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Approved Lore Rapora Demarchy

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  • Organization Name: Rapora Demarchy
  • Classification: Small Government (Sortition)
  • Loyalties: Claydoish People
  • Organization Symbol: The Star and the Moon are one; we reach beyond our home. The Star and the Moon become a Sword; We are not afraid of what lies above. The Moon becomes a catch-guard, like prongs; We do not wish to fight, but rather, if we have to, to disarm the enemy or protect ourselves while maintaining an offense. Sword and Moon within Oval; Shaped as an egg, our new birth, our new generation, should reach beyond these caves, to the galaxy.
  • Description: The Rapora Demarchy is the small government of the Claydoish People, forming from many different tribes and traditions, under a single mission so that their next generation won't have to know of the painful past, and of only the dark, lonely caves of Little Capella. For generations, the Claydoish have tried to quell their growth and expansion, so that they could stay hidden from the rest of the galaxy, in case invaders, conquerors, or slavers ever visited their world again. However, after experience of keeping cooped up, and allowing their few children to grow in what they called home, they came to an understanding that it was no longer right. They had to stand up for themselves, instead of fighting. The Rapora Demarchy rules with a 'Council' that is formed, at random, by any Claydoish over the age of one hundred years old, allowing all to have a chance at guiding their people, whether that be their tribe, family, or clan. The different tribes (genetically different groups of Claydoish) join under the representation of the Rapora Demarchy to benefit each other, and protect one another, in case another tragedy happens. It was formed so that they could advance themselves to protect themselves, and act as a unified force against threats. However, it has now become the governing body for how the Claydoish people should live and grow.

  • Headquarters: Interconnected Mining Tunnels and Caves of Little Capella
  • Realm: Little Capella [HQ]
  • Domain: Little Capella Deep Underground Caverns
  • Notable Assets: Rapora Mining Center, Abandoned Sith Complexes, Mechanical Scraps, Few 'Working' Ships, other abandoned ancient Sith Assets and near-modern civilian gear and equipment, Minor Industrial Factories

  • Hierarchy: The Rapora Demarchy is ruled by a Council of five Claydoish, and they make decisions based on Majority Vote. Each Council Member is called an Elder, similar to a President or King, for them. Elderly Claydoish are not called Elders, but Senior, denoting experience and wisdom. Each Council Member is chosen at random through means of random number generation or other similar method (like randomly drawing a name from a hat). All Claydoish that follow the rulings of the Rapora Demarchy can be possibly called upon by this method, as long as they are over the age of 100. An Elder only loses their position if from death or resignation (only eligible after 10 years).
  • Membership: All Claydoish from birth are part of the Rapora Demarchy, however those few who choose to leave or not follow the governments rulings (Eligible at the age of 25) may depart without any repercussions. Those who have acted criminally against the Council itself may also be cast out. Claydoish who left willingly may rejoin at any time, however those who were expelled must prove their loyalty and trust by committing an act of service to a Council Member for an entire year. Unfortunately, outsiders were never on the Council Members thoughts, as to how they would join. The outsiders they have loosely met, and the ones from generations ago did not linger in thoughts of how they would join the Government. Permission to join will probably be something debated over after their First Contact, whether it is positive, or negative.
  • Influence: The Rapora Demarchy only holds influence over Claydoish.
  • Climate: The Council has barely changed from generation to generation, ideas and fears lingering through only almost 16 leaders since the Rapora Demarchy began, and in its first steps, it was merely an agreement between tribes. The Ruling Council is seen as unchanging; they rarely listen to change, and try to rule with an iron fist. However, tensions have settled, and new ideas continue to fill the Council seats. The Claydoish people, and the Rapora Demarchy, are slowly coming out of a dormant, harshly controlled state.
  • Reputation: The few Claydoish who have left the government are anarchic or have just wanted a life that was more free or a lifestyle that satisfied their curious nature. Those who have left either see the Rapora Demarchy as a blight upon their people, or a general safe haven from the unknowns of the galaxy, while those within that serve the Council believe it was and is the best choice, considering their experience with what lays outside their homes.
  • Rules: Aside from the common rules and laws of civilization (i.e. no murder, no thievery, etc), the Rapora Demarchy demands a few tenets be followed; Rule of Birth: Only two children are allowed to hatch per egg cluster, Rule of Preservation: Any Claydoish may protect their dwelling from illegal entry or illegal activity, by any means necessary - AND - When called upon, any Claydoish must accept any call the Council may make, whether to war, or to service, Rule of Secrecy: No Claydoish under Rapora Demarchy Law may venture outside the caverns unless ordered to by a ruling made by the Council, so as to keep all families safe.
  • Doctrines: Due to the incursion of the Sith and their armies so long ago, and their remnants of their curse upon the Claydoish people, their way of life, religion, and behavior has been forever changed. There is no longer any widely accepted religion or belief, as there are some who believe in the indoctrinated teachings of their ancient slavers and captors. Their original texts, history, and beliefs were all but destroyed during the enslavement. Some ignore their own governments teachings and advise to venture to the Dark Side, and their beliefs and laws, some venture to a curious, explorative, or gentle way of life, due to their nature. But some are consumed by greed and thoughts of power, the writings of the first incursion still lingering in their minds, and the powers that were witnessed, many wanting it for themselves. However, since the ruling Council members are decided in an absolute unbiased format, the Claydoish have continued to stay in a neutral position, banning forms of corruption.... at least the ones that were evident. The Rapora Demarchy has struggled for thousands of years to come to agreements due to the Incursion and thereafter, several different minds and beliefs joining the Council made it very hard to come to certain new agreements or to progress, leaving the Claydoish in the literal dark to technology and growth. However, throughout the cycling of Council Members, somethings have changed for the better, and the Claydoish have.... mostly.... returned to their original behavior, seeking to promote health and caring; benevolence.
  • Goals: Only recently has the Council agreed to venturing further from their home, and debating lifting or altering the old Rules. They have begun expansion efforts utilizing the abandoned equipment left behind by old mining companies and groups, and the ancient tech once used by their enslavers. Their current goal is to establish first contact with the rest of the galaxy, and make further decisions of how the Claydoish should progress from that meeting or meetings.


The Rapora Demarchy was absolute not always a formal government. In its earliest origins, it began as just a simple agreement between tribes of Claydoish. Back then, they were severely more animalistic and tribalistic due to their mistreatment and malnourishment as slaves. The Rapora Demarchy began as a fragile agreement made in 'blood sacrifice' between each of the four Prime tribe leaders, by spilling a small amount of blood with a ritual of a speech by each member that was present. Over time, the four Prime leaders came together to form a leadership position to decide how to better take care of their people. The term Prime (the Monarch of each tribe), was stripped, as it held too much power, and said power was spread into the Council. A fifth seat was made to the Council to represent those that were exiled from the original Tribes, or were looked down upon due to their fading colors. Over time, the old ways after the Incursion were lost, and technology began to be added to the civilization, which advanced them incredibly swiftly due to the abandoned technology. This thrusted them beyond the adolescent years of poking and prodding science to see what happened, and to just.... evolving or adapting to accommodate to what was available to them. Gaining intelligence and understanding, they formed new laws, scrapped their tribalistic views, and formed what they call a civilized civilization. The name, by no surprise, came from the Rapora Mining Company, which had abandoned equipment and facilities on the planet. The sentients them being interacted with extremely lightly, but the few scouting attempts showed them to be of similar mindset to original Claydoish feelings; benevolent. While they didn't see them as gods, they did learn through them the ways to utilize technology, and with the fact that there were resources one needed, but not enough to kill for, showed the Claydoish compassion and understanding, which has lead to the current decisions of the government, today.
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