Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!


I made two, one for Precognition (the blanket power) and one for Vision


If you want anything changing, let me know as usual.
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

If you want anything changing, just let meknow.

Sorry this took a while - I was sleeping :blink:

I tried to keep it in theme with your color scheme

[member="Kobe Seren"]

Do you take requests for special orders? I'm looking for a signature tag that is flashy with Sith Lady written on it. I know there is one already, but I'm looking for specially made. I don't have the talent for this.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kobe Seren"]

Just noticed you've already lost your Britishness....

Licence To Kill

Not LicenSe.

*shakes head slowly*
I was wondering if you could make a tag similar to this:

But with the words: "Cularin: Best Death"
Because I need to brag about getting curb-stopped in my first ever duel as Nyx<3
Thanks in advance you lovely, lovely person<3
[member="Drapeam Nyx"] [member="Xander-Clyde Gage"]

As ever, if you want anything changing just yell at me (in a nice way!)


I won't add yours to my rank title list, Nyx, just because that's definitely a personal one.


Active Member
[member="Kobe Seren"]

I have three requests, sorry if this is insane!

An avatar for the faction known as "The Jackals" which are a neutral mercenary group.

A banner for said faction.

A signature that all the members of the faction can use.

- - -

Sorry if this is asking a lot, you're very good at what you do and quite excited to see if you'd do such.

Thanks in advance.

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