Two-Bit Con Artist
These are gorgeous and thank you everyone who put in work on them!
I'd have to agree with my comrade-in-arms. I understand how the idea is to make a universal style of tags but the witch/non-witch spellcasters is fairly niche. Why one niche but not another?Wolf said:You can now get purple or green versions of the witch tag, but not one version of Knights of Ren tags.
Sith and Dark Jedi tags just don't really fit for the Knights of Ren, and the First Order is now a major player on the galactic scene, with these tags being able to cover a good amount of members, and probably more members than whoever is represented by purple witch tags!
Sad times.
I think comparing us to that faction is somewhat unfair, since we've been major for quite some time now, and our member base is only continuing to grow. Not to mention, the Knights of Ren are supported by actual canon, unlike these Templars. The Ren are official canon, they aren't going away. The Witches aren't even major anymore.Rekali the Hutt said:IIRC Witch has historically been the third most used FU tag series on the board. They have a Faction with over fifty users, each touching the Force. The last Force User Tag series made for a faction(Templars for an Old Techno Union) got used by around ten users total, which was seen as unjustified, especially when the Faction was struggling to generate activity in and of itself.
Well, it's more than just a half dozen members. We have been laboring for some time to develop the Knights of Ren into a unique group of Force Users, and all our lore is available to anyone who wants to join our faction to look. I appreciate your critique, and we most definitely want to get the Knights more exposure so people like you can be readily aware of the difference. To that point, the word that should come to your mind when you think Knights of Ren should basically be "zealot" or "religious fanatic". This is what separates them from the Sith. The Knights hold a great reverence for the old Galactic Empire and Palpatine in particular, with some even going so far to worship him as an actual deity. They are more "Lawful Evil" and less "Neutral" or "Chaotic Evil" than some Sith tend to be.Rekali the Hutt said:When I think of "Knights of Ren" on the board I think of around half a dozen Padawan/knight level Force Users. There's nothing wrong with being padawan/knight level(I personally enjoy knight level more than master), but the Knights of Ren suffer from lack of a big "Brand Name" so to speak. Furthermore I'd be hardpressed to tell you what exactly a Knight of Ren is. I know on the board they aren't Sith, but the only canon example we have is a man who prays to his dead Sith grandfather for the Darkside to guide him.
Rekali the Hutt said:You guys have been doing a great job promoting your brand and pulling in what is arguably tied for the best Non-Force User memberbase on the board with the Mandalorians, a far better established brand in canon and on the board history. This is a tremendous achievement with how difficult it is to generate Non Force User activity in general. You guys might already have all of this planned, but I think the next step for you guys is finding better branding and promoting your Force Users while not distancing yourself from the wonderful Moff and Military RP that y'all have already established. I wish you guys good luck. I love seeing a good Empire faction, and I think you guys have the passion to stick around long term. I can't wait to see y'all in some invasions.