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Putting Together a Small-ish Military Medical Group


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
Hello, fellow doctor-writers!

Doctor Terrani is a naval doctor in the First Order, stationed on the 6th Fleet. For story and RP purposes, she is looking to put together a small-ish group of maybe 10-or-so doctors or otherwise medical practitioners.

Their working name would be The Alacrity Clinical Group, and the intent is to foster great medical RPs and assist each other with medical cases (because one can't keep up with the casualties alone!).

I went ahead and made up a rough skeleton for an NPC, but I thought to gauge PC interest before I did up the rest. ^.^
The NPC is a male physical therapist, and I think it would be interesting to have a group covering a lot of specialties, though it's not necessary.

Oh, and, long story short, Doctor Terrani is in some aspects a doctor without a border. My meaning is that, while she is loyal to the First Order when it comes down to it, she is interested in saving any life she can. Thus, 1 or 2 cross-faction doctors may work as well, even if they come from the Galactic Alliance or Rebellion.

Thank you for reading, and please let me know if you're interested (either PM or reply). c:


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] Great! Does Labkahip have a certain medical or scientific specialty, or not really? Doctor Terrani's is emergency care and general practice.

This brings up a general question for anyone willing to take a swing at an answer:
Would the First Order and Galactic Empire be friendly to semi-friendly, in that they might let members of the other faction aboard their ships for periods of time? If not, I'm sure we could work via holo-conferences.

Thank you!
Prepare for your... examination.
Lab is a surgeon mainly dealing with physical injuries, trauma, transplants, that sort of stuff and also a general practitioner
[member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]

Also, since your relatively new you probably missed the GE and FO diplomatic meetings a while back, at the moment both are close allies, as such we would be friendly towards one another.


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] Ahh, alrighty. Thank you on both fronts. I have a lot of catching up to do it seems. -_-
She moves like she don't care
Looks good. Just a few questions, if you won't mind entertaining me.

If a patient is an important person deemed a target to be killed by the First Order, will you still save him or her even if your head will roll? Also, the question of what happens after saving the person? Put in jail and be sentenced to death?

Just trying to gauge how things work. Not trying to be a mean girl, but I'm merely curious.


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] Will do.

[member="Lily Kuhn"] Doh, forgot to reply. Excuse my rudeness.
Thank you for the offer. I will be sure to let you know!

[member="Mariya Fleischer"] Good questions, haha-- No, but really, I was just thinking about that.
I don't mind entertaining you at all; the hard questions keep me honest. ^.^

What I know so far about the doctor's moral stance is that it mostly applies to the (mal)treatment of FO prisoners of war. Likewise, as something of a humanitarian, she would most likely be a proponent to capital punishment.

Also, and more to the point of your question, I feel like Terrani is an advocate of the trial. In her opinion, she would rather heal an enemy of her Order, then turn them over for arrest, then let them die. At least a trial carries the chance that their conviction may be overturned.
(I feel like either the FO would have a functional judiciary system, or at least feign the benevolence and equality to have trials, even if they are predetermined. But I may be wrong and/or have too much faith in them.)

...I'm being so wishy-washy because I rarely know every detail about my characters' opinions and personality until I start RPing them.

EDIT: Oh, also, I doubt such a thing would get her in hot water, provided she didn't prevent arrest after her treatment, as she's just doing her job.


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
It's also important to add that Doctor Terrani has not combat experience or expertise, and most RP will probably take place on the ships of the 6th Fleet or on FO medstations.

But I am completely open to RPing elsewhere--I just don't want Terrani to die in the field xD
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Paige Blossom"]

If anyone wants to join up later, they can, but I think this is everyone for right now.

I know it's still holiday season, but I just thought to post a quick update.

Currently, Aes'ona is in charge of a hospital on FMIS Mountbatten, a First Order medical station, and that's where I was going to set our RP, at least initially.
The station is both open to the general public and serves the FO military, so we can operate under the understanding that the station's medical staff doesn't necessarily have to be a military officer.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
[member="Cato Marek"] -- At some point, I will need your new character's name so I can tag your character in our medical thread. ^-^

Also, just an FYI for everyone, I'm gonna add a friend who has told me he's interested in this, as well.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
[member="Cato Marek"] I don't know if my @ for Kyle went through or not (I've been having a bit of trouble mentioning some accounts), but I set up the medical group thread. We're all just meeting up so far. :)
She moves like she don't care
The mention thing doesn't seem to work well for me either, [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"].

I end up typing [ member= "insert character name here" ] every single time (minus the spaces in between the brackets) these days. You can try and see if it helps.

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