position. “Momma look out!”
Moya wheeled around, sensing what Kava Koyote Kava Koyote did.

Droidekas. Her previous daughter had treated them as amusing toys. She had loved to tinker with all manner of mechanical objects and--

Moya stopped her reminiscing. It was simply too painful.

Her Lightsaber activated, its dark green core and green aura swatting aside canon bolt as she stood in front of Kava trying to protect her new Daughter. Her blade swished this way and that as she drew all the fire into herself. She let loose powerful bolts of Electric Judgement at one Droid, which burst it apart, but caught a bolt to her right shoulder. Her armor took the worst of it but it still made a crater.

She closed the distance. Thankfully, none of them seemed to have their standard shields but they still had weapons that were viciously deadly if wielded properly.

Her blade cleaved through another and a bolt struck her stomach, leaking glowing green blood out as she closed the distance, still going strong.

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

(Theme: "Angel of The Morning", by Juice Newton)

The Droids tried to reposition themselves managing to wound Moya again, causing glowing green blood to leak from her as she sliced up another Droid. She had to protect Kava.

Tapping the Force, she sped up momentarily to superhuman speeds to better intercept the energy projectiles, hopping, flipping, dodging, keeping their attention focused on her instead of Kava.

The last Droid rolled away from her blade swipe only to unfurl a second later and start blasting at her, forcing her to dodge to the side and blast it again, her green lightning having an audible crack through the air as it lit the interior in emerald momentarily.

The last Droideka exploded upon impact. A general alarm sounded.

"Kava, try and find something to shut down that alarm. Can you work a security system? Maybe we can try an emergency shutdown..." Moya asked, wounds on her body starting to seal up.

She didn't know how many more could have reactivated. It seemed she'd have to clear this place with her daughter first before they could scavenge in peace...

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