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Rakata Tech Banned Reasons

After some heavy rereading on this, I discovered my answer as to why this was a banned thing.
Not only that, there's self aware droids, and the force creating infinite amounts of navies, and droids, and weapons. Though, I dont think this includes Force Sabers, least I hope not. The more, and more I read into it, though, I saw ways to recreate this amazing group without breaking rules.​
Banned Reasons Overview
The Star Forge - Placed over a sun the Lehon system, it absorbed resources from it, and used the dark side of the force to create an unlimited amount of material for building armies. Thus a self sustained army. This is the biggest reason I can think of that supports my theories on this ban.​
Self Aware Droids - These droids were not only self aware, but capable of building ships at crazy speeds. Unlimited speeds? Unlimited Ships.​
The Mind Prison - Just...leave it a prison, in a go in it in Kotor....leave it be...​
Star Maps - I doubt have anything to do with the ban, its a map, nothing more.​
Teleportation - The Rakata had the tech to poof from one location to another. This though, doenst need explaining.​
The Tech Idea Without Rakata Tech Ban Markings
Remaking The Star Forge - So, how do you limit a unlimited machine for RP purposes? You limit it of course. BUT even with that limit, it's still a super weapon. Simply remove that force empowered part, make it need to be moved from star to star (there are an endless amount of them) and you've made it need to move to gain any resources.​
Deeper Details on a Remake of the Star Forge - It would be by no means be safe to absorb a WHOLE sun. That's a black hole waiting to happen. DUR. So this means, you'd have to move half way of using up the sun. This limits just what you can make, and how many of things you can make. BUT you do get the benefits of a massive amount of resources at one time. The empowering it with the Dark Side does not even need to be a thing. Though, Im sure you could add a dark side nexus to it to make it have flair?​
The rest of this doesnt need to be done. Droids can build without needing to be self aware, we dont need a pandora's box, and teleportation isnt even in the question. So in the end, you can get what you need to make the IE look awesome without the super weapon feats. This thing is simply a space station sucking on some vitamin D. Thats it. Maybe a darkside nexus to make it all dark, and impressive, but its slow as hell, needs to move to get more of that Darth Vitiumn D, and a fleet around it twenty four seven.​
This concludes my idea.​
Celestial and Rakata tech are banned because they're tied to super weapons and according to the rules of the board super weapons aren't allowed. Star Forges won't happen unless they're part of a staff run event. [member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Right right, so you have to take away whatever give it this awesome super weapon status.

Darkside fueled
Unlimited Vitamin D Absorbing
Unlimited Fleet Making

Whatever the Star Forge does, it keeps the sun stabilized and alive no matter what, probably the darkside. holes bby!!
Enigma said:
So I can't have that Rakatan stun baton from Kotor despite it not at all being an effective weapon, or superweapony in any way?
Why do you want a 32,000 year old hand weapon?

The only reason you would want it is because it's super in some way all these millennia later. If that is the case it's the reason why they are banned.
Rakata, Celestial, and similar technology have been banned because of how advanced they were/are. Just as the Centerpoint station was and is far beyond the technological capabilities of the scientists who built the death star, and current technology seen in the factories, just about all of Rakatan technology is too advanced (See: Nanotechnology on the use of such a reason) for Star Wars. The only permitted form of Rakatan technology are holocrons and datacrons (datacrons being designed based on holocrons) and hyperdrives.
I dont want Rakata tech, I want to make tech based around their ideas. Drawing energy from a sun, thats what the star forge did, is what I want to do. The Star Forge didnt need a crew, this thing will. Star Forge was fueled by the darkside, I wouldnt even know how to do that OOCly much less ICly, so this thing will need to be fueled by, the sun. Solar Panels, and all those awesome things.

Rakata Stun batons XD
[member="Romeo Sin"]
Making technology that is based on it but is not the same is not the same thing as Rakatan technology. Lightsabers are not forcesabers, a solar panel (for example) is not a giant sun-eating space station superweapon.

Then this thing would only need like...legit raw material, like durasteel, and start spittin out ships within the next month. If its powered by a Sun with solar rays, it'll pretty much never need to be fueled by anything else. So ships by the dozen are throwin so good all iron into this baby, and BAM, a baby ship is made!
[member="Romeo Sin"]
Remember though that the size limits of stations here and the ban on superweapons will limit what you can actually do with it.

EDIT: Creating ships from nothing is a bit dicey too. Personally, I'd just avoid the whole subject....
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Okay then here's the sale's pitch.

Space Station is...2500 meters long, and 550 meters wide.
Space Station is powered by sun through solar panels.
Space Station has a darkside nexus on it.
Space Station can only create ships no bigger than 1100 meters long.
Space Station needs raw material fed manually to it.
Space Station has no weapons, needs a fleet for protection.
Space Station structure designed to look like the Star Forge, this is only cosmetic. (I reaaaaally like the look of the Star Forge)
Space Station needs a crew.
Romeo Sin said:
Space Station is...2500 meters long, and 550 meters wide. Space Station is powered by sun through solar panels. Space Station has a darkside nexus on it. Space Station can only create ships no bigger than 1100 meters long. Space Station needs raw material fed manually to it. Space Station has no weapons, needs a fleet for protection. Space Station structure designed to look like the Star Forge, this is only cosmetic. (I reaaaaally like the look of the Star Forge) Space Station needs a crew.

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