Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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After the events on Riflor, which saw the apparent defeat of the Belsehi Imperium, Haradan Belshei retreated into the Outer Rim, in the process gathering allies from the remnants of the First Order in order to build a new humanocentric Imperial power. While still in its formative stages, the New Belshei Imperium has begun to grow at a nigh-exponential rate, uniting various Imperialist warlords across the Outer Rim under a single banner.

As one of its first plays for power, the New Belsehi Imperium has rallied the Imperial juntas on Keskin, seizing control of the world in a series of violent coups.



Objective 1: Horde Mode
Establishing a forward base in one of Keskin’s flatland plains regions a few days in advance of a landing operation, the Eternal Imperial military and auxiliary forces stationed at the base have found themselves under siege by New Belshei Imperium forces from all sides. Trapped with little in the way of support, save for a few armoured vehicles, jet swoops, and armed landspeeders, the forces stationed at the base must hold out against New Belshei Stormtroopers, tanks, fast attack vehicles, light and heavy walkers, and artillery, until relief can arrive. However, it is a race against time, as in addition to the inevitability of the shield failing under the extended bombardment, looming in the distance, two massive siege vehicles are closing in to destroy the base...

Objective 2: Celestial Violence
Beginning in medias res, the Eternal Navy engages a modest, yet robust New Belshei Imperium fleet stationed over Keskin, with the objective of breaking the siege of the forces on the ground. Clashing against Turbulent-class Pocket Star Destroyers, Phalanx-class Superlight Corvettes, Katana-class Heavy Cruisers, Starhammer-series Attack Corvettes, Hellstorm-class Strike Corvettes, in addition to swarms of TIEs, the Eternal Navy must destroy the New Belshei Imperium fleet in order to save the lives of their allies on the surface.

Objective 3: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with Keskin than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Keskin

Thanks to Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta for the dominion!

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard on the ENS Crimson Empress
Objective III.: Try to save Lil and Kahlil
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress
Writing With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Just inside my head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid has evolved a lot in the Force in recent years about the soul; this was probably also the reason why Kahlil and Lilanna approached her at about the same time to ask for her help. She didn't know much about the evenings yet; only in the case of Kahlil, as she knew Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's son much better than the young Warden. She did not say no to requests. This is how it could happen that she sat with the other two people in her own personal suite aboard the Crimson Empress.

Right in the middle of a space battle. There was a battle out there over the planet Keskin. Ingrid loved art, and her suite revealed it. There was a huge bed in the room, countless statues, paintings, relics on display. Some were permeated and imbued by the Force, others not. In addition, everything was ultramodern, with a higher level of technology and luxury than the Eternal Empire has, this was true of the ship everywhere. And everything is tall, wide, and spacious. Kahlil had already been on the Terraris planet; he might be able to recognize the architectural style of the HPI Metropolis on the ship. And the architectural style of Ingrid’s palace in Kalidan could also make sense after that. It was also an HPI standard with Rocksolid features.

Currently, the trio was sitting on the floor of the suite, on comfortable large pillows. At least Ingrid, and she asked both the woman and the man to join her. There may have been a battle outside, but in front of the windows there was a realistic, peaceful image of a planet, holographically projected. In the room, soothing music was playing, nothing could be heard from the fighting situation on the ship. Even through the Force, no disturbing things could be felt. Everything was perfectly calm. If Kahlil and Lil were able to calm down, Ingrid spoke.

"I know pretty much Kahlil’s problem, but I knew you managed to get rid of it. What has changed your theory?" she asked and after the answer she turned to Lilanna. "But I don't know much about your problem, can you tell me what the problem is?"


Location: FOB Alpha, Plains Region - Keskin
Call Sign: Mermaid Nine
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” - Designation: Queen
Tags: Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand

Sirens howled throughout the base as soldiers, technicians, crewmen, pilots, medics, and other personnel scrambled to their stations while the feminine voice over the intercom announced the enemy formations advancing on the base, in addition to orbital bombardment warnings. Up until that point, Eleena’s deployment to Keskin had been somewhat uneventful for the last few days, comprising the typical routine of combat air patrols and various scouting missions out along the edge of the plains. However, hearing from Isena that she would be flying with a new wing mate the night before had raised an eyebrow, though not in displeasure. After all, Queen and Teardrop Two had worked well together during the sortie over Ebony Mountain Base. Isena had undoubtedly taken notice, opting to take the safe bet in pairing her new swoop pilot with someone he had worked with before.

Unfortunately, the fact that she was supposed to be flying a CAP with her new wing mate in the next two hours and instead she was flying a combat mission with him, set the swoop ace off-kilter. While Eleena didn’t doubt his skills as a pilot, she knew from experience that experience in flying airspeeders or starfighters didn’t always translate to jet swoops, and vice versa.

She recalled her own experience flying a TIE Whisper during a training exercise and cringed. To say the least, the craft had none of the raw physical feedback she was used to, even after turning down the inertial compensators.

Fortunately, while Eleena hadn’t seen him fly a jet swoop with her own eyes, she knew that he had the training and the necessary certifications to do so. At the very least, she could always trust the academy, but Asmus’ training likely would have been quite different from the one she had received in Andra I, back when she was a Cadet with the Wild Hunt Speed Corps.

“Remember, don’t ride against the 'fins and the 'grips. Move with them. If your body is leaning one way and your ‘fins are pointed the other, you’re almost always going to crash, unless...“ Eleena paused, struggling to explain concepts that were instinctual to her at this point, especially with a combat sortie set to begin in moments. “Umm...actually just forget it. Also, Isena told the technicians to take care of the pre-flight checklist for you. You’ll only have to power on the engines and take off. Just remember to be gentle on the power as you launch. The feel will come soon enough.” It was impossible for her to say more. So much of controlling swoops was physical and instinctual, whereas piloting fighters seemed to her to be more technical.

“Just uhh...good luck. Stay on my wing and follow my lead.” She finished, before saddling up on her swoop, sealing her helmet around her lekku as she did. Then, with deft, practiced fingers, she ran through her pre-flight checklist, giving a nod to the technician on station when all systems registered nominal.

“Mermaid Nine, you are clear for launch!”

The twin ion engines howled as she accelerated her swoop out of the hangar, soaring up past the communications tower and quickly gaining altitude.

“All signs, report in.” Isena said over Mermaid squadron’s network, her voice followed up by a disciplined chorus of voices as each pilot affirmed their presence.

“Mermaid Nine, present!” The Twi’lek sang out.

“We’re expecting to be tasked with close air support and scouting duties for this op. Our priority will be engaging their infantry and light repulsor units, in addition to harassing armor.” The Echani began, cutting straight to the briefing without any further procedure. “We aren’t reading any fighter or airspeeder contacts, so we can expect a degree of aerial superiority, but that situation could change. Pray that the fleet can keep the fighters committed in the void.” She continued. “Our secondary tasking will be working with the Vayu squadrons to ward fast-moving units off our armor. We will need them active, if we’re going to survive here.” The Firedancer finished, her tone laced with a slight sense of ominous warning, which brought out a short pause over the comms.

“Am I clear?” Isena spoke up again.

“Yes, Firedancer!” Eleena answered quickly.

“Good. All elements pair together and move to your set patrol zones. May Discordia bless us all.”


Lilanna felt unworthy as she was in the presence of her Empress. As the protector of the Empire, it felt wrong to take up the time of her majesty in such a way, and yet, here she was, desperate for this curse to be taken from her. Lilanna was unable to met the gaze of the woman, fear was seeping in her very being, and in truth, the warden was terrified of what might occur should she dare speak. The threats of the entity were still fresh in her mind. It had made its power known in the hospital with Corin, and as she sat here now, she feared it might take hold of her once again.​
She sat before her lady now, hands gripping her knees, head bowed to try and hide her shame. How stupid she had been to allow this problem to be so out of control. "I was forced into an agreement with an entity, one that claims to know you my lady. The one known as Onrai-" She paused, the words lodged in her throat, as Lilanna felt something squeezing her neck firmly. It reminded her of her master, and how angry he would become. 'I told you about speaking out, child. Now you shall see my wraith.' The voice spoke, freezing Lilanna in fright for a long moment, to the point she didn't dare speak again for several long seconds. " took control of my body during the conflict with Omni. It gives me great power, but, I can feel it taking over myself more and more. I'm...scared that soon I will have no control at all." She said softly, her head having dipped so low that she was practically bowing before Ingrid, desperate for help in dealing with this alien.​



Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

At first Kahlil was confused as to why the Eternal Empress had him here of all places. There were people fighting, people who needed help. While he didn't like to fight, it was often the best place for him to be to help others. And yet as he sat in silence and heard the plight of the woman beside him, a woman he didn't know, it all clicked together. He remembered Onrai.

He was far more relaxed in his posture, leaned back atop the pillow and resting on his hands behind him. He was, by all accounts, still a rebel against the Eternals. While friends with Ingrid, he'd technically be an enemy to Lilanna.

"Through the Light I was able to purge the darkness from by being, but the threat still lingers. If I ever fell to the dark, I imagine my connection would return in force. And I'm certain given enough time if my father truly wanted to, he could take me over. I house part of his very being, and no amount of meditation or light is going to erase that. It's part of who I am."

He hummed as he explained his own predicament, though it certainly wasn't as worse off as the woman bowing beside him. He had training, the Light to protect him. She had none of that. Someone stuck dealing with the effects of the Force with no real way to feel it herself. A cruel fate indeed.

"How do we plan to help her, Ingrid?"

Location: FOB Alpha, Plains Region - Keskin
Call Sign: Teardrop Two
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Hyperswoop Craft
Wearing: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit with shield hardpoint Phase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield and under suit UL-14 “Virtus” Class Underlay
-"This is"- radio chatter.
"This is" normal talk.

--Hour Prior--
Asmus had been stationed here for a number of reasons. Being a scout sniper, he had an opportunity to utilize the forward base as a means of gathering intel on the boys that fancied themselves kings. The planet was still very much the wild west hyperlane for the Eternal Empire, but it was something that even Jules could have handled after morning coffee.

Second being that his training as a pilot granted him the unique opportunity to deal with all the lovely bodies that made up a large portion of the air-teams the Eternals threw to the sky. Not that the group he'd had the distinct pleasure of listening to over the comms had been disappointing in their skill. Quite the contrary when he watched the footage over. Even going so far as the begin taking notes of the actions and tactics.

Final reason being, was that not a whole lot of people seemed to enjoy the idea of sticking themselves so deep into the womp rat nest without some reassurances of safety. The idea of which was a fethin hoot in this Mirialan's opinion. FOB in the middle of nowhere with enemies all around? Just sounded like a target rich environment to him.

And had he the better sense to have looked before he leapt in at least one thing in his life, Asmus might not have found himself staring at the Repulsor Craft Riding Suit laid out on the bench before him. An annoyed brow had turned up towards his crown, teeth clenched and mouth drawn tight at what seemed to him like little more than a spider silk romper.

It felt solid to the touch, but appeared as though he might have had to call in a specialist to get the thing on. He was a physically fit male sure. But that wasn't what had him truly, and deeply concerned about wearing it. Then again, he supposed given what he was riding it wouldn't be as though anyone would see the damages. He frowned at the thing, still upset with himself for not actually looking at the thing before ordering.


Like a true sith-spittin, chit head, he had selected his size, color, and clicked order. Had he even spared two seconds of his time instead of the usual drunk ordering for the next op might have done him a favor.

He stared silently in abject horror of realizing there was no other option to riding the swoop bikes than this. The drag generated by standard armors would be too significant. Wouldn't do to have armor plating ripping itself off your body at mach-force-knows and smacking a wingman or friendly. Burying his pride, he donned the suit, with plentiful curses and wondering if the material was going to hold up to the pulling and stretching.

With a victorious sigh, he began to walk out of the room, catching a sliver of his image in the mirror as he stopped sharply and took a couple steps backwards. His rear came into view first, his head tilting forward as his jaw dropped. He continued backing up and when all of him came into view, he turned to examine his backside better. There was a spike of indignation, irritation that so many had withheld such vital information to the success of his current and future plans.

With a shimmy and a shake of the head, he finally yelled into the empty air.

"When was someone gonna tell me I needed a license for this dump tug!?" With a final defeated groan, and a few adjustments mid-walk with a studious shake of the leg every now and then, he moved to meet up with others for the air patrol that had been scheduled.

--Present Time--

The objective had changed, the MO shifting to a defense of the clandestine outpost in lieu of the recent incoming attacks that the remnants had formed up and brought to bear down on the base. The hidden frown beneath the helmet as Eleena tried explaining the subtle nuances of swoop piloting. While he was a man of many skills, swoops were still fairly new to him. His helmet twitched and turned at the dismissal of the topic, curious as to what she might have wanted to explain.

"Unless...?" The question was asked, the tone somewhere between annoyed and overly curious. A quick peek around supplied the answer as time was of the essence. He'd put the helmet on so he wouldn't have to carry it, but was sorely regretting it, even given the small added bonuses the helmet provided of his views around him. The manual had said something about a transparency mode, but he hadn't figured that part out right away.

He was still getting used to the motion interface package as he watched with a pleased smirk as the Twi'lek saddled up on her swoop. There was a moment spared to not blurting out a phrase to express his astonishment before his eyes faced forward. The joking mood slipped away as the competitive and serious side slipped over just as tight as the suit he wore.

-"Will do Mermaid Nine. You want me on three or nine? Asking for preference."- Asmus grinned, letting the last little bit of cheeky nature slide her way as he watched her launch into the air. The tech nodded to him, and he wondered briefly how intricate the systems were that he hadn't run through it himself. Then again, he was supposed to have been run through on the machine prior to taking on a combat run. The engines hummed, the craft synchronizing slowly at first before he felt as though it were just a strange new extension of himself.

He didn't think on it much longer as the signal was given.

"Teardrop two, you are clear for launch."

The engines roared as the hangar sang the song of combat preparation. The comm tower beside them dissapearing from view quickly as friendlies lit up against the backdrop of the sky. The whole scene was strange as he peered over the side of the swoop before doing a barrel roll and forming up on Mermaid Nine.

-"Teardrop Two, reporting."- Asmus replied, already bored of toeing the line. As the brief happened, he would quietly wiggle the wings of his swoop, glancing at Eleena before looking around again. He played with the fins, played with everything he could while Isena spoke.

-"Aye aye, Firedancer."- Came the bland affirmation as he shot a curious glance over to Eleena.

-"So, Discordia...she like...swoop rider force god or something else Ehm-Nine?"- Asmus called over a tight comm line he had directed Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa 's way.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard on the ENS Crimson Empress
Objective III.: Try to save Lil and Kahlil
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress
Writing With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Just inside my head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

"Onrai…" her voice was colder than the coldest night on Kalidan.

If she had been able to hate, Onrai Onrai would surely have had a place among those who had been on the list. That woman ruined her life and condemned her to almost eternal life. Adrian and Tubrok also despised her. She knew the feeling. Although Ingrid completely defeated the Night Spirit, it changed her. It had been years since she realized how, in addition to the first things, It was the physical part, the spiritual things only followed later. Another issue is that the red-haired woman never asked for this, she was trapped by Onrai.

"Weren’t you taught in school that power never goes free and you always have to pay a high price for it that makes it not worth it?" she asked.

She was curious to answer. Most just laughed at this because they wanted power. A Warden could not afford that, they were no Sith. From what she said, she pretty much guessed what Onrai did with her. She's seen something like this before, right from Onrai, at the First Order's coronation. She just hoped it was exactly the same.

And there was Kahlil, who intervened. His affair was a little easier; she already had practice in it because she experimented with something like that while looking for a way to bring Adrian back. She nodded at the man, she could only tell her the same thing as before. That she will most likely be able to remove the part of the soul they need out of it. However, going back to the girl and the question about her.

"It depends on what Onrai did with you. I suspect she wanted to create another Herald. You're not the first of these, Miss Kelamvor. Onrai loves to play god. If we are lucky, she has only handed over some of her power, there is a good chance that it can be reversed. Worse, the abilities will remain and embrace you to shape you into something else, you will be no more human and probably you'll no longer be the old Miss Kelamvor either, you will have to learn to keep your powers under control. In the worst case, it will completely devour you and you will die in this form and become something else, a monster fully under her control. That’s the price if you're making a deal for power, especially with a "person" like Onrai. I guess she told you what she did with me too." she said coldly, without emotion, and cruelly honestly.



Shame came over the Warden as she was chided against the taking of power, though in Lilanna's defense, she had never wanted the power. It was forced upon her. "I knew there was a cost my lady, but the entity bound me, tormented me until I agreed. I-" Her voice faulted for a moment, feeling frustrated over having caved to the entities torment. She had been a fool to believe she would have been able to free herself from it herself. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment at how she was so easily subdued and forced into agreement by the creature, feeling utterly foolish for being having caved in such an utterly ridiculous fashion. The fewer who knew about that matter the better.​
"I'm sorry my lady, I was weak and foolish. I thought if I agreed to her demands she would leave me be. I'm unworthy of being in your service." Lilanna bowed her head, her gaze fixated on the floor, the shame she bore was nearly unbearable at current. "No my lady, she declined to tell me such, only that she assisted you in your ascension." Lilanna wasn't foolish enough to believe that power came without a cost. It was why she feared she was on the cusp of losing herself here and now, and that perhaps her salvation would be something even the empress could not deliver.​



Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

Kahlil stayed quiet for this, glancing between the two woman as they spoke. He had nothing to add for the moment, and they were just talking amongst themselves. But to think Onrai was that addicted to playing as a god? Perhaps the most surprising part was that he didn't feel surprised at all. He chuckled a little at his own thoughts before clearing his throat.

"Then I suppose our first step is to figure out the nature of it. Do you have a means to do so?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard on the ENS Crimson Empress
Objective III.: Try to save Lil and Kahlil
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress
Writing With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Just inside my head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

"My lord… my address is still, My Lord, and I would be happy, Miss Kelamvor if you could finally pull yourself together. If you're bothered that we're not in an office right now, think about you're still talking to your military commander!" she said ice-coldly and militarily.

She hoped this would get the girl out of the situation she was in. She may no longer have been part of the army, but she was an ex-Ultranaut. For Ingrid, reign was a duty, not a privilege. She had to serve her people in this way; if she had to think of it as a leadership post, she considered herself only a military leader. Another issue is that she really was the commander-in-chief of the entire military of the Eternal Empire; both army and navy.

"You are right about one thing, you're unworthy of being in my service. Because no one serves me. I am not equal to the Empire, I have never been and never will be. You serve the Empire, not me. Even I serve the Eternal Empire and its people, just like everyone else. Rulers come and go, but the Empire is eternal." she said still cold but did not lie; she was thinking this way.

She would have gladly grimaced at the word ascension, but she couldn't; Ingrid had to behave as expected of her. As a cold, distant, strong soldier. Now she was made to say things she didn’t tell much about yet. The red-haired woman nodded to Kahlil that yes, this was coming soon. And the next story might have been interesting because Lil knew the secret of the Wardens about the Force destruction.

"Assist? Ascension? None of those; she trapped me. She came to Endor without permission to report a huge danger. I travelled there and she took me to the Night Spirit's prison. Who would not know, she was none other than Tharagorrogaraht, Typhojem, the Left-Handed God's sister, the sister of the Sith god. Of course, I don’t believe in the gods, all of them just strong Force Users, or Force Entities, no more. I wanted to inform Lord Vandiir about this, to know how we can destroy the prison and the Night Spirit in it. Onrai didn't want to let that happen, she didn't want Darth Prospero to know about it. She wanted me to kill her and absorb her power. I refused, I don't care about power. However, our presence awakened the Night Spirit. I had previously had a fight with her two creatures, one of whom was trying to possess my body. It was later revealed I was designated as a potential host for Night Spirit by her creature who made a mark in my soul. When she even tried to occupy my body and destroy my consciousness. We struggled in my mind as she started to change my DNA, me. I killed her and I became the new Night Queen. I acquired all her memories, knowledge, power, and I locked it in my mind and in myself."

Here she fell silent, then took on her now original form, the smoky semi-Force Entity form. Then she changed back into her human appearance, the real original, Ingrid form.

"I refuse to call myself a god, I am not. I do not use the power I have gained in this way. I am no longer human, I am not aging, I cannot have a child naturally, only the samples the doctors took before my transformation are viable, but in some way they have also been corrupted. The usual food and drink does not quench my hunger. I have to eat bad memories, emotions, Dark side energies and life-force. She made a semi-Force Entity out of me, whose presence of a Lightsider already causes pain, as does sunlight, or artificial light. I have to watch all my relatives, every member of my family, my husband, my children grow old and die while I don’t grow old for a minute. I was reborn from darkness, I became a larger monster than what I was. It takes no small struggle not to fall into the darkness but to remain a neutral Force User. If I couldn't control my emotions in the extreme way I was able, I would probably be worse than the Sith. I didn’t ask for this, I don’t want this, but it’s irreversible. My humanity was the price."

As always, she spoke coldly without emotion.

"This is a curse, not an ascension, Miss Kelamvor. Now you're the next, what did Onrai do to you? What is the nature of your new abilities and talents?"


Location: FOB Alpha, Plains Region - Keskin
Call Sign: Mermaid Nine
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” - Designation: Queen
Tags: Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand

-"Will do Mermaid Nine. You want me on three or nine? Asking for preference."-

“Nine.” The swoop ace replied tersely. “I tend to break right.” She added.

-"So, Discordia...she like...swoop rider force god or something else Ehm-Nine?"

Eleena wanted nothing more than to ignore that question, to answer with something to the effect of “cut the chatter” or “focus on the mission”. Unfortunately, that would be rude and the diminutive Twi’lek didn’t want to disrupt the chemistry she had built with muscle bound Mirialan. With Mermaid squadron essentially being a transplant from the Wild Hunt to the Eternal Navy, it went without saying that many of the pilots still adhered to Discordianism, including Eleena herself. Even with her service in the Eternal Navy, the white-skinned Twi’lek still prayed to the Dark Lady of Chaos, along with Isena, Lilacs, Lexi, Cida, and a few other pilots in the squadron.

And yet, she couldn’t begin to explain it to Asmus.

“ about a rain check on that?” Eleena answered awkwardly as she flew her swoop in a loop above the base, building up speed and energy in the process. “Not sure if you’re familiar with the history of our squadron has something to do with that..” She trailed off, just as a series of beeps vibrated against her ear cones, indicating the detection of hostile sensor signatures closing in on the base, much to her somewhat ironic relief.

“Hostile signatures closing in!” Eleena called out. “Stay on my wing, we’re gonna run down and strafe their scouts!” She added, before slamming her foot on the accelerator to coax more speed from her machine. “These guys are gonna be like target practice. They won’t stand a chance against our jet swoops on those speeder bikes, trust me, even if they do see us coming. We ate New Imperial 74-Zs alive on Generis.” Eleena said, a brief, contemplative pause hanging in the air, before she spoke once again.

“I’m gonna let you take point on this run, Teardrop.” The swoop ace said, as she dropped back behind Asmus. “I’ll be on your six to cover your blindside and kill any stragglers. It should be just like strafing a regular target in one of your fighters. Open with missiles and finish with guns.”

Before long, a squadron of eight speeder bikes came into view in the distance, moving perpendicular to the two jet swoops.

“Get ready! Lock onto them and fire missiles!”

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In Umbris Potestas Est
“I did nothing except fill the void in her heart.”

Words resonated over the deck of the Eternal Empire warship as a shadowed form not dissimilar to the one Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim had just showcased seemed to bleed from the floors, seeping from whatever minuscule shadows were cast across the vessel. White irisless eyes coalesced on an inky feminine face that looked over the trio.

“Well well, isn’t this a delicious surprise? We have the nascent herald, the worm within evidently gnawing negatively on her. We have the wayward son, with little to fear now that the organized strength of his father’s empire is not ever-present in the back of his mind. And of course we have the Empress, the ruler of the Eternal Empire, self-denying deity, and verified primordial Force entity herself. What a rare treat for all of us to cross paths once again.”

The shade turned her attention to Ingrid initially. “I’m disappointed that you still view what you have been given as a curse. Your abilities are unlike those any mortal beings can wield, even the most powerful among them. You have the ability to bend the very facets of reality, to supplicate your servants within the Eternal Empire. Why deny your power when it can be put towards the greater good of your grand galactic power?”

Her focus shifted. “Ah, but you’re not the one who we are here for, are you? That honor goes to Miss Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor .” She said. “I seem to recall her being a woman of great self-divide, her exterior demeanor so aggressively clashing with her inside self, it was more painful to observe than some of the fashion choices the Jedi have been wearing as of late. I gave her the opportunity to have a deeper purpose in servitude to her goddess, who the vulnerable Lilanna within called out to in supplication even as the lips of Lilanna without remained silent.”

She paused for a moment. “Are you really so repulsed by the opportunity to fulfill your headstrong purposes and most cocooned desires?”

Her inquiries were plainly stated, as they usually had been, but while the behavior of two of the figures were somewhat predictable, how Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble would alter the situation was a variable she did not count on at all.

Location: FOB Alpha, Plains Region - Keskin
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Call Sign: Teardrop Two
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Hyperswoop Craft
Wearing: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit with shield hardpoint Phase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield and under suit UL-14 “Virtus” Class Underlay
-"This is"- radio chatter.
"This is" normal talk.

He slid left, giving them the space to do their usual maneuver as they gave an answer about the whole Discordia thing.

There was a bit of tension in the way that his lead spoke about the rain check. And better senses won out against trying to stress the other rider about the matter. If only because of the situation they were in. Jules had been very keen on informing him to be mindful while in the air. What the old man might smack or kick him for by means of correcting, other might get him a dressing down.

-"Copy that rain check. We'll get some drinks about it then."- The question was asked, and there wasn't any taking it back. But he would at least try to make it a little less awkward, or at the very least set a better scene than the one developing beneath them. The sensors pinged as Eleena spoke of hostiles.

His brain took all of two seconds to jump to the rational conclusion of just dropping in on them. Another two seconds of looking had him pausing to listen for his lead. He was part of another team for the moment, and he had to respect their orders. Eleena decided to let him take point, causing him to shrug as the whole bike wobbled beneath him.

These things were picky it seemed as he straightened out. It was definitely not because a large man had shifted his weight enough to upset the thing. Definitely not.

-"Taking lead, and locking."- Asmus grinned, watching the bikes come into view as he thought of the missiles. There was a brief thought spared to the formation, how armored they were, and how best to attack them. Armament decided the launcher cycled briefly to the proper warhead before giving the chambered signal.

-"Lot of confidence attacking like this."- Asmus informed Eleena before the first pair of warheads left the tube followed by another set. She would see the trajectory of the warheads squarely between each pair of bikes as they streaked off into the distance.

-"We're gonna have to synchronize ahr-tee-bee times with the others."- A seemingly random thought as he counted up the remaining warheads. The four pairs of missiles would collide with the ground, each between a separate pair of bikes as the shrapnel warheads detonated and scattered hot metal up and outward beneath the bikes.

Lilanna winced as the Empress lambasted her. Her time with the Sith had molded her mind to view things in such a master-apprentice matter. It was foolish of her to hold to those ideas, and even more so to show such weakness before her commander. She said nothing, knowing in her heart that the Empress was correct. She wasn't worthy. It was something she felt in her heart during her service, something she felt even as she tried to make it as a rank and file soldier. The dark side had long since lingered over her for years, and only now did she feel at the cusp of freeing herself. "Of course my lord, forgive me."
Her eyes closed, mustering her strength and shoving the self loathing and pity aside. It did her no good here, and moping was not the answer to the question.​
Ingrid was correct about one thing however, this wasn't a gift nor ascension, it was a curse. One that she felt at the worst of times. "She bestowed part of herself within me, she wanted someone to combat the entity known as Omni. My power, the one with technology, she wanted to utilize it against his forces and-"
Lilanna paused. Her eyes wide, feeling that alien presence now, this time however it wasn't focused within her. It was outside, and gathering. No. She looked up at the entity as it came into shape, her mouth going dry. She had tried battling Onrai before, and the battle was short lived indeed. Rather effortlessly she had humiliated and defeated her, and that was before she had been made into a pawn.​
Lilanna tried to gather that fear, forge it into a tool to defend herself, and try to gather it as a means to attack the entity. Yet, she knew it wouldn't work. The consequences for such a thing would be drastic to say the least.​

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Another showed their face. It seemed fitting. Speak the devil's name, and the devil will surely show. How ironic. He stood from where he sat, offering Onrai Onrai a simple, kind smile. "Only a fool would think my father is weaker by the destruction of an Empire he himself left behind." Carnifex had his own goals. Whatever they were, Kahlil had every intention of finding out and stopping them. But he couldn't do that with another in the way.

His gaze drifted towards Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for a fleeting moment. This would of been far easier if the Empress wasn't here. The very thing he could do to cast aside this darkness would likely cast aside the other shadowborn woman. His desire to not cause harm to one of his closest friends had him hesitate. At least until he felt the fear from Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor . The woman was determined to fight the very thing that filled her with dread. It was inspiring to the young Jedi who still couldn't even face down his own father for that same fear.

So he acted.

In a quick step he put himself between the intruder and the intended prey. The room was immediately coated in a blue glow as he brought up his saber, lifting the energy towards Onrai. "You've always been one to speak too much. You're unwelcome here. Leave, or be removed." The blue of his saber began to shine with a new light, growing brighter by the second. The very essence of Light, channeled into his weapon to burn away the shadows before him.

"This is your only warning."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Aboard on the ENS Crimson Empress
Objective III.: Try to save Lil and Kahlil
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress
Writing With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Onrai Onrai
[ Just inside my head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid was waiting for further answers from Kahlil and Lil, but someone completely different answered her as Lil began to say her answer. The Empress stared at the appearing Onrai with an ice-cold gaze. A similar figure to Ingrid's. So she's already copying this, for the form of the red-haired woman was unique, only she and the other, now dead, Shadow-borns had such an appearance. Not even her son, Adrian had a similar even if he was a hybrid.

"What happened? Did the great Onrai lower to the point as a goddess to copy the semi-immaterial form of a semi-Force Entity instead of her own? Pathetic!" her voice was exceptionally full of mockery, even though she felt only complete indifference. " And you're still wrong, I have no servants, only subordinates in the army. I serve the Eternal Empire and its citizens, I am the Eternal Empire's servant. The citizens never served me."

She didn't answer that Lilanna had asked Onrai for help. Meanwhile, she wondered what she could do. Fortunately, the best scenario happened. And meanwhile, Kahlil was in a hurry to defend them. Ingrid hasn't moved yet. But it was a race against time.

~ Do it, I can bear the pain and protect the girl if your power could hurt her. Do it, and I'll take that piece of soul out of it while you fight with her! ~ she sent a message to Kahlil.

The next moment, Lil could feel her being surrounded by something kind and protective in the Force. A completely neutral force, yet kind and caring. It might have made her feel a little warm like a maternal hug. Last but not least, it had a calming effect, Ingrid's icy and legendary calm also had an effect on Lil, she could fill her with confidence. And the Light side doesn’t hurt her that way if it did otherwise.

~ You are safe, I... we'll not let her hurt you again. ~ her telepathic voice was also soothing, promising safety. ~ I will search the part of her soul in your soul and remove it. It may hurt, but you won’t die. Be strong, Miss Kelamvor. ~

Her strength ran through the ship as she extended it in the Force, not hiding it anymore. Since she didn't hide her true strength, and with that, she surrounded Lil even more to protect the younger girl. She reached into the Force as she closed her eyes so she could concentrate better. In the Force, Ingrid turned her gaze to the girl, where she immediately saw the parts that were not part of the girl's soul. It was time to start the process. Lil was lucky, in Ingrid's case it wasn't feasible…


In Umbris Potestas Est
Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

“The moment has passed for my use of you to be fulfilled.” She looked at Lilanna. “My strength already served you well enough to ensure your continued survival even as the galaxy quaked in fear at a purely technological being. Shameful.” The jest of Kahlil made her laugh in response.

“Your battlecruiser is still sitting in storage, you know. Waiting for a day to be used - and don’t presume I lack understanding as to how Kaine operates. I have known him for a very, very long time.” She enunciated before laughing a bit as he pulled out his lightsaber. “You expect that little toothpick is going to harm me?” Even as the light was forced into the blade courtesy of its Solari crystal-empowered core, Onrai seemed unaffected, though her experience such unnatural purity had only steeled her against it and did not take away from the pain she felt due to its presence. “Attempting to harm an entity with omnipresence is never usually a wise move.”

A bit of a stretch, but she did have presences elsewhere.

So it was that the scorn of Ingrid was upon her once more. Her eyes, or at least what looked to be her eyes, rolled at the insult. “This form is the most adaptable in look. Would you rather this?” It shifted to her once-form whose mortal face seemed intertwined with the blackness of the immaterial corruption. “Or this?” Her appearance once more reverted to a prior state - that of her last mortal coil. “Denialism is not going to help, Empress. You were chosen for reasons above the minds of mortals. Instead of thinking like a sentient being, throw the boundaries of dimension to the wind and realize you have the power to reshape reality.” While realizing that perhaps encouraging a god to use its power in an aggressive way towards her was not necessarily the best idea, the use of that power as a principle was necessary to showcase the lack of boundaries and limitations.

Her eyes turned last to Lilanna as she raised a hand - in the event of successful extraction of the nascent presence, the sliver of her power that had been put within Lilanna for her sake could not end up in the hands of Ingrid, someone whose hostile nature towards her was becoming all too evident. “Regardless, if she wants it gone, I will take what I gave to her, but I need her unequivocal and uncoerced confirmation. I wouldn’t want to see her get hurt or suffer - which is exactly what will happen if that blade touches me, Kahlil. That power within her will feel whatever I do, and admittedly it will likely hurt to get stabbed.”

At least it was but a scratch compared to other possible woundings.
Location: FOB Alpha, Plains Region - Keskin
Call Sign: Mermaid Nine
Swoop Craft: FAE/V-02 “Loralora” - Designation: Queen
Tags: Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand

The swoop ace stayed close on her wing mate’s six, pitching her nose into a gentle dive as Teardrop loosed a salvo of fragmentation missiles, with the impacts generating explosions of lethal shrapnel that punched ripped through the sensitive machinery of the 74-Zs and the vulnerable, lightly-armored flesh of their riders. Teardrop would see the hit confirmations register on his HUD, his salvo of missiles managing to cut down four of the bikes in short, efficient order. In the wake of the missile barrage, high-powered disruptor bolts rained down on the remaining speeder bikes, vaporizing matter in energized explosions to leave naught but ashes and charred metal behind as the two jet swoops screamed by overhead.

“Targets smoked. Take a good look at it, Teardrop. That was Generis. All we’re missing is trees, the smell of fire on the breeze, a whole load of tanks, and zombies.” Eleena said with a level of vivacious excitement, but also a hint of unease coloring her tone, as she pulled her swoop back into a climb.

“I can stay out almost indefinitely.” The Twi'lek answered in response to the mention of the need to coordinate RTB times. “I can cover when you need to resupply.” She continued. “The techs never take long.”

Just then, the sensors lit up with more signatures, light walkers, 74-Zs, and stormtroopers, moving in concert ahead of a formation of heavy tanks, looming in the distance.

“Well, there are the tanks. Hopefully, we won’t get zombies…” Eleena said softly, before taking a low breath, recalling briefly the moment she had been shot down over the jungle, landing close to a group of the wretched undead creatures in the process. “Stay on me, Teardrop!” She spoke up, before shifting her body across her swoop, bringing the machine into a sharp
lean, shifting her swoop’s momentum in a different direction.

“The Vayus are closing to intercept.” She continued. “They should help keep the heat off of us, but don’t get too far ahead of them. Get ready!”

Moments later, the distinct howl of turbocharged repulsorlift engines shifted the air as the Vayu squadrons soared over the hill, launching smoke canisters ahead to cover their advance as they punched into the formation of light vehicles and infantry, gunning and running down hapless soldiers in sudden hit-and-fade attacks.

“Let’s go! I’ll take the walkers, clean up any bucketheads and bikes you see!”

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Steve the Ultranaught

Objective 2: Celestial Violence
OOC: I deliberately left 2 of the passengers on the shuttle unspecified, so if anyone wants to fill those rolls, go right ahead!
IC: High above the planet Keskin, the carnage had spilled out into space as well. This wasn’t entirely obvious though, if one simply took a look inside Styx Class Attack Dropship 319-A. Sure there were plenty members of the elite Ultranaught Corps onboard, but the atmosphere didn’t exactly seem tense. One of them, formally known as UC-4160 but who almost everyone called Dennis, was talking about how one time, he had been at a grocery store, looking for some kind of fruit that the others were pretty sure didn’t actually exist, and another one, UC-4159 (informally known as Patrick) was bouncing a rubber ball up and down, seemingly out of boredom. The 3rd highest ranking soldier on the shuttle, UC-4158 (informally known as Steve), was rather annoyed by this and said “Do you have any respect whatsoever? Or are you honestly just going to waste what could be your last hours left alive talking about fruit?” Dennis briefly stopped talking and then said “Well, I know I will if you’re about to break into your 10th speech today about how great the Empire is.”
“You will not talk to your superiors that way, UC-4160.”
“Ha! You’ve barely had that promotion to Corporal for a month and you’re already acting like we were never on equal footing.”
“That’s it, if we both survive this mission, you’ll be receiving punishment for this.”
“That’s enough argument from both of you.” A third voice announced. It was Sergeant Larand (UC-4157), the 2nd highest ranking person on the shuttle. Both Steve and Dennis stopped arguing immediately. “Well, good timing. It’s time to disembark. Remember, these Turbulent-class Pocket Star Destroyers usually don’t have the best internal defenses, but the owners might have made a few modifications. Good luck everyone, and glory to the Empire!” The pilot of the ship, UP-0945, announced dramatically. The shuttle flew into the hangar bay doors of the Turbulent Class which had been jammed open by a fighter attack run earlier (the oxygen was still contained inside though). Once the shuttle was around 5 meters off the floor of the hangar, the doors on the sides of the shuttle opened, and the 6 passengers jumped out, armed, dangerous and ready to fight to the tooth and nail for the Eternal Empire (except maybe Dennis).

“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon

Location: Keskin - Plains Region - Unknown Coordinates


"Warden, wake up! Warden, wake up! We got to move!"

he pain in my skull ached terribly, and when my eyes opened the partial light seeping through the jungle's foliage only assisted in aiding to the misery. From behind me, I think, was a muffled voice. It was difficult to ascertain which direction the vocalized sounds were emitting from. All I knew was my head hurt, there was a sound about, and now a smell of something burning began infecting my sense of smell.

"Warden! Can you hear me? We need to move now!"

Slithering slowly into my memory, I began to recollect what happened moments ago; but only in fragment images. Then I felt pressure on my left leg, followed by a feeling of being pulled backwards. My eyes began to adjust, adding clarity to them in time to see the remains of a ship drawing further away from me. Then, like a flash of light illuminating a dark room, every single fragment image came together completing the puzzle that was my jig-sawed mind. We crashed! No, that wasn't entirely accurate. We were shot down, then crashed! I rolled over onto my back, pinching the bridge of my nose as I asked, "How many?"

"You and I, Warden, are the only two survivors. Everyone is gone, sir."

I let slip a sigh of disappointment as I sat up, swiveling my head side to side as I took in the wreckage. We were one stage of reinforcements for one of the forwarding bases under construction. Along with manpower, we were ferrying in supplies via the transport to get the base to near operational status; and now that wasn't going to happen cause someone got a lucky hit in. "Communications?"

"Lost, sir. We are blind and deaf in the jungle."

Accepting the offered hand, I was gently pulled to my feet by the only other survivor; a small, robust man whose name was Calico. Calico was not a warrior, soldier, or any help in a fight. He was a doctor who suffered from allergies, which was perfect for being lost in a jungle, and a phobia called entomophobia, which he explained to me was a fear of insects, again another perfect setting for a jungle relief mission. He was a great doctor one of his peers explained to me, just not someone you want to trek through the jungle with...alone.


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