Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The planetary feature for factions is coming in the next update for the Factions. However, concerning the strengths and weaknesses of factions, this is not something I have considered. I considered a listing of military might, yes, but how do you propose we go about listing strengths and weaknesses?

I'm open to this idea if it seems plausible.


Mars Tsosûtiyakûtiyuska
well, since this are factions, I propose that a single form be made (sort of like a character template, only different fields to fill). It should be presented in a form that would give the reader a quick once-over of everything, not some elaborate description you'd be forced to read through whole to find what you're looking for.

I was thinking maybe size of fleet, members(PCs plus NPCs, of course), stuff like that. Also, it should probably be admin-approved before posting, so we don't get unrealistic stuff. :)
Well-Known Member
YES! Thank you, that would have been so helpful in the making of my own faction, because I'm a person who needs to see all the aspects of my own creation so I can nit pick things that are unnessisary or add on things that are nessisary and aren't there. Plus it does some good weeding out of people who make a faction for no reason and then never use it.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. It would provide an uniform way to compare factions and have everything in arm's reach. Definitely handy, if you ask me. :) Especially once the factions start facing it off.


Disney's Princess
Just be broad in your approach. No need for numbers or lists.

Large Factions get galactic toys. Small Factions get local assets. Anytime you want to bump heads or mix it up at a little, just have the competing Faction's Leadership hash out a plan of how many ships you want to lose and how many agents you want to save. It's just that simple. After all, it is the players writing the drama that really matters. Not the pieces on the board.

Pitch the idea for a fight, and when all the pieces are all assembled and outcome has been explained, the Faction Leaders can loan the agree-upon pieces back to their players and into the threads. 20 capital ships to Jessy, 30 tanks for Tom. 1000 Stormtroopers for Kassy as she fights off the 800 Echani that were given to Rob. They write, and fight, and out maneuver. KaBlam! A few explosions later and the battle is won or lost or tied. Territory is won or lost or broken. But really, the budgets remain the same. Large Factions get their galactic toys and Smalls Factions get their local assets.

Just don't blow up any planets. That does so, confuse the newcomers. Lol. :D
Kaine Zambrano said:
We want our numbers and lists, YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM US!
I can't take away anything that hasn't been given. You'll be given your "numbers and lists", but we're not drudging around in the mud discussing numbers during planet takeovers and occupations here at SWRP. Fleets & armies will be based on the honor system, and kept in check by the Roleplay Judges. Ideally, you're just roleplaying your character and perhaps a handful of his NPC companions/followers. You're not writing out a whole fleet.

But I understand there will be instances where there are Admirals, Generals, etc type characters who wish to engage using these fleets/armies. For this, we'll use "heroic" NPCs to turn the tide, aka, Factory-created vehicles/ships, and limit the use of them per takeover.

There will be a set number, or list if you would, of custom ships each faction can use from the Factory in any given Faction Takeover thread, when the system is implemented. You will then choose as a group which custom ships you want to use, which custom vehicles, etc.

These customized ships/vehicles will have to be approved by the Roleplay Judges to use in battle.
The honor system. Y'know. You're a good guy, I'm a good guy, let's be reasonable type deal. Something too complicated will only attract the most hardcore of role-players.

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