Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Range Day

Ever since the Dark Empire established themselves within the deep core, the GADF had been a scramble of activity. Phoenix Platoon, normally based entirely out of Coruscant, had been moved to Balmorra out of a precaution should Coruscant fall. That was a thought Ashley didn't want to think about, but it was one she had to live with.

For now, she spent the day on the range. It was a place of comfort she held, watching her men keep their edge. Mostly, she wanted to test Fresh Face, the new guy who had joined after Skywalker's death on Teta. It still stung, the thought of it. She rarely lost men, mostly because of how heavily they trained. But they had been 20 years inactive, not a war to wage, not a fight to win. Ashley was pushing them harder now, keep that elite status they had earned.

The marines had sent over a few troops to be trained alongside her platoon, Ashley eyeing a few of them. She could see one next to Fresh Face, the woman scowling as she walked over.

"Don't get distracted you two." She said with a firm tone. She expected Fresh Face to earn a new nickname soon, but for now, she couldn't bring herself to get too attached. "Private Rhyfelwr, eyes up. These new blaster rifles from Black Hand are a bit hefty, you gotta keep your eye on the target at all times."

Location: Balmorra
Outfit: This
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x Blaster Pistols, Beskad, vibrodagger, 3x thermal detonators
Tags: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore

Tarw had been given a chance to train with a group of soldiers in the Galactic Alliance. It was something he was keen to do, since it was an opportunity to improve his skills and get to know those around him as he grew. He wasn't sure how close he would get with anyone in particular since war was developing quickly and that meant there was death looming on the horizon for everyone. It was easy time to feel scared or nervous.

However, Tarw found himself more focused than ever before. His training at the gym was developing and his body was getting stronger, much stronger. His melee fighting skills were solidifying as well thanks to the Mandalorian training and understanding how Force Users fight, as well as studying various fighting techniques. For now, his gun training was something that was left malleable.

He was still figuring out which style of blaster was ideal for him. Tarw had stuck with his father's weapons, the blaster rifle and pistols that hid father used as a marine but he wasn't sure if that was a style he could call his own at the moment. Trying out new weapons and different types of guns, that was the only way to find out what worked best for him. Which was part of the reason he was at the range today, he was seeking out different types of guns to try and get to grips with.

When the lieutenant in charge called out to him, Tarw looked over and listened, "understood sir, will do." His deep voice responded as he breathed in deeply and adjusted his aim and the hold he had on the gun. Firing once again at the targets.

Ashley looked at the Marine with a keen eye. Kid had a good shot. "You're lookin' good kid. You got a unit you're attached to? Phoenix is always looking for fresh faces who know their stuff."

Not that there were openings right now, but she knew she could always put in a recommendation should there been.

Tag: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Location: Balmorra
Outfit: This
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x Blaster Pistols, Beskad, vibrodagger, 3x thermal detonators
Tags: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore

Looking over to the lieutenant, Tarw shook his head, "new recruit. Only been here a few months. Just need to train my skills and find my place." Tarw was keen to get his position in the marines sorted and to become the best that he could be. Aiming to be one of the best in the Alliance if he could achieve that.

"I appreciate the offer but I have another squad in mind I want to join." Tarw offered an appreciative smile, logically he should accept the offer but he wanted to join his father's squad. They were the ones he wanted to fight side by side with. They were the closest connection to his father he had left.

Tarw just needed to get better, get stronger and demonstrate his worth to that squad.

"Lookin' to join up with someone specific? I got some pull if you want. Don't mind doing favors for good soldiers, so long as you don't mind paying back the favor eventually, off the books of course." Ashley chuckled.

"Firebird here is the best of the best. You'd be surprised how much command respects her."

"I don't flex my pull very often." Ashley pointed out. "Just don't make a big deal out of it."

Tag: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Location: Balmorra
Outfit: This
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, 2x Blaster Pistols, Beskad, vibrodagger, 3x thermal detonators
Tags: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore

Tarw nodded his head, "my father's old squad. I appreciate the offer for favours but I want to get there based on my own skills." He confessed, it was good to have friends in high places and people with pull but Tarw was also seeking a sense of achievement through gaining the position based purely on his own skills. "Thanks for the offer though, something I will keep in mind for the future."

He gave a wink with a smirk on his lips as he then held the rifle firmly in his arms and fired several more times.

"What got you into the Alliance marines, lieutenant?" Tarw asked, curious how others got to where they currently they were. It was also a way to get to know someone that could become a friend.

She let out a laugh. "I'm army, thank you very much. As for what got me to enlist, pretty simple. The Maw. If the GA had fell, Hapes was gonna be on the chopping block eventually, so I ran away from home and joined the GADF. Wasn't that complicated, but I proved my worth. Started out as a medic, now I'm here."

Tag: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr


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