Sorel Crieff
Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel often frequented the Library Monolith. It was Constructed for the Jedi Order based on the Crucible stations and Exis station and her Master – Matsu Ike was the primary reason it was here. Or anywhere for that matter. She’d overseen Sasori's construction of what ought to be a static space station – yet was capable of hyperspace flight. So it travelled from planet to planet as needs dictated, and whenever possible, Sorel would visit.
There was always a good reason. Knowledge was primary. Either records or for access to computers that would decode or analyse data.
And simulation was another reason. It could replicate many different places and environments and so you could give a Padawan a lot of relevant experience without the need to travel. And there were all of the galleries, dedicated to former Jedi – both recent and ancient – with many artefacts on display. Sorel loved to simply browse and gaze at her favourites or learn about a new Master from another time.
And the added bonus was the opportunity to simply bump into a Jedi you hadn’t met for some time, or a new one, recently joined the Order.
Today she was visiting the vast library on offer – the one that gave the station its name. She was researching saber crystals – one of her favourite subjects – and wanted to see what information was available that she had not already read.
[member="Ery'lyn Ashaal"]