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Approved Starship Rampant-class Assailant Monitor

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Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Intent: to devise a cruiser-killer for the Imperial military
Development Thread: None
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Yaga Minor Shipyards
Model: Rampant-class Assailant Monitor
Affiliation: The Empire
Modularity: Only Technology Updates
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Darkened Bronzium Hull
The Rampant-class Assailant Monitor is tasked with eliminating ships much larger than itself. To that end, the RAM is equipped with a multitude of passive stealth measures. The first and most noticeable among these is its hull. Bronzium is a heavy metal absorbent of radar, however it is expensive to use and is almost gold-like in color. The hull has been darkened to reduce visibility. Ion Engine Baffles and a Sensor Shroud are more passive measures to prevent sensors from detecting the RAM, however if they are actively searching for it amidst the battlefield even these won't hide it. That is where the sensor jammers come into play. The same type used by A-wings and U-wings, the vessel can utilize these to make the enemy essentially blind for a short time. RH8 Laser Cannons are derived from the Nebulon B Frigate and are anti-starfighter weaponry. Advanced Mass Drivers are in place of proton torpedo launchers. These launchers fire projectiles at hypervelocity speeds. These projectiles can range from proton torpedoes, bombs, cluster munitions, mines, missiles, flak shells, and even asteroids (which can be loaded from space using tractor beams). The hypervelocity launchers extends the range of typical missiles and torpedoes by thirty percent.

The RAM was developed to be a predatory ship, capable of lurking through the battlefield and wreaking havoc. Its stealth systems render it hard to detect. With a hull of bronzium and a reinforced prow this ship has real ramming capabilities. Triple-redundant shields, a design borrowed from Mon Calamari vessels, allow the ship to receive heavy punishment without damage to the hull. A third of the crew is composed of droids. The two mass drivers, however, are the Assailant's real pride. Capable of firing virtually any type of projectile, the mass drivers also can penetrate ray shields when firing solid rounds.

Classification: Capital Ship - Monitor
Role: Monitor - Disproportionally Large Weapons
Height: 40 meters
Width: 60 meters
Length: 220 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 1
Minimum Crew: 30
Optimal Crew: 150+20 gunners

  • 2 Advanced Mass Drivers
  • 3 Dual Turbolasers
  • 10 RH8 Laser Cannons
  • Reinforced Ramming Prow
Hanger: None
Non-Combative Attachments:

  • Ion Engine Baffles
  • Sensor Shroud
  • Darkened Bronzium Hull
  • Triple Redundant Shields
  • Sensor Jammers
Passenger Capacity: None
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 8

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I'm wondering where the tradeoffs are. Triple-redundant shields on a large corvette/small frigate are something you could only achieve by sacrificing heavy weapons, and yet you've deliberately billed this vessel as a high-powered gunship. Class 6 is reasonable. You're trying to do about three things at the same time - big shields, big guns, big stealth - and I'm not seeing the tradeoffs.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Changed it to class 8. However It would be reasonable to have both speed, shields and firepower in my opinion. Shields and weapons only use energy when they're active. Without them on, speed is viable

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Same as last time, the name of the game is fairness. Now that you've bumped it down to class 8, the balance is very reasonable. Small, tough, hard-hitting, slow. Works for me. Approved.
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