Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Howdy, I am Kez-Iban. A while ago, one of my primary haunts vanished leaving me without a home for my writings. I remembered a friend showing me this place before, and thinking to myself, "Huh, so that's why I avoid pvp," and thinking nothing more of it. But after being rendered somewhat of a vagrant, I decided to give it another chance. So I joined, wrote an introductory post, and put a character up.

Then I realized I'd joined an almost exact copy of this site.

Undeterred, I spent hours scouring RPG-Directory for the original; but to no avail. None of the ones available fit the bill. With all other options exhausted, I decided to resort to an unwieldy Google search in the slim hope that I would find this place in the sea of results. And then I found you, easily... as the second result.

So, now that that rather painful experience is over, I'm eager to get started. I'll ask some questions then open the floor for gifs and witty banter.

The first question is about droid characters. I saw that you have to approve a custom droid model before you could play the them. That's okay and I understand it's for balancing reasons, but I'm not entirely sure if it meshes with my ideas. Say, there was a droid model that, in its original form, is most likely overpowered. However, the character itself is rundown and losing its mind. So, I'm wondering if you have to balance the model even though the only character that's using it will have their fair share of weaknesses?

The second is about force sensitives, their rank and age specifically. I understand you want people to earn their "Darth Black-void-sucker" title. However, what if the character is older? Does it exclude sage old master archetypes? Just curious.

The third and final question; what factions do I join? There are a lot with similar names and large writer bases. For instance, what's the difference between the Mandalorians and the Mandalorian Crusaders? Are they part of the same group? Are they rivals? I suppose the confusion is to be expected with a site like this, but I would appreciate some clarification.
Not qualified to answer number 1.

Number 2, I'm pretty sure the answer is no, you must train all characters(unless you can bring them in from another site at which point you need to give some sort of application to bring them over)

As for faction, whichever one you want. Take a look, read up on them. Or do as I do and say say bugger all and be a lone dog until maybe one day the right group will come in and convince you that they're worth fighting for.

Also, Welcoe to Chaos!
So, no old, sage Jedi Masters? Regrettable. I suppose I could take an older character and go through the process but it doesn't have the same magic, so to speak.

My question was more about similarities, but thank you. It's all a bit overwhelming, as most of the boards I've been on are less free-form.


Well-Known Member

  1. Your best bet is to run it through the factory and see how it goes. Regardless of the character, stuff needs to be balanced for competitive roleplay to avoid potential abuse
  2. As of recent site updates, you can start a new character as high as Knight rank without 'development'.
    Alternately, if your character is a transfer from another site and you can provide proof of promotion, you can have their rank transferred as well.
  3. Which faction you want to join with a character is something you'll have to figure out yourself. Take a look through the faction directory or index, ask questions, see what you like. You could also choose to stay unaffiliated and roleplay an independent character. Entirely up to you.
Hope that answers your questions to some degree. Welcome to Chaos and have fun. :)
Everything Netherworld said, plus:

There are some big Factions that seem similar on the surface. You're right there are two big Mandalorian groups, they are not affiliated. Take a peek into each of their groups, their homepage should give a basic rundown. We also have numerous darkside-centric Factions, and lightside-centric ones, that may seem a little similar but they have their own nuances.

If you had a question about specific Factions, I'm sure their Staff or Member base would be more than happy to help you out!

Welcome to Chaos, and enjoy your time here.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to let us know.


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