Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!

I would like to humbly request a "Corrupted Diathim" tag, an "Angel of Darkness" tag, and a "Force Drain" tag using this gif please. :)
[member="Adiara Drelas"]
Hey guys I'll get to the requests ASAP. I had to do a full reset on my laptop (yet it still isn't 100% fixed) hence my absence. I do, however, have Photoshop CS6 to play around with now, so I'll be able to get these babies finished up :)
I'm going to slink back to being a Rank Title person, if you still need sigs doing PM me and I'll redirect you to someone else (I mean that in a nice way!) I'll get to the tag requests once I redownload the rank title PSD :)
[member="Ashe Ikon"]

I kept them uniformed, if you want different styles let me know.


[member="Celty Ikon"]

I did a separate Ikon one for you, figured you wouldn't want roses :)

Again let me know if you want them different styles rather than similar.



Hope these are OK for you, Erik!


If they're a bit dark for you lemme know. I was using Azor Ahai artwork from Game of Thrones/ASoIaF -- thought it was fitting!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

If you want a more angry pic of Khan lemme know :)


[member="Shawn Michaels"]

As ever feel free to ask for something different if it's not what you expected






Working on the Force Drain - gonna have to get used to CS6's Animation Process first!

[member="Vassara Raxis"]


Connor Harrison

[member="Kobe Seren"] I may call on your service again in the future if that's ok to help with narrating my character via Tags...? :)
If you find the time (and aren't to backed up with other requests) I'd love to get two tags:
  • "Boomshot queen"
  • "360 No Scope"
Thanks for doing the community a great service, and I hope you have a nice day<3

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