A political game. The idea that I had turned into yet another pawn in a grand strategy for something beyond me had run through my mind on occasion. My position didn’t exactly come at a a small cost. Free time had become a luxury that would only last ever so long and except for that I had Mister Irani keeping tabs on me fairly regularly. At least since the recent events at the South Systems Bazaar. Never talk to people without permission, it was a hard lesson learned.
“I don’t doubt you, Lord Cordel.” The reply finally came. “My position has its perks but the ulterior motives, while unknown to me, is quite obviously there.”
“The man keeps a tight enough rein to let me know he is always there, yet loose enough for me to act on my own. I am not without my qualms at his way of operations but my name is already on the dotted line.” The second swig at the drink numbed the edge. It was as good of a sign as any that it was time to slow it down. “I appreciate your concern, Lord Cordel, but my role in this is not alien to me.”
“But you know, there is this one thing that still confuses me. I figured the Lords of the Fringe would be a pretty tight-knit group. What am I missing here?”
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