Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Questions abound.

Whatever happened to your little Jedi Mind Trick?
I haven't been in this faction since ACA became the name... what all has changed?

How would a Filar-Nitzan get in on this really?

And just a random thought: What is the lightest metal that can be all a blade comprises of in this site?
[member="Nyarlos Maleficus"]

First off, welcome back!

Second, you can jump right on in on anything you'd like, we are still the same entity, just with a greater degree of focus. We are a Corporate Technocracy, which means that profit is number 1 and we make profit from technology. There are planets that you can be the Viceroy of, there are Departments that need Directors and Sub-Directors, you can create a company and become a member of the Executive board.

If you are a force user, the Obsidian Order is a good place. We have three networks, Zillo is for engineers/scientists and do our research and development, Bha'lir are the bruisers and tanks and Taozin are the spies and assassins.

I believe the lightest metal, if we are talking lightsaber resistance, is Songsteel.

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