Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quinn's Jedi Trials

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Nico would see the battlemaster moving and blocking, she knew this form. Several masters used it and there was a reason you didn't use it with a saber staff. You needed to use the speed to lash out quickly. Those who used it were duel wielders or ones with a single saber that would work around. For a padawan to use a skill like that was dangerous when Nico was watching her padawan and stayed there for a moment with a look when the battlemaster was adjusting the saber to press forward again. Vaapad wth a staff would be moving your blades in almost a cone fast which gave a safe zone in the middle her attacked at. Allowing the blade to as his form compacted and prepared to fight when she stabbed at her. "Vaapad skills are dangerous for a padawan to try. Whoever taught you that is wasn't your master Nico so they set you up for failure."
Quinn would have already shut one blade off so she didnt slash herself. She would continue to use this technique not letting up though she heard him "I learned from the man whom invented this technique thank you very much." She said protectively still slashing

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Nico was listening to it and she remained there, there and on the edge of her seat. You didn't get entertainment like this when the battlemaster was moving around and blocking with a look before he spoke. "And the ones he taught fell to the darkside. You are still a padawan with minimal understanding of a form advanced for even masters that endangers you. It does not show much wisdom or insight nor the skill as you are barely able to match a masters speed with the blade." He was moving and adjusting himself as he went to just dodge her strikes. Nico could feel the force energy in the room and the training that went into it while tracking it.
Quinn was almost ready to snap. She would come at him again and slash at one of his blades then the other. Her Saberstaff coming perpendicular to his she would use her hilt to push his upwards and then swing for his waist. She wasn't ready to give up without a fight. She would continue to push the master and continue to move using the Aratu she had been taught. She would increase her blade speed to match his and try to keep him off balance

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Nico could see and feel her padawan now as the battlemaster was moving. His blade up to block with her and moving with it. More a flowing water cut when his hands on the hilts... Then he was letting it go as he used telekinesis to holdthe blade and give himself the freedom to move around. He backed going to the side and using her slash to guide himself around as he matched her skills with a quick flank. A jyo technique that allowed you to move at faster speeds then most of the master could track to get a slash when he pushed with the force. "Careful one does not pass their trials by getting angry."
His words would break through her haze and she would hear him and instantly all anger would diminish and she would instantly note she was out matched and drop her guard allowing him to get the disabling blow. She felt ignorant for becoming angered it was all part of the trials they were testing her self control. She would put away her twin blades

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

The battlemaster stopped once she was disabled stepping back and looking at her while Nico was on the edge of her seat listening to it. She was uncertain about what was going to happen. Quinn had gone from cold in the fight to hot and now back to cold again. She was unsure about the state of the trial but she moved down to see what they might be able to do about it. The other trials were there and still needed to be administered for Quinn to see her progress as a jedi and she had been using things that Nico had never taught her. The jedi knight was watching as the battlemaster was walking out of the room to leave the girl in there alone.
As the battlemaster exited leaving Quinn alone she would feel totally embarrassed. She had never felt this bad before. She felt as though she had let Nico down. She had never felt this bad in her life. She would in this moment drop to her knees. She not only felt like she let Nico down but also Mace. She had so much fear and anger in her heart. She had heard Master Yoda all those years ago preach to Anakin about how fear and anger eventually lead to the darkside.

In this moment she would see if she didn't let this anger and fear from herself she would end up on the darkside. She would then close her eyes and let out a scream. No one was around to hear it save for Nico. SHe would then begin to cry, she had to get rid of the fear and the anger. She would stay like this for a few moments before pulling herself back together

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Well that was surprising as Nico continued to watch and the other jedi were there. She saw the one come in as she seemed to write someting on a datapad and pass it to another then a third was looking at Quinn more curious. "I see, based on what has happened your capabilities as a padawan are average. We will do the final two trials here.." Nico raised an eyebrow and would be looking to work with them before about the other two trials. She had a guess about it when it was all coming before she slipped down to get the datapad when it was being handed to her. Her padawans actions had shown the wisdom and insight trials which were giving Nico something to review. "For courage we do not have active missions so we will simulate one here in the trial chamber. Let us know when you have collected yourself."
"I am ready." She said pulling herself up to her feet. SHe was disappointed in herself for she knew her skills were better than she had shown to them, she only hoped to be knighted and given a chance to prove herself. She was not in the right state of mind, if she failed her trials she had no clue what she would do besides cry and hope for another shot at them. SHe would look at the other Jedi

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Nico moved down and was joining the others as she listened to what the mission was or at least the objective with a look on her face. "Very wel, the goal is simple you must solve a hinoi tower to advance to the next trial. A simple enough goal." The large three towers came out of the floor with the four stones. She was explaining the rules before Nico moved off to the side to watch as she went over soem fo their records and observations.
Quinn would look over them and try to strategize how she was going to do this. It didnt seem very difficult but looks could be deceiving. She didn't underestimate them. She knew only one disk could move at a time and only the top disk could be moved. She had messed with mini versions of this exact things before. Quinn would start with removing the top disk and moving it to the side. She would then take the next disk off of the stack and over to the far side. She would then move the first stone on top of the 2nd before removing the 3rd stone and setting it in the middle. She would then move the 1st disk over to the big stone again. She would then move the second stone onto the 3rd, then she would move the 1st stone onto the 2nd. SHe would then move the big stone over to the far right and then move 1st stone onto it before moving the 2nd to the left and move the 1st onto it and move the 3rd onto the big stone. She would then move the 1st to the middle and the 2nd onto the 3rd. Finally she would put the 1st on top

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

Nico was watching it as her padawan was working on it and her solution to the puzzle was going on well before she continued to review what the masters were saying about the trials and there was only the flesh left over. They would have to think of a better way to handle that but Nico knew there was more to it... it wasn't just losing a limb but losing something important to you and how you would be able to handle it when she was listening less to the jedi praising her but they did look up. "Very good." She stuck there a few moment. "Now tell us what you care about, what is it as a jedi that drives you?"
"Protecting those who cannot protect themselves. When I was but a girl my family was killed, I just had enough time to hide before they got me. Not too long after that the Jedi found me and took me in, trained me and protected me." She said a tear in her eye. She was ready to finish the final trial whatever it was

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

The jedi was making notes and spoke. "That is very vague, protecting people is what a jedi does but there is more then that. How are you going to protect them? How are you going to function and learn? Who are you going to protect? People who can't protect themselves can mean anything from the padawan sitting in the mess hall who is eating and his attention is occupied not alert for danger to the people who are being attacked. A jedi knight must have a clear mind free of distraction and a serious attitude. These trials are to try and help you focus your goals into something beyond this or that."
"I will protect them by keeping the darkside at bay and being an advocate for the light. I will protect those physically unable to protect themselves. I understand." She said ready for her final trial. She knew that meant the most feared of all the trials... The trial of Flesh

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

"And how are you going to keep the darkside at bay, you showed poor skill resorting to a form that inherently risks the darkside because you got a little resistance in here. Out there in the galaxy it will be worse. You can't give into the darkside or try something you are to inexperienced to understand." Nico was listening and watching them while she was looking at some of the things on the datapad when it was presented to her and looking at Quinn. "The judgement of your trials is concluded." Nico was reading it while she moved. "You failed to show wisdom when you were encountered with the battlemaster speaking with you. You did what he said and tried to fight with aggression. You failed your trial of insight when you looked into yourself and jumped at the chance to use vaapad a form that the jedi do not use even as masters because of the danger it presents. You have failed the trial of skill. Your practice of ateru was barely displayed and you showed no form or skill usually standing around not doing much." Nico stayed there. "You failed to understand your own goal and what was important to yourself. Losing your own goal and purpose from the sounds of it but you passed the trial of courage padawan."
Quinn would hear their assessment of her but she knew she could do better given the chance. She also knew one would not come to her quickly at all. She would hang her head and then bolt from the room. Tears would soon flow from her eyes. She was no Jedi she didnt belong here she didnt even know why master Windu chose to train her

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast

She looked at Quinn before the girl was bolting with the jedi knight standing there and she raised a hand to her face to obscure it. "And that doesn't help." She was all for having emotions but you needed to know when to show them and when you dind't... She stayed there. "Thank you for this." She took the notes and was going to try and find Quinn as she walked out of the room.

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