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Faction Raise the Standards - The First Order [Open!]

Trajann Vemec



Vemec regarded the elder officer with a subtle but gentle smile and offered a nod to him. He could only agree with the man, He was quite right and it was not, neither now nor in the past nor ever, the time to split hair about aspects and nuances of doctrine, philosophy and ideology. The First Order was born from Neo-Imperialism and time would tell how close the concepts of it would align between the Final Dawn and the First Order. There was a room, no, a hall full of potential and opportunity.

"The Imperials of late were too focused on their stance on imitating what had fallen or to overcome what was. Neither focused on preserving what they had or looking towards the future. Order is an instrument, justice is an instrument. We are applying both to achieve progress in reason and to elevate our people to their best possible selves, but order for order's sake, rule to rule or power to empower are paradoxa which do not work with the spirit of intelligence, progress and prosperity."

The Supreme Leader was formal, but with a friendly tone and relatively relaxed pose, neither disregarding the importance of the moment and environment, nor aiming to make it more than it was. It was a gala and they were guests. The invites went out to get in touch, to get a feeling for each other. Trajann was hoping to see representatives of more Imperial factions appearing, but if this was the outcome so far, it was more than pleasing.

"Afterall, if previous approaches would have worked, the New Order, the Final Order, the New Imperial Order and all the Orders, the Empires would have been one and the same, would rule the Galaxy or at least large parts of it and not those debaters and do-gooders of the Alliance."
My acknowledgement towards Qatoninus Kanollic II went completely unnoticed and unseen. Perhaps it is due in part because I am not wearing a uniform. Or perhaps he believes me to be someone's arm candy or one of the hired staff so therefore I am far beneath him to deserve an acknowledgement.

I know well enough that I am an outsider among the Imperials, despite holding similar ideals. Yet I keep my feelings in check and well guarded. Instead I politely smile and step further away from being accused of eavesdropping on a conversation not meant for my ears.

I continue to gently fan myself while I walk, taking a small sip of my tea. It is to one of the tall windows that I roam to. This is my first visit to this world and I have other parts upon which I shall like to visit within it. Afterall I am curious to see where NCBC can improve upon their society.

Tag: Trajann Vemec Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani Qatoninus Kanollic II

Conrrard Qalthazar



The High Regent Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen answered the open ended statement by saying that in his own experience working with various galactic powers a new brand of Imperialism dubbed 'Neo-Imperalism' centered around reason, loyalty and competence was a necessary step in the right direction in order to avoid the pitfalls of the previous imperial administrations in galactic history. Although having been a high ranking official of the New Imperial Order turned Empire, there was naturally some skepticism from the older officer about the vitality of such a new way of thinking and how it might effect reproachment with hard lined officers and warlords still out there. The First Order could hardly hope to establish itself within the galaxy without the supporting legitimacy of those officials even if they followed a long dead emperor.

Glancing towards the Supreme Leader Trajann Vemec as they spoke quite considerably about their imperial predecessors who were to narrow focused to maintain power in an ever-changing galaxy. Although just as the Imperial Cause could unite people together, it could also blind them to ideological thinking which would cause the First Order to slide into the same mistakes of the past which the Supreme Leader mentioned.

"This New Brand of Imperialism certainly sounds admirable and obtainable, High Regent. But I fear that it would not be the most widely accepted among the more hardline imperials operating within the galaxy." He said with a formal tone, not wanting to outright voice his skepticism but noting that the more traditionalist factions of Imperialism would not exactly jump for joy.

"Each of those empires and imperial orders were simply apart of a grand experiment to see if the broad ideals of the Declaration of a New Order would work in practice over the slow moving stagnation of democracy. They have been tested and have failed to last which means the First Order needs to redefine the Declaration in order to better suit the changing galaxy. Only then can the Imperials lay claim to the galaxy" He explained.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani



Objective : The Stage is Set


Sularen listened as both Vemec and the other elder Imperial spoke about their own thoughts on Imperial Philosophy, which quite intrigued the High Regent. They did make interesting points regarding the main topic at hand, and their vision of redefining the ideals of Palpatine's New Order we're quite intriguing, although then again their own points and logic could be used against the First Order itself depending on how things progressed for that faction.

What caught Sularen's interest the most however, was the elder Imperial's light criticism of the High Regent's new approach towards the Imperial Ideology, pointing out at how some of the more hardline Imperials would be unwilling to support this new brand of Neo-Imperialism, and Sularen did agree with that point. Many hardcore Imperials especially those who served within the original Empire would view Sularen's own ideology as well as other Imperial Factions are false pretenders although these individuals we're relics of the past, individuals that had failed to catch up with the ever-changing landscape of the galaxy and thus had been set aside to watch as new Imperial players made their moves from the sidelines.

Turning to face the elder Imperial, Sularen proceeded to offer a response. "Indeed you are correct. Many Imperial Hardliners, veterans of the old Empire will not receptive to this new way of Imperial thought. Just like how they won't be receptive to this new 'definition' of the New Order your First Order proposes." Sularen said. Even though this was truly the case for the Final Dawn, the High Regent had plans in motion in order to bring said hardliners into the fold, regardless of how they perceived the Final Dawn.

"However, they are a relic of a bygone era, clinging on the ideals of a long dead Empire." Sularen proclaimed. "Most if not all of those hardliners share narrow-minded view of the Galaxy, after all those who remember what has been in the past, will be the ones who will be unable to accept what can be. This is a way of thought that is prevalent not only throughout the Imperial sphere but throughout the entirety of the galaxy." The High Regent added. "You can find Jedi, Sith and fellow supporters of Democracy sharing these same traits, all of which both fear and refuse to even open their eyes to new ideas instead seeing to annihilate them altogether, quite a shame real but a testament to the deplorable state "


Kaleigha listened half-heartedly to the men talking about Neo-Imperialism and other things about running a government. All that stuff. Maybe more. The admiral wasn't really listening. She was less of a barker, more of a biter. Sure, she could talk if she really, really tried, but other than that, her strength was in leading fleets to battle.

Her gaze wandered around the Hall and finally settled on a woman looking out the window, alone. Kaleigha wondered if the other woman would prefer alone time...but decided to go say hi anyway. She slipped away from the High Regent, Moff, and Imperator, and walked over to...what was her name? Liin Terallo Liin Terallo ? Yes, that was it.

"Greetings. I see you are taking in the environment. That's good. Unfortunately, I got swamped up in some politcal talk or something back there, but I would much rather be here. Or on my flag ship in battle, but that will come soon enough," Kaleigha said. Then, she tilted her head as she observed Liin. "You don't seem like a fighter...but you are fierce in your own way. Politician, yes?"

It is easy to feel out of place in a gathering such as this. I am afterall, an outsider from a far off world. And it is a neutral space with a corporate government; one that is not Imperial in nature. Although the structure of it is something to be admired. At least I believe it is, anyways.

I see the reflection of the lady approaching me in the window. And as she reaches me, I slowly pivot on my heel, cradling my drink in my hand. I dip my head in greeting.

I study the lady and many questions come to mind as she speaks. However out of proper ettiquette I reply to her questions first. "I am a politician of sorts. I am Liin Terallo, Junior Member of the Board of Directors for the New Cov Biomolecule Company. It is a pleasure to meet you." I pause briefly while I have a sip of my drink. "I cannot imagine what it is like in battle. Most especially in a large vessel. Does it ever frighten you?"

Tag: Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani

Trajann Vemec



Trajann found himself strongly agreeing with the High Regent. It was like that. The Empire, the Sith, the Alliance, all suffering or suffered, from a critical lack of looking at themselves and seeing the decay, the inner rot they were carrying around. For the Sith there was little hope to ever cut it out, they were just lackeys of their own greed and aspirations, but the others were blinded by what once was, what once was strong. But was it ever viable? Probable?

"If we would be worrying about definitions and marginal differences in approach, in semantics about view, there would never be progress, never be strength. And progress can only occur from a position of strength. At the beginning the New Imperials understood that, but when your system is simply based on opposing something else, as theirs was, it lacks purpose. Without purpose there is no direction where to go. Thats why they crumbled so quickly after their enemies fell."

"Share with us, High Regent, how did you end up with Maw and what kind of experience was it to serve alongside wild animals and petty marauders?"


"I cannot imagine what it is like in battle. Most especially in a large vessel. Does it ever frighten you?"
Kaleigha raised her eyebrow, surprised at the question. "Well, being in a large vessel is usually the safest. When I was a mere commander aboard a small, weak picket ship, yes, I was indeed fearful. I can't imagine what its like to fly a starfighter, with even less defenses than a corvette. But I must say that the bravest of them all are the Stormtroopers. The ones on the ground, with little but their body armor and training to help them survive. For me, I have many meters of thick metal, and layers of energy shielding protecting me," she responded.

And it was true. She had never fought in a ground battle before, or even conducted one. That was for the generals. Her job was to direct space battles, and that was all. Maybe some of the tactics were the same, but the environments were always different. Where in space, the battlefield might be an asteroid belt, open space, or a planet's gravity well, a ground battle could be in a forest, tundra, desert; hell, even a volcano.

The Stormtroopers were the really brave ones. Sure, there might be a lot of rivalry between army and navy, about who was better, more courageous, who had the Imperator's favor, but in the end they all fought for the First Order.

Suddenly, Kaleigha realized she'd been staring out the window so long she didn't even know if Liin Terallo Liin Terallo had said something.

"Sorry, I was deep in thought, did you say something?" she asked.

I listen to her response and find her logic to be very sound. Perhaps being in a large vessel during a battle is much like being within a large estate during a siege. There are multiple layers of protection. It is something that I have not thought about before and so I welcome this newly acquired knowledge.

I have another sip of my drink and do not lose myself to my thoughts as this lady is doing. She has a far-off look to her eyes. Out of politeness, I do not interupt for no doubt it is my question that has given her cause to ponder so deeply.

It is only when she comes back to the present that I respond to her. "What are your tasks when it comes to battle. Do you command a fleet of vessels and move them as one would pieces on a chess board?" In some respects I can imagine that conducting a fleet battle is done in much the same manner as what politicians do amongst eachother; if not in a different kind of arena.

Tag: Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani

A chess board...that was indeed a decent comparison to a naval battle. Except chess was a lot easier. "Kind of. Except in space battles, you have many more options than in chess. Your ships are not bound by any rules except those of common sense, such as not maneuvering too close to a star, or trying to hide behind an asteroid hurtling through the system at high speeds. However, naval engagements are like chess in the way that some pieces are better than others. While it would take a swarm of corvettes to bring down a cruiser, it might just take one dreadnought to do so. And above all else, victory is the main goal," Kaleigha explained.

The admiral looked closer at the woman standing before her, this politician. Perhaps politics were like battle...

"Say, when you are debating or arguing against other politicians, is that kind of like a naval battle? In a warship, the main goal is to defeat the enemy...but in politics, is it that straightforward? If so, some senators don't make it seem that way," Kaleigha chuckled to herself.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

I listen to her explanation and I try to visualize it in my mind. But it is not so easy when one can only rely on their imagination. But that is not to say that I have any desire to witness it first hand! On the contrary, I prefer being on the ground instead of being in space.

The focus is then redirected towards myself. I sip my drink, finding it amusing that she believes me to be some Senator. New Cov is neutral and not at all alligned with one of the intergalactic superpowers. We do not even fall amongst any of their influence clouds. Although it had been a dream of mine to reach to that level some day.

"I am unsure of what the goals are within a Senate, but I can imagine that it is similar to the meetings amongst the Board of Directors. Although there is not much debate to be had. There we present a proposal and acquire enough votes amongst the members to have it pass. Everyone wishes to have their proposals pass." Acquiring said votes is not always done during those meetings, however. Some are gained earlier through a variety of deals and promises. It is only during the voting process that one sees who is on who's side. Being double-crossed is sadly not a rare occurance.

Tag: Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani


Objective : The Stage is Set


Sularen sighed as the Supreme Leader asked him about his past with all the memories suddenly beginning to flow through his mind. His experience with both the Galactic Alliance and to a lesser extent the Brotherhood of the Maw itself had left the High Regent scarred, having been betrayed, slandered and humiliated countless times, his reputation dragged through the dirt by people who had plotted to undermine his attempts to secure a stable powerbase within the Galaxy. When he had joined the Maw he had vowed to right the wrongdoings committed against him infront of the late Darth Solipsis, however few of the individuals that had wronged him had felt his wrath throughout the Second Great Hyperspace War.

"It started as a simple small political dispute with the Alliance's Federal Government when i once served as the Ruler of Byss as it's Lord-Imperator." Sularen began "However like i said earlier, because of the Alliance's Close-minded attitude they we're unwilling to accept any narrative other then the ones they had established, and in this case to the Senators and the Chancellor, i was a treasonous element within their ranks at the head of a corrupt and tyrannical regime. After a brief confrontation with the Senate removed from power by an illegal blockade carried out by my rivals from Corellia and Duros and backed by the Galactic Alliance and imprisoned within an infamous maximum security prison within Coruscant's Level 4999, labeled as a traitor and defector when i refused to face what would inevitable be a biased and unfair trail and be left to rot in jail, preferring to instead escape and join the Maw"

"As for the Brotherhood of the Maw itself, that's a whole other story. At first things we're relatively calm, that was until Solipsis perished on Tython, from which moving onwards, the numerous Tribes began seeking to undermine me and my efforts to further expand the Final Dawn, while plotting to take over the Maw at the cost of it's integrity, proving themselves to be no different then the Senators and Bureaucrats of the Alliance that i faced before" Sularen said before taking a short pause. He then took the opportunity to pull up the right sleeve of his Neo-Imperial Uniform covering his right arm to reveal a Cybernetic Arm, which he had installed upon having his original arm "eaten" by none other then Kyrel Ren. "In one particular incident, i lost my arms at the hands of Kyrel Ren, the leader of the Maw's Knights of Ren and one of the main Warlords of the Maw back then." Sularen further added while pulling back his sleeve, leaving only his hands visible once more.

"Many have called me a lunatic for following the Maw. However what most fail to understand is that i only joined them out of necessity, as the Maw was nothing more then a means to an end from which i could rapidly rebuild my powerbase with the resources they had proved me with, while ensuring that this time it would remain strong and stable in order to withstand attempts to dismantle it by external and internal threats. Now the Maw is gone, and i stand as one of the few remaining Mawite Warlords left alive and arguably the most powerful among them, having outlived most, if not all of the more undesirable elements of the Maw, which brings us to today and this very gala"


Ah, how silly of Kaleigha to confuse Liin with the Senate. She was sure that the woman was nothing like the greedy, power-hungry, selfish Senators. "Of course...but if everyone wants their proposal to be passed...what happens if two politicians have conflicting proposals? Surely they do not brawl it out in the conference room? If the goal is to get more votes, are there more...sinister and effective tactics to swipe votes away from your opponent?"

Naval battles might be dangerous, yes, but politics were far more devious. Kaleigha had heard of scandals and blackmailings in the Senate, all to pass a seemingly insignificant bill. Even with all her strategic skill, the admiral might never understand the world of politics. And that was fine. She'd leave that to Liin and Trajann.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

I have not been to a Senate meeting, but if I were to hazard a guess then I suppose it would be a bit more lively than the Board of Directors meetings. For the meetings that I have attended, if one wished to sway votes than they would do so by the way of increasing the credits in their coffers through business. There are favors made and promises given that will expire if the promised vote is not given. Betrayals are frowned upon and rarely made." Although there have been a handful of harsh betrayals in the past. Those often led to the changing of hands as to which company will lead New Cov and in which direction the future of New Cov will follow.

At least there is no outside interference. Valuable biomolecules aside, the Galaxy's superpowers have no interest in New Cov. Perhaps it is due to the lack of Force wizards there, I do not know. But it seems to me as though everything revolves around them and their constant bickering and laser sword duels. I do not suppose that I will ever understand it.

"I have heard that the Senates tend to be slow and disfunctional. I can only hope that New Cov carries it's own banner in neutral space for the remainder of my lifetime. Although I wonder that if the Galactic Alliance were to come and try to have the Covie join them and we were to say no; would they just leave? Or would they force themselves upon us?"

Tag: Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani

Kaleigha nodded and took a swig of her drink. The Board of Directors seemed far more civilized than the GA's Senate. Like an honorable opponent, rather than a backstabbing enemy-of-the-people. "It seems like you and the Board of Directors get things done. I appreciate efficiency. If only the junior officers aboard my flagship did the same," she chuckled. "As for your concern...the Galactic Alliance is an unpredictable faction. Take them and the Mandalorians as an example. Friends one day, enemies the next. Just stay on guard in any dealings or talks with them."

It was a shame the GA couldn't take that unpredictability in politics to the battlefield. Kaleigha had seen their battles. So many patterns that could easily be exploited by a master tactician. Although Kaleigha wouldn't admit it, she secretly craved war with the Alliance. She knew the First Order would lose against the GA's superior numbers, but even a small skirmish would satisfy the admiral's hungers for a while. But that could come later. For now, she was content fighting off pirates, as their tactics usually had no pattern.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo


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