Do you always have an inquiring mind?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Feb 21, 2019 #1,963 There's more than one mind in a collective?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 10, 2019 #1,965 Did I s-studder again? Say, why does it seem I'm mostly replying after your posts?..?? :huh:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 17, 2019 #1,967 It doesn't seem strange to you that we're interacting the most in this forum?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 17, 2019 #1,969 Do you usually refer girls as guys?..??
Cadmon Geller Ashes to Ashes Character Bio Apr 17, 2019 #1,970 Do you ask the same question when someone says dudes to refer to a group that isn’t exclusively male?
Do you ask the same question when someone says dudes to refer to a group that isn’t exclusively male?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 17, 2019 #1,971 You mean that they are not directing their question or comment to just guys when they refer to dudes?..?? :huh:
You mean that they are not directing their question or comment to just guys when they refer to dudes?..?? :huh:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 18, 2019 #1,973 I don't know any dudes...thought that went out with Bill and Ted?..... guys maybe? :huh:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 18, 2019 #1,975 Being dudes? :huh:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 18, 2019 #1,977 I'm guessing some in the collective could be. But if you mean just you and I, then no. Maybe babes?
Silent One Member Character Bio Apr 19, 2019 #1,978 There are many males and females within the Hives. Do you want to visit one?
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Apr 22, 2019 #1,979 Would you understand if I say 'can I think it over'? :huh:
Silent One Member Character Bio Apr 22, 2019 #1,980 Do you not trust our word when we say you will be safe?