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Approved Species Raggidolls

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  • Intent: For use in character creation
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Raggidoll
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Threnan (non-canon)
  • Average Lifespan: Depending on materials used to create them, they can live between 500-700 years.
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: The Raggidoll species is a peculiar race that resembles living, straw or plush-like dolls, often crafted from a mix of organic fabrics, thread, and ancient plant-based materials. Though soft and deceptively fragile in appearance, their bodies are durable, flexible, and infused with a unique bio-fiber, allowing them to move and even regenerate small injuries over time. Their eyes are made from glossy stones, often giving them an eerie, doll-like stillness when in thought.
  • Breathes: Type 1 - Breathable
  • Average Height of Adults: 4'5 to 5'5 feet (137 to 168 cm)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Varies on materials used but traditional colours are: earthy browns and Tans, soft greens and mossy hues, muted greys and slate, deep reds and oranges, and rarely ale pastels
  • Hair color: Varies on materials used but traditional colours are: white, reds, greens, or made of hay/straw.
  • Distinctions:
    • The most striking feature of Raggidolls is their woven, fabric-like body. Their "skin" is composed of plant fibres, moss, or organic threads stitched together to create a humanoid form. This patchwork appearance varies from individual to individual, as each Raggidoll is crafted by their parents from local materials. Over time, their body accumulates patches from important life events, symbolizing their experiences. The texture of their bodies is soft, yet sturdy, with visible seams where different materials have been stitched together. This gives them a flexible yet resilient form that can absorb impacts better than hard-bodied species like humans.
    • Raggidoll faces are expressive but not as detailed as human faces. They usually have large, button-like or bead-like eyes made from polished stones, wood, or glass. Their facial features are simply, with some opting to stitch themselves mouths or other facial detailing.
    • Throughout their lives, Raggidolls undergo Patchwork Ceremonies where they add new patches or threads to their bodies to mark significant milestones. These patches are visible and contribute to their unique, evolving appearance. Over time, a Raggidoll's body becomes a tapestry of experiences, with patches of different materials, colours, and textures that tell the story of their life.
    • Raggidolls do not have traditional organs like humans. Instead, they possess a bio-energy core at their center. This core emits a faint glow that can be seen beneath their fabric, especially during times of heightened emotional states or when drawing energy from their environment.
    • Male Raggidolls are often crafted with slightly more angular shapes or broader shoulders, though this varies depending on the region and cultural practices. Their stitches may feature heavier or more robust designs, and they often favour darker, earthy tones in their fabrics. Hair for male Raggidolls tends to be shorter or tied back, crafted from sturdier plant fibres or vines, giving it a more rugged appearance.
    • Female Raggidolls are often designed with more curved and elegant forms, though this also varies by region. They might have more elaborate stitching patterns or wear decorative accessories made from local flora or rare fabrics.
    • Their hair tends to be longer and more intricate, often woven with flowers, soft fibres, or dyed threads to create complex braids or elaborate styles.
      • Despite these aesthetic differences, gender is more fluid in Raggidoll society, with individuals often choosing their form and appearance based on personal or cultural preferences rather than biological imperatives.

  • Races:
    • Forest Raggidolls (Woodweave):
      • Raggidolls from forested areas are often crafted from bark fibres, leaves, and vines. They tend to have deep green or brown tones and are slightly more robust, reflecting the strength of the trees in their environment. Their patches may include woven leaves or moss, giving them a more natural, forest-blended appearance.
    • Swamp Raggidolls (Bogthread):
      • Those from swampy regions may have a mossy or damp texture, with softer, more sponge-like fabrics used in their construction. Their skin might appear in muted greens and browns, and their hair typically consist of long, trailing moss. They are often more absorbent and attuned to bio-energy due to the rich flora of their swampy habitats.
    • Mountain Raggidolls (Rockthread):
      • Raggidolls from the mountains may have sturdier, more mineral-infused fibres, giving them a slightly stiffer and more resilient texture. Their tones are often grey, slate, or deep earthy reds, and their hair is shorter and tougher, reflecting the rugged terrain of their homeland. They are known for their endurance and physical toughness, compared to other Raggidolls.
    • Meadow Raggidolls (Grainstitch):
      • Those from the plains and meadows tend to be lighter in both colour and texture. Made from woven grasses, straw, or soft petals, they often have golden or pale tones, reflecting the wide-open fields and abundant light of their environment. Their hair is typically longer and more flowing, and their bodies are lighter and more agile.

  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
  • Durability: Despite their apparent frailty, they are surprisingly resilient to physical damage. Blunt force, falls, and prssure that would usually injure other species are rather well absorbed by their bodies.
  • Patchworking: Their bodies being stitched together allows them to repair or modify their own bodies. They can repair themselves by stitching up cuts, or reattaching torn limbs. It is a rather time-consuming process however.
  • Extreme heat or fire: Their fabric bodies are highly susceptible to fire and heat. It can destroy their structure as a whole if it catches them, or prolonged exposure is enough to weaken their fibre stitching.
  • Physical strength: Their soft, fabric based bodies lack the muscular power required for feats of strength. Tasks that require physical strength are often only completed with many of them acting together, or external help.
  • External view: Being known as fair traders and a peaceful people, alongside their perceived fragility, has led to them being seen as a people more needed of protection. As a result, they are less likely to be taken as seriously as needed to on Galactic politics.
  • Diet: They do not require food to sustain themselves
  • Communication: They communicate in Galactic Basic through telepathy. Mouths that are sewn onto an individual are additions to a base body, and therefore unneeded to communicate.
  • Technology level: Their technology is not quite equal to the Galactic standard. Their technology consists of bio-technology crafted by their connection with their homeworld. They have living structures and ships. Additionally, they excel in artisanal craftsmanship, with crafting being a core part of their society.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • Patchwork Ceremonies:
      • Important life events are marked by Patchwork Ceremonies, which serve as both rites of passage and communal celebrations. During these ceremonies, Raggidolls gather to honor individual milestones, such as birth, coming of age, or significant achievements. These ceremonies often involve crafting new patches or symbols, reinforcing the idea that each Raggidoll's life is a unique thread in the greater tapestry of existence.
    • Reverence for Craftsmanship:
      • Craftsmanship is considered a sacred art among Raggidolls. They believe that each creation carries a part of the creator's essence and contributes to the galaxy. Crafting is viewed as a spiritual practice, and artisans often invoke blessings or meditative states during the creation process to ensure their work resonates with positive energy.

  • General behavior:
    • Family Structure:
      • Raggidoll families are typically small and tightly-knit. Since they craft their children, families are intentional about their size and dynamics. Each family member contributes to the household and the community in different ways. Families generally live in close communal settings, with extended families and neighbours frequently collaborating on tasks like farming, building, and crafting.
    • Child Creation and Care:
      • When a couple decides to have a child, they gather the natural materials needed for the body and go through a ritualistic creation process, imbuing the child with life through their connection to the Force Nexus on the planet. Once brought to life, children are raised with immense care, taught the values of craftsmanship, community, and respect for nature from a very young age. The process of raising a child is communal, with not only the parents but the entire village or settlement playing a role in their upbringing. Children are seen as extensions of the collective energy of the Raggidoll species, and everyone contributes to their growth.
    • Education:
      • Raggidolls don't attend formal schools in the way many species do. Instead, learning is deeply integrated into daily life. Elders and artisans teach children about craftsmanship, nature, and the Weave through practical experience. Children often apprentice with skilled artisans, learning to craft, build, and use their bio-energy in meaningful ways. Education is seen as a lifelong process, with each individual contributing their unique talents and skills to the community.
    • Community and Cooperation:
      • One of the strongest values for Raggidolls is the idea of community unity. They believe that each person is a thread in the larger tapestry of life and that harmony and cooperation strengthen the community and the galaxy. They are deeply committed to mutual aid and helping one another, whether that's through raising children, repairing structures, or crafting tools for the collective good.
    • Respect for Nature:
      • Raggidolls hold a profound respect for the natural world. They take only what they need and always give back to the environment through sustainable practices. When they gather materials for crafting, they do so in a way that ensures the continued growth and health of their surroundings.
    • Craftsmanship and Creation:
      • Crafting is a central part of Raggidoll culture. They value the art of creation highly, believing that every object they make is imbued with part of their spirit. Whether they are crafting tools, clothing, or structures, the process is revered as an act of spiritual significance. They see this as an extension of their connection to the galaxy, where each creation is a small contribution to the greater whole.
    • Finding Mates:
      • Raggidolls form bonds based on mutual respect, shared values, and emotional connection. They do not have complex rituals for courtship but instead form natural, lasting bonds through time spent together in shared work and communal life. Once a couple decides to create a child, it is seen as a lifelong commitment to one another and to their future offspring.
    • Couples and Partnerships:
      • Raggidoll couples work together closely, often sharing responsibilities like crafting, gathering, and teaching. Relationships are built on cooperation, with both partners contributing equally to the family and community.
    • Peaceful Coexistence:
      • Raggidolls are generally peaceful and open to interacting with other species, provided that those species respect their values and the natural world. They approach other beings with curiosity and a desire for mutual understanding, but they are wary of highly industrialized or aggressive societies that might harm the environment or disrupt the balance of the Weave.
    • Diplomacy and Trade:
      • While Raggidolls are not highly expansionist, they do engage in diplomacy and trade with other species. They offer their handcrafted goods and natural resources in exchange for items they cannot produce. Trade relationships are always built on trust and mutual respect, and they prefer to avoid conflict whenever possible.
    • Gatherers, Not Hunters:
      • Raggidolls are largely gatherers and farmers, relying on the natural environment for sustenance. They do not hunt animals for food, as they do not require traditional nutrition in the same way as other species. Instead, they focus on cultivating plants and gathering natural resources in a sustainable way that ensures the continued health of their environment.
    • Master Artisans:
      • Raggidolls are highly skilled builders and crafters. They construct their homes and communal spaces from natural materials like wood, plant fibres, and stone. Every structure is meticulously crafted and often adorned with intricate patterns and symbols. Their buildings blend into the natural environment, creating a harmonious relationship between their settlements and the landscape.
    • Creative Problem-Solvers:
      • While Raggidolls are deeply traditional, they are also creative inventors. They find innovative ways to use natural materials and bio-energy, creating tools, structures, and items that serve practical and spiritual purposes. Their inventions are always designed with sustainability and harmony in mind, ensuring that they do not harm the environment.
    • Diurnal:
      • Raggidolls are diurnal.

  • The Force User's Creation:
    • Long ago, on a planet rich in natural beauty and teeming with the living Force, an unknown Force user arrived, seeking solitude and a deeper understanding of the cosmic energy that permeated the world. This Force-sensitive individual was a powerful artisan, skilled in manipulating the Force through both meditation and physical craftsmanship. As an expression of their inner journey, this Force user crafted a small, doll-like figure made from natural materials—straw, fabric, leaves, and twine.
  • The Planet's Force Nexus:
    • This world was home to a Force Nexus, a rare place where the Force was exceptionally strong and deeply connected to all living things. Unbeknownst to the Force user, the act of creating the Raggidoll figure in such a potent location drew upon the Force itself, imbuing the crafted figure with the spark of life. This Force Nexus acted as a catalyst, breathing sentience and life into the simple doll. The Raggidoll, now alive and aware, was the very first of its kind—a being created through the balance of craftsmanship and the living Force.
The Evolution of the Species
  • Learning to Create More:
    • The original Raggidoll, though a singular entity, was imbued with an innate understanding of creation. Over time, it developed the ability to create more doll like itself, just as it had been brought into existence. Using natural materials from its surroundings, the first Raggidoll crafted companions, much like itself, and learned to imbue them with the same life energy it had been gifted from the Force Nexus.
    • This ability to handcraft new beings from natural materials became central to the Raggidolls' existence. They were not born through biological reproduction but through the intentional and loving act of creation. The process of crafting more Raggidolls was sacred, with each new member becoming a unique individual who contributed to the growth of their budding society.
Early Civilization and Cultural Development
  • Harmony with the Force and Nature:
    • As the Raggidoll population grew, so did their connection to the world and the Force Nexus. They quickly learned that their survival and prosperity depended on living in harmony with their natural environment. The planet's flora, fauna, and energy were all tied together — a concept that the Raggidolls came to deeply understand and revere. This connection led them to become peaceful, nature-centric beings, focusing on sustainable living, craftsmanship, and deep respect for the life force around them.
  • The First Patchwork Ceremonies:
    • One of the first cultural practices to arise among the early Raggidolls was the Patchwork Ceremony, a ritual where Raggidolls honored significant life events by adding new materials to their bodies or sharing crafted symbols with their community. These ceremonies marked milestones, such as the creation of a new Raggidoll, important achievements, or even moments of personal growth. Over time, these ceremonies became a foundational part of Raggidoll life, reinforcing their connection to each other and the world around them.
Expansion and Interaction with the Galaxy
  • Isolation and Self-Sufficiency:
    • For many centuries, the Raggidolls lived in relative isolation on their homeworld, protected by the dense forests and natural barriers that surrounded them. Their world's Force Nexus kept them in tune with the living Force, and they thrived in their self-sustaining villages, crafting tools, clothing, and dwellings from the abundant natural materials at their disposal. Despite their peaceful nature, they developed a deep awareness of the galaxy beyond their world, knowing that other sentient species existed, though contact with outsiders was rare.
  • First Encounters with Other Species:
    • As their society matured, the Raggidolls eventually made contact with other species. These first encounters were cautious but respectful, with Raggidolls showing curiosity about the cultures and technologies of the wider galaxy. They did not seek to conquer or expand beyond their homeworld, but they welcomed peaceful traders and explorers, exchanging handcrafted goods and offering their wisdom in exchange for learning about the galaxy beyond.
Modern Day Raggidoll Society
  • Modern Day:
    • Today, the Raggidolls exist as a small but thriving species, largely centered on their homeworld. They continue to practice their ancient traditions of craftsmanship and spiritual connection to the galaxy. While they engage in trade and peaceful diplomacy with other species, they remain deeply protective of their way of life and their connection to the Force Nexus.
  • Legacy of the First Raggidoll:
    • The legend of the first Raggidoll, created by an unknown Force user and brought to life by the Nexus, remains an integral part of their cultural identity. They view themselves not just as a species, but as an extension of that first act of creation. Their history is a testament to the power of creation, connection, and the Force's mysterious ability to bring life in unexpected ways.
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Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

Hello there! Lovely submission, nicely detailed. These are more curiosity questions than anything else as the submission is definitely fine as is:
  • What happens if the Raggidoll leaves the area influenced by the Nexus? Can they survive without it?
  • What would happen if one became corrupted by the dark side or similar influence?
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

1) Yes, they can. The Nexus is simply what gives a child life initially. Once alive, they can leave the planet and be unaffected.

2) The process of a Raggidoll becoming corrupted by the deak side is one I thought of, and it's a rather brutal process. In order for a Raggidoll to be corrupted by the dark side, it had to be done by an external force. The intention behind their creation, and the crafting of them by parents, contributes to how they develop personalities. So, they can be corrupted by the dark side if they were essentially taken apart and put back together again with darker (in essence) materials and darker intent, before being either bled like a red kyber crystal, or risen by a dark force Nexus
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