Wrath of the Titan

- Intent: To create a new, terrifying war beast for the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
- Image Credit:
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Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
- Click - Bento Ribeiro
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- Canon: N/A
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- Name: Kyn'arak Destroyer
- Designation: Semi-Sentient
- Origins: Created aboard the Scourge
- Average Lifespan: Approximately 150 GSY
- Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
- Description: The Kyn'arak are monstrous behemoths that project an aura of colossal rage, deceived by the inherent malevolence burning behind its many eyes. These creatures are towering killing machines pushed far beyond the limits of their forms into something entirely new. A highly concentrated acid boils so great beneath the surface, it glows through its hard chitinous, impervium hard carapace. These are multi limbed, tendril clad beasts of claw, tendril, blade, that swing and gnash with the promise of flesh soon to be torn and blood to be spilt. These creatures tower over nearly all on the battlefield and shake the earth with every footfall. They exist for one purpose, to destroy everything around them.

- Breathes: I, II, or III
- Average Height of Adults: 5m to 8m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Various shades from ivory to onyx.
- Hair color: N/A
- Distinctions: The Kyn'arak can only be described as a true monster among monsters. A crafted beast born from the combination of five separate horrors. Their designs are erratic with no two exhibiting similar traits. Some develop more mutated limbs from their backs, while others develop eyes all over their bodies. They all maintain a towering height and the same base shape reminiscent of a ravager brute.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: All

- Crafted Beast: These creatures hold traits from a Dreddikast, Ravager Brute, Ik'straktor, Agragost, and a Skag.

- [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]

- Diet: [ Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore, Other (please explain). Note down common foods and preferences, what is poisonous, etc. ]
- Communication: [ How do they communicate? A spoken language (if so, tell us which), through barks and yips, body language, telepathy, etc. ]
- Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level if it differs from Galactic Standard. ]
- Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
- General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]

[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
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