Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rah rah rah!

* glares at the annoying elf * You're just jealous because you never get any.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]

In any case, there's plenty of action on Gehenna. Presently preparing to TK crush lots of technobeasts on the derelict Bando Gora vessel.

And there's stuff to fight on the ground since we're moving into the city (right now giant swarm of insects that eat through personal armour is attacking the vanguard of Firemane/Eldorai troops, will get bombarded with explosives and flamers soon though). And lots of Reavers naturally. Can easily clink yourself into either since troops are continuously landing.

And we have some fun stuff planned for Kaeshana in the future (Lost Kar'zun!).

Have you thought about what sort of position you'd like to take in Firemane?

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