Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Raiders on Alderaan


Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer

"Probably," Jax said approaching the Organa mines. "Just stick close to me Anastasia okay?" The truth was that the Flesh Raiders could come from anywhere. This was their territory now, and Jax felt like he just jumped feet first into a Sarlacc Pit. The disturbance in the Force began to subside leaving Jax wondering where the Flesh Raiders have gone off too.

"They're probably waiting in the mines," Jax though turning to Anastasia. "I'm aware of my task Anastasia," Jax said. "My feelings tell me that this raid is more than just wonton murder, there's something...... insidious watching us. I must tell you my lady, though responsibility is the Queen making sure that you are safe is also my priority."

Whether she liked it or not, Jax will make sure Anastasia is protected still he had a feeling that he was sending her to her death. As they both entered the mines, Jax frowned seeing the mine carts going in and out of the massive cave. "This place is still operational after hundreds of years," Jax mused. "How did the Flesh Raiders manage to get this place going?"


"Ok" She would stay close not that she had plans of running off anywhere, but she couldn't say that if she saw the Queen she wouldn't be a bit aggressive to get to her. She did wonder though if the rebar she held onto so tightly right now would serve to knock a raider out or smash his noggin.

"Can you bear that much responsibility Jax Thio, the lives of two women, plus your own. Surely you've considered even if for a moment the risk involved. The worst case that could happen." Ana had already worst case the sacrifice of a life for that of the Queen.

She was beginning to understand her bannermen now, how they put themselves in front of her to protect her, they risked their lives for hers. Yes it was their job but it took a specific mindset to perform that job.

"Can you tell if they are hunting still? Maybe that's what you feel, their aggression to survive." She half smiled, she wasn't completely annoying or silly, "All it takes is time and know how, the ability to scavenge parts. But then I remember there was company that was helping to upgrade all the mines on Alderaan this could be one that was done. If they are mining the phrik and good at it, I have a job for them so long as they stop kidnapping people"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Abandoned Organa Mines
Equipment: Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer

As a Jedi one must be prepared to take on the burden to protect the innocent. If Jax couldn't handle the pressure protecting two women from harm, then he's not worthy of being a Jedi. "Anastasia," Jax said looking over the mine shafts. "I've been chosen to be a watchman over Alderaan because I can bear the responsibility of protecting innocents. I will protect you and the Queen with my life if necessary and believe me I have considered the risk the moment I found out that the Queen was kidnapped."

Jax's eyebrows crinkled together as he began to walk alongside the cliff. "I'm not sure," Jax said. "But they've been awfully quiet Anastasia, interesting that they've managed to power up this whole facility. It looks like it's been operated for years without us knowing."

Looks like the Flesh Raiders were smarter than Jax gave them credit. This could be tougher than he imagined.

Ana began to wonder if Jax Thio Jax Thio had doubts about his own abilities. "Ya know there's a temple for force users here on Alderaan, have you been up there?"

It was small talk as they walked slowly forward, Ana's fingers curled around the rebar harder than she really realized. Her knuckles white holding it stiffly waiting to use it. It had to be the not knowing of what was next. It well it was unnerving.

She nodded, "Quiet. Quiet is never good. It means they are diverted to do something or are planning something else. I'm hoping that whatever it is it does not have anything to do with us."

She could hope all she wanted but something was creeping over her call it whatever you want but it was making the hair on her arms stand up. She swallowed hard pulling her makeshift weapon closer for whatever comfort it would provide.
She knew these mountains she had grown up in the Valley, and then on the Coast. They spent years trying to rebuild House Organa on the Apalis Coast. She and Draco had finally been able to restore the ancestral home. But like everything else they had little time to go not since both Theo, Laira and Ma'ree.

Something had to change, she wasn't going to be dinner for anyone.

The cold breeze glided over the tops of the trees seeming to reach for her. What if she died today what would happen?

The Senate of course would say oh how sad and that would be that. Alderaan who would succeed her....Theo and Laira had pretty much decided to stay away from the throne. Even though Laira was the designated heir carrying the sword with her as she went to prove herself worthy to be Queen. The crown however remained with Faith, the Heir's Crown. But Laira had been far from home for a long time.

Claire had seen the worse in people during time as a Diplomat she too had no interest in being a ruler. But perhaps Alicio would be interested? She had managed to talk to him about the Senate and he came. He was good with people just ask Tiresh and Isla. Eh her mind was wondering and worried. Someone would come, right?

But you know if they weren't, she wasn't going to go down without a fight. Faith began to plan to escape. She'd watch them get an idea of how they operated.

She had no idea that Jax and Ana were coming.


Location: Organa Mines
Equipment: Jedi Armor Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer

"Heard of it," Jax answered as he surveyed the cliffs there was a rusted ladder near that leaned against the dirty, grimy, crumbling wall. Didn't look stable but it was their only way down. "But haven't stepped foot inside the Temple I don't there are Jedi who occupy the place as well." Alderaan didn't have a committed order like the Green Jedi of Corellia. Perhaps Jax could gather some interested Jedi to help him patrol Alderaan, even though it was a mostly peaceful planet, Jax was only one man.

"You're right," Jax said walking towards the ladder. "The Flesh Raiders are preoccupied with something, the question is: What? And why the Queen and the nobles?" The Jedi Master began to climb down the ladder. "Careful my lady," Jax said. "It's a long way down."

"Jedi are Jedi I thought, don't you all follow the same rules?" She didn't know she only knew Jedi wielded the force with whatever it was they had in hand, or head. Eh whichever.

"Opportunity, I don't think they think...they they just found us. Think about it, small groups far from cities meeting in the middle of no where. Don't bantha hunters do something of the same thing, go after the herd and take out what they can? Least that's what the documentaries show." She half smiled proud of herself for remembering that little bit.

She looked around Jax Thio Jax Thio , "So what if we just wait till we hear a noise?"

She had seen too many holodramas, there could be an ambush ahead.....there could be anything ahead, and as much as she wanted to get Faith back she wanted to be reasonable. If that was possible.

"You could use me as bait see if they come get me, pick them off.." She smiled, "just a suggestion, I could make like I'm hurt......ya the runt"

So much for reason.

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