Well, ain't you a xenophobic snob of a redneck?
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 23, 2014 #1,261 Well, ain't you a xenophobic snob of a redneck?
Nei Laa Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid! Dec 23, 2014 #1,263 Would me shooting you answer your question?
Nei Laa Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid! Dec 23, 2014 #1,265 Depends. Will shooting you be fun for me?
Chiasa Kritivaas Starbird Reborn Character Bio Dec 23, 2014 #1,266 How do you people have enough ammo with all your shooting?
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 23, 2014 #1,268 Agreed, think we could stick to swords?
Tanalth Crazy Never Looked this Good Character Bio Jan 2, 2015 #1,278 You mean to me or everyone else?