First of all - my bad for putting the word length up in the foremost post. I guess it has gotten people confused. I will repeat again as I did in one of my previous posts -
Quality. That's the key word, it is also in the name of the topic. It is my mistake for putting a bit of emphasis on length, I apologize for that.
James Justice said:
Tempers, statements like "well your not one to judge," inferiority complexes, personal insults, and lists of reasons as to why they are right and I am wrong tend to crop up in armfulls when this happens, no matter how gracious I be.
Indeed, people tend to be quite aggressive when you're simply trying to lend a hand.
Jamie Pyne said:
I check people's prior RP threads before I agree to post with them. Maybe that's snobby of me, but I don't want to do 90% of the work driving a thread when the other person writes 1 sentence every post. Not my cup of tea.
It all comes to personal preference in the end, I guess. As James Justice said earlier: "
Different strokes for different folks as my old man used to say. "
Some don't mind, some do. I guess I am somewhere in between, if thats possible.
Rusty said:
If you want to figure out how to get people to learn and improve, you're gonna have to figure out how to make it worth their while. I would love to see some sort of concerted effort to help people improve their posting. It's just not practical to penalize people for their shortcomings, but until you find a way to incentivize improvement, the status quo will remain.
Yeah it's always about value-in-exchange, I assume. As I said earlier, I am against any sort of penalization for lower quality of a post or anything like that. Simply, I propose the community to collaborate the most with each other. That is, hopefully, supposed to help people improve.
Kurayami Bloodborn said:
There are writers though who need a bit of a guiding hand for setup to react to, I am terrible at setting up situations, but I can react just fine to most given ones that I may find myself in.
It is this whole pro-active and reactive function that some people lack in their posting.
DO NOT get me wrong, I do not say it in any way to put someone down, I simply state how it is and it is certainly an area everyone would love to improve.
Anaya Fen said:
Post quality and post length are too totallydifferent things.
True! I've confused the masses a bit with my first post I presume, despite the topic's name. I apologize for that and I concur with your statement.
Anaya Fen said:
Shot posts don't mean poor quality. Don't look down your nose at poor grammar and give those with less experience more of a chance.
Not always are such posts of poor quality, but most are. Of course, I do not have the quantitative data to back this arguement but let's say I've noticed that. Additionally, I am all up for giving the less experienced more of a chance, and that is what I am suggesting all the time. I feel like most people have misunderstood my intentions. Again, I state I do not aim to put others down but the opposite - pull them up. I apologize again if in some of my replies I have been confusing.
Coci Heavenshield said:
Creative writing takes guts. Even more guts to show people your work, no matter what the format, even more guts to creative write with others and have others view your writing. So regardless of experience or not, simply having a go at it, has my applause.
That is correct. I guess it is a trait of mine to always aim for progress as much as it is possible in all aspects of life.
Additionally, I am going to state again and concur with the opinions that post quality is not post length. I might have confused you with my first post, my apologies.
In some occassions, generally more descriptive posts do require more than one or two sentences. It is really situational and I would like to repeat the whole pro-active and reactive issue brought up earlier. I think that is something very important for writers to generally look to improve. Of course, that is my opinion.