Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rapture (Extermination of Kaltes)

The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein

The extermination of Kaltes

There was no military on Kaltes, no defenses that could prepare them for the coming storm. It was a world of peace and trade, of fishing and families. A total population of one million two hundred and fifty thousands lives. One million two hundred and fifty thousand souls. Men, women, and children of the Gentun species. A fishing culture populated by the yeti like beasts the majority of them lived within the ring city that surrounded the whitewater sea. The place was as beautiful as it was cold, but that would soon change. Coming out of hyper space a small fleet of nine ships boomed into the atmosphere of Kaltes, the Omen class command ship leading the pack.

There was no fleet in place to defend so the massive ships lowered themselves down above the ring city of the white water sea. The omen cast a massive shadow from above that was beginning to dawn over the frigid city. The massive red eye of the living vessel let out a massive horn and broke the glass from every ship in a thousand yard radius. Bellow the civilians of the world shrieked and began to run around the streets of the city, but it was all too late. The Yuuzhan Vong, The Graug, and now the freshly recruited Raalonian legions were there to bring death to these people. To change this world and tear it asunder. It was to be terraformed as a new colony for the Graug. And in order to build a new home, the foundation must he laid upon something.

The ships whirled to life and the sounds of turbo lasers charging up could be heard from the bottom of the city. People shrieked and ran in pointless directions. All nine ships formed the same ring as Raalonia and judgment had been cast. The people of Kaltes had been deemed unworthy. The turbo lasers were now primed and when they were, a cold and demonic voice came on the comm systems uttering a single word. "Fire." The ships open fire sending hundreds of turbo lasers down to level buildings and destroy life.
Hundreds of turbo lasers opened fire sending the massive spears of red death down to the surface of the city. The ships spread themselves a mile wide and began to pour laser fire down at the city. People ran hopelessly trying to escape the inevitable, a massive turbo laser slammed into a small hospital causing it to crumble and explode in some areas killing all within as it collapsed on itself. Trapped and pinned under various forms of rubble people screamed in the massive panic that ensues whenever a city is hit. We revert back to a primal form of our programming as life forms, some of us shut down others scream and run. Others fight, there was a lot of it down bellow. Chaos, just the chaos of thousands deciding what to do.

The massive omen let out a bellow and the coral canons on the beast fired up. Flinging molten hot coral on the ground the large globs of heated flaming rock hit various homes, warehouses, public establishments, all of it was being hammered by the Massive command ship. Everything was a mixture of screams and death, of fire and brimstone when Dredge brought death here.

Things would not be as simple as bombardment by these ships, the wangas and assault cruiser carried hundred of coral fighters that were being prepared to spread through other sections of the city that the capital guns could not reach. They could only glass so many homes at a time
All along the white coast fires began to kick up from the coral cannons screaming massive globs of burning death at them. The inferno began to start in a few places, normally this world was too cold to sustain fire but the sheer amounts of heat that came off the coral at a steady rate was more than enough to set flame to most of the wooden buildings. So while that was going on good old fashion turbo laser fire would work just fine. They yet to release the mines as well, they would soon learn that their fates were sealed the moment the Omen had arrived.

The other ships fired continued a steady rain of fire blowing down on the city. They started at the south end of the coast and soon would have to work their way up with the capital weapons. For now they had to rely upon their other air game. The wangas and assault carrier that held the coral fighters, and the massive omen that carried a very special fire starting weapon.

The wangas and carrier opened their doors and hundreds of coral fighters took off spreading to the norther half of the city where they would begin their own little bombardment. Like a hive of angry wasps the fighters soared down shooting their smaller bits of flaming coral at buildings, causing a few thunderous explosions and setting fire to certain buildings. Death ran rampant in the streets as workers and fishermen tried to make it to their boats or speeders to escape the burning capital. There was no escaping Dredge, there was only fire and death.
The ships kept up their stream of fire hitting civilians bellow. Bolts of red light incinerated entire families as they crossed streets to get to speeders. Lights of red scarlet showing a flash of light and then flesh evaporating into nothing, a split second of pain. And then they were gone. Peaceful families huddled together in their last few moments, they cried and felt so many emotions run through their minds. Fear, bravery, doom, hope. But there was no hope, no knight in shining armor to save them. There was nothing for them but death. A turbo laser from a Wanga fired and struck a small den of peaceful inhabitants, and the place crumbled beneath itself crushing those within under rubble.

Inside the omen the cargo doors opened and emerging from it were massive black wings that soon exited. And then another left, and another, and another until four massive black forms clouded the skies. Ragna dragons moved to the norther half of the city to join the fighters, they took in deep breaths of air and as they dove downwards they exhaled waves of flames that melted the ice from buildings evaporating it and setting flame to the ones it made contact with.

A massive dragon slammed it's bladed tail into a taller apartment type building and sent it tumbling down crashing, five solid floors of inhabitants crushed in their homes. The dragon looked at the rubble and took a deep breath before blowing flames onto the remnants and taking off to go and destroy more.
Burning and destroying everything bellow the fleet was reducing the southern half of the city into nothing more than rubble and fire. The dead began to lay on the streets, blood running in rivers of scarlet to form small lakes and pools of it in craters that had been blasted by the turbo laser. The omen blared another loud horn and the power of the blast leveled an entire city block. The capital coral guns blasted everywhere spreading the flames that were now beginning to engulf the rubble of the southern half of the city. One of the Katarr frigates moved around and began to open up it's cargo bay doors. It was time to start sweeping for survivors and send them packing into the afterlife

A dozen large singularity mines dropped down onto various parts of the city and they all began beep. This was the part where a lot of people would die. Where their lives would be sucked into a gaping black hole where there was no return.

Things continued as normal on the other side of the city, dragons burned and charred building. Fires began to envelop entire blocks of the small city around the coast. The dragons fire was hot enough to melt durasteel so slagging buildings and creating hell in a frozen wasteland was no problem. People ran down bellow and they were quickly swallowed up by a whirlwind of flames and death. The dragons roared and screeched perching themselves on tall buildings to either crush them underneath their massive weight or burn smaller buildings bellow them as the coral fighters destroyed their own targets
With one last terminal beep the giant mines went off and exploded into themselves to form black holes twenty meters wide. The massive devices began to suck in everything around them, thousand of corpses and rubble blew through the black holes clearing miles of coast line in one fell swoop. It cleared the coast line by a few miles destroying the half of the southern part of the city. The attack had been on for about forty five minutes or so and it was almost time to begin phase two of the operation once the capital city had been wiped off the face of this world. Terraforming

The omen shifted and aimed it's coral canons moving towards the northern side of the coast. The city was engulfed in fire from the dragons. They burned their way through the city leaving only fire and corpses in their wake. "Shift our efforts to the northern half, drop the other mines here finish the southern half of the flimsy capital and begin to end all life upon this world." Dredge stood at the command bridge of the omen. He was to say more than a little pissed off to know Strider Garon was alive, and this was sort of his way to cope. "Yes my lord." A Graug crew chief bowed down and walked away quickly.

The other frigate dropped a good dozen mines each separated by a good two hundred yards for maximum damage. The mines beeped and went off like the rest sucking in everything that it could, the coast was being destroyed. Everything was burning now and the people were dying. Innocent people were dying and Dredge simply stood there watching the white water sea become nothing but glass and dead bodies. The norther half was a raging inferno as the dragons continued to warm things up by spewing their fire breath upon all underneath it. It was almost beautiful to see, the raging fire crackle and hiss underneath a light snow fall. It was almost a metaphor for duality but these things were beneath Dredge. All that mattered was the slow deaths of these people.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Kaltes and Kaalonia qualified as Wild Space worlds, modestly charted even on the best navicomputers. They were located clear on the other side of the galaxy from Shule's home. His navicomputer didn't exist -- he flew an old E-25 snubfighter with a nameless astromech, and got new coordinates every few jumps. That was how Shule Windspeaker had tracked down the disturbance in the Force. Others were stronger -- the agonies of Alderaan and Zeltros, for example -- but the Dagoyan-trained Master felt, inescapably, that nobody had come to address these disturbances. He felt that they would likely go unnoticed and unrectified whether or not he came to see, but either way, it was worth the trip.

The Incom E-25 starfighter exited hyperspace over Kaltes, and he tried to keep his voice steady as a planet's worth of terror filled his mind.

"Master Windspeaker's log, supplemental. I've tracked down the source of the disturbances I've felt in Wild Space, past the ACA. Nine capital ships, some Tenloss-built, some Vong. One is a former New Order Vong-cyborg command ship, Omen-class, two kilometres long. The fleet is engaged in orbital bombardment of the defenseless pre-technological planet Kaltes. They're using turbolasers and...feth. They've dropped what look like Vong singularity mines on the planet. An entire coastline just disappeared. It's the same kind of damage I saw at Kaalonia a jump ago. I'm recording what I can with my snubfighter's sensor package. I know we don't have the assets in place to address this, but this needs to be seen. I..."

He ran out of words. After a moment, eyes still on the sensor readouts in case the genocide fleet decided to attack the lone and distant snubfighter, he said "Windspeaker out" and sent the whole thing to the Ruusan Jedi temple, attn: Grandmaster [member="Kiskla Grayson"].

His intention was to jump for the planet Pzob; [member="Dredge"] might have other plans. There was no way a long snubfighter could take down an Omen. Shule was no god, but today he wished he was.
[member="Shule Windspeaker"]

The Omen moved it's way over to the northern half of the coast that was ablaze in a raging inferno of fire and death. Every last square inch of coast line was gone and the hundreds of thousands of people living here were dead. There might of been some survivors but they would soon no longer be a concern for the Yuuzhan Vong overlord. "Call back the dragons and drop the mines upon the norther coast. Two more ships. I want to see something beautiful die." Dredge stood there on the command bridge and watched his orders brought to life. The dragons roared tossing a few more lines of fire down onto the ground before returning into the cargo bay of the massive command ship.

The other ships with mines in them dropped their load upon the city. Singularity mines flew from the air spreading through the coast and on top the burning piles of ash and death. The mines beeped furiously over and over again and from a safe distance above while still in atmosphere, Dredge watched the mines go off. A moment ago there was fire and rubble, now there was only the black gaping mouths of multiple black holes swallow up everything. The city was nothing but holes in the earth and the dead quiet of nothingness. "This world will die, flood it." Dredge gave a new command and the massive ship moved down to stand upright above the nothingness. It was going to release the poisonous gasses that would terraform this world and cause it to heat up melting the ice caps. This process of course would take weeks, and could not be done right now in any time in any way.

Dredge began to walk away and then he felt it. A piercing feeling that pained the very Darkside Nexus that lived within his body. -There is a disturbance in the force.- the voice within his head spoke softly and stopped Dredge. -I feel the light upon us, be weary.- Dredge took control and let his hatred push the voice back. He reached forward and grabbed a Graug worker. "DIE!!" Dredge tacked the Graug to the ground and began to slam it's head against the hard stone floors. "I KILLED YOU STRIDER GARON!!! I KILLED YOU!!! I KILLED YOU!!!" Dredge bashed the Graug's head over and over again until pools of red blood formed behind it's cranial cavity. He roared and pressed his armored thumbs into the Graug's eyes until it was unmoving and dead "DIE!! DIE DIE DIE DIEEE!!!" Fire roared off dredge and he lay there screaming in pure rage the darkside nexus inside him feeding power into his body. It was a pure moment of sheer hatred
Dredge finished smashing his workers head into a bloody pulp and the rage had almost completely consumed him, he was going to make sure there was no scrap of life left on this planet. The giant cyborg command ship stood on the beaches of nothing and began to emit a smoke. A nauseous green smoke that began to rise from it in clouds of sick green pestilence. Green house gases rose up into the atmosphere and began to twist with everything around it. The first blasts on the deadly gas was up in the air and puffing. Dredge was still unaware of the Jedi around him and he was too full of rage and hatred, he needed to calm but he was anything but that right now. He had left the mando alive, the very man who nearly killed him twice was alive!!

Dredge began to stomp towards the ships cargo hold and began to speak into a communicator. "SEND OUT THE COLLECTORS!! I WANT EVERY PIECE OF SENTIENT LIFE THAT HAS A FAMILY HERE NOW!!" Dredge screamed and kept stomping to the cargo bay. He was going bring death to this world one way or another. He would make an entire species extinct if he had to.

Thousands of Collector droids flew out of the omen and began to scour outwards past the green smoke and fog the ship was now emitting. They had a very simple job. Find the native species of this planet, bring them to dredge, and then let dredge execute every last one of them. He roared again in sheer blinding anger as he approached the cargo hold -Fool! The light is here! I feel hope! Do not!- dredge shoved the voice aside again and pure fire began to radiate off of him whilst he stomped towards the cargo bay.
The message was received on Ruusan, and dutifully forwarded to Kiskla’s personal commlink which was eternally strapped to her right arm on her belova operative bracer. She received it as she was boarding the ramp to Crimson II along with her Padawan, [member="Haytham Kaze"]. They were just leaving a criminal ring that was getting agitated and needed a little diplomatic persuasion — an excellent learning opportunity for her visual student when it came to efficient communications.

Kiskla’s pace slowed slightly to observe the incoming message, white eyes drinking in the horrible scenario from the unknown sender, [member="Shule Windspeaker"]. Though the visuals weren’t high definition by any means, she didn’t really need any more clarity on the situation.

“Oh boy.” She murmured, the sound resonating in her stomach as the recording continued. They were on the edge of Republic Space, and could make the jump to Wild Space, specifically on the border of this area in a matter of hours.

But they’d need help. “Set a direct jump to Kaltes, Haytham. Immediately.” The young woman instructed, hurrying inside as the door lifted to seal. While her student prepared the navigation and ascended from their landing pad, she took the audio of the recording and attached it to a typed out message of her own.

Attention Jedi and Allies near Wild Space.
If you have the resources, an evacuation is needed on Kaltes.


The defender class corvette made relatively good time, and soon the ship teetered on the borders of the area. The visuals of the fleet before her as she looked onward, mind moving rapidly to make some sort of plan to be useful. Going planet side would be ideal, but they didn’t have the room for passengers. And she could only deflect so much — this was…
this was colossal.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]​
He didn't know where... or why... but something in the force called him. As if some kind of beacon was going off and only he could hear it. So, setting off in his ship, Darth Tsolan took to the stars without a word to the sith, or anyone else, save a small note left to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]. 'Trouble. I promise, I'll try not to die.' After a couple of days zipping through space, he finally fodn out what. A distress signal from a planet called Kaltes was under attack. He immediately hit hyperspace for a planet he had never heard about. Reports said it was a sith. And considering his relationship with the sith, he knew it wasn't them. One option left. @Dredge.

"Life." The fist part of his code, even as a sith he had to defend it from needless slaughter. Hours later, he found himself outside the planet's atmosphere, staring down at the slaughter. Mellowing out his force order to prevent any knowledge of his darker origins, he reached out the the only people around to aid him. The jedi. "This is the Twilight Vixen, answering a planetary distress call. Where am I needed?" Sure he hated them and their perceived corruption in his eyes, but he hated this slaughter even more. Besides, his ship was so new in service it couldn't be linked to him just yet. No, that wouldn't be possible for a while. To say the least, he had gone through great strains to make sure his identities were well hidden. Both of them. In the force, and on record.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
A few hours had passed and Dredge stood atop a mound of bodies, hundreds perhaps all laying there with dead lifeless eyes. The collectors were an efficient breed of machine, they gathered hundreds of the yeti like creatures over the course of the hours and now what was now a proud and peaceful race was now an endangered species. Dredge brought his sword down on one of the native populace and split the large beast in two right down the middle. He roared and screamed like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!" Dredge began to sink to his knees laughing crazily, the darkside had tainted his soul beyond saving and he was going off the deep end of everything. Took a deep breath and a Graug crew chief moved towards dredge with great haste. "Lord Dredge! Our sensors have picked up an unknown vessel entering the area!" The Graug backed up and Dredge looked back at him with murder in his eyes and a sick grin on his face. -It is the Jedi you fool! I told you they are here!- the voice cried out in his head and dredge rose to meet the challenge.

"Cut the fumes, I want these people to watch as I burn their heroes from the sky." Dredge laughed again and the ships left the barren dead shores of Whitewater sea. There was nothing left to save there. Lining up in attack formation the ships positioned themselves as so. The two wangas took point with the Katarr frigates leading the rears of them. Behind that was the umbra class carrier cruiser. And in the center was the Omen with two Azulas flak frigates flanked on both sides of it. The ships broke forward into space and began to close on the mysterious ship. They were not in firing distance yet but they were certainly being targeted. Bellow the people were safe and with only a small hole burned in the ozone later of the planet that would patch itself up with a bit of time. The collectors however were still down there doing their thing and once the Omen was out of range the Collector droids would just cease to operate.
[member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae

Warden, Traveler, Hopeless Romantic
[member="Kiskla Grayson"],

Aboard the Young in Spirit,

Traveling Ghost Ship Turned Motel And Broadcast Station,

"Sir, we have intercepted a distress signal from the Republic."

Sammo's Second-in-Charge B1 Droid called out from his console,

"Well play it then, dingus."

The Captain called out, launging in his chair sideways at a time, throwing half-eaten apple at the droid's head to look like more of an ass.

Attention Jedi and Allies near Wild Space.
If you have the resources, an evacuation is needed on Kaltes.

"Huh, intriguing enough."

Captain Sammo nodded, straightening up in his chair,

"Not that far out of our way."

The droid pointed out, Sammo grinned to him,

"Up for playing the part of heroes, Second?"

"We have no guns."

The droid pointed out,

"Not much of heroes without backup."

"True, true. Imagine what kind of praise we would get if we brought reinforcements though."

Sammo grinned, jumping out from his seat,

"And maybe finally I would get a kiss from Delila if I would rescue a world being raided."

"I doubt so si-"

"A, tut-tut-tut, 36 is still an Exarch in the Protectorate?"

"Yessir, last time I checked."

Sammo grinned and turned to Second,

"Good, open up a channel to him, he likes reinforcements, brings them all the time to everywhere!"

"You do not think he would refuse after you planted a statue of Delila in his planet's orbit without permission."

"Nah, if he didn't shoot it down yet that means he loves it."

"Alright, but do not get our ship towed away to pay a debt off with him."

And after that banter Sammo would sent a transmission towards Protectorate space, to be relayed to right people,

"Iron, this is Sammo here, listen there's some trouble on Kaltes, Republic sending out distress signals for Jedi, all kinds of nasty crap going down, I will send you copy of the message we intercepted. You anywhere near Wildspace? I don't care if you are, just come o'er here or send somebody-"

The Captain grinned,

"And bring Siobhan if you can. Thanks babe, loves."

Sammo would sigh, before knocking his head on a nearby wall in defeat,

"He will be so pissed, it's like talking to my mother."

Sammo muttered to himself before looking to Second,

"Send a message back to Republic."

The droid nodded, changing channels so Sammo can respond to Kiskla,

"This is Captain Sammo Hache-Khe of the Young in Spirit, I am heading towards Kaltes as you requested, and I will be bringing reinforcements!"

Soon enough, the Young in Spirit would disappear in a flash of light, hyper-jumping away
The call from [member="Kiskla Grayson"] went out, and it was heard. Deep in the nether reaches of the Fondor system, at the base of a massive mountain that erupted from methane seas, a great communications array was given her message, and forwarded it to Naboo, where a solitary figure on the bridge of the Unyielding Resolve stood in gunmetal hued powered armor. As wide as a ship corridor and every bit as tall, the man held in his hand a great halberd.

Sky blue eye lenses, glowing with an inner light, shifted to regard the glowing blade of his weapon. A great pain was already reaching out through the Force, although as with anything of this nature, it was hard to pinpoint where it was coming from and why. He sighed, letting the weapon rest out to one side, haft firmly planted on the decking. "Lord." Came a voice from one of the command pits to either side of the bridge.

He'd always preferred the Imperial style command pits to anything else. In the event of explosive decompression, it was a lot harder to get hit by shrapnel down there. More difficult to escape, sure, but sacrifices.

"Speak, Lieutenant." The booming mechanical voice might once have scared the blonde haired woman who addressed him, but time had seen her get used to it. Even admire it. She suppressed a smile.

"A message, Lord. An evacuation is needed on Kaltes." There was a long pause, a click from the helmet, and then a star map erupted from a holodisplay in front of him. The world in question, on the other side of Fed space, was highlighted an angry red. "...we won't be able to get ships there, not fast enough." This was cause for concern, as he would be hard pressed to get evacuation ships there in time.

"I will take a scouting fleet with me." He says finally, helmet turning to regard the small woman still seated at her console. "Contact the local shipmasters, give my authorization codes. Make all due speed to Kaltes. Two hours after we arrive, have the evacuation transports jump for Kaltes. If we haven't cleaned up the problem by then... they'll have to perform evacuation under fire."

There came a pause before the ship's captain, a man seated on a great throne behind the Inquisitor spoke. "Lord, how do we know this is a hostile action."

"Kaltes star, Captain, shouldn't supernova for millenia. A natural disaster would have already leveled the place. You don't ask for allies to help an evacuation unless you're afraid of being stopped."

Whatever the Captain was going to say was stopped as he considered that. "Your gut told you that, didn't it?"

"It did."

"Colonel. The ships are forming up."

Sarge nodded, and they tore into Hyperspace.

An hour later, and the Unyielding Resolve tore from the Other Dimension like a bolt shell, its attendant frigates and escorts forming up around its vulnerable flanks. An open channel was established. "Attention any hostile vessels. Cease aggressive action immediately. This is your only warning."

He turned to the captain. "Ready the Hypervelocity cannons. And get me Captain Hastings and Sergeant [member="Uriel"]."

He was not aware [member="HK-36"] was on the way.

"Yes, i promise we wont be on Kaltes long, i mean what do you take me for? Someone that would fly into an active warzone, get caught up in a fight, and be forced to help one side win a battle i have no care in the world about?" He said to the droid that accompanied him, ok so he was a mercenary and so it had happened twice already, once on Naboo of all places, but really, the odds of that happening again a a trillion to one and who was counting. "Now just sit back and let me watch the scanners for anything weird ok..."

So he quit his chat with the astromech, smiling as he leaned forward and watched his sensors. He had been flying cargo for the last bit of this journey, in a old ship that was best known for being a blockade runner which was all he cared about, infact he couldn't even remember what the ship model was thought it was a this disk shaped ship that someone had pulled out of storage, the cockpit sticking out of the middle with crew cabins poking out so that he looked like he was flying a giant pitchfork. But that was not important for now... or maybe a trident... ya that has three prongs.

Anyways so he sat there, in hyperspace and completely unaware of what he was about to run into as his ship came out of hyperspace two minutes later, and look at that, a battlefield. "You have got to be poodooting with me... Ok ok, ill get you a new part after this you cocky droid."

[member="Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]
Tsolan grinned as the new ship popped out of hyperspace. "No time to explain, get on this planet and I owe you one." Normally, the words would have no effect. But with the rush of the moment, and the fact that Vulpesen was pouring every amount of force persuasion he could muster into his words, he figured he had a good chance he could boost the guys morality compass to do this, at least once. "NOW MOVE!" In a moment Vulpesen swung his ship next to the blockade runner and bolted, aiming to take it with him on his way down. Itty bitty ship... blockade runner. General estimated psychology of the enemy... shoot the big guy.

[member="Solan Charr"]


I Shall Know No Fear
For a man to become one of the Holy Inquisition, he had to be perfect in mind and body. He had to be trained to be an elite, the greatest of the great, clad in azure armour so strong it could resist even the shell of the mighty bolter. This was one of the greatest troops- no, the single most greatest unit- of the Protectorate. Therefore, the might of the Inquisition had to be maintained by only the best. Sergeant Uriel knew that he and his squad damn well were the best.

Every single one of them were down in the training rooms, practising with vibroswords to hone their melee skills. The clang of steel upon steel echoed as hard as the inevitable following grapple, as powered armour clashed against one another.

Until, of course, it was interrupted by the call of a serf. Standing in the doorway, Uriel gazed up at the intruder, holding his hand up against his squad-mate to indicate a pause in the combat.

"Sergeant Uriel, you are requested on the bridge."

"Very well. Uriel Squad, stand to. We may be deploying shortly."

Heavy boots echoed across the deckplates of the Unyielding Resolve, Sergeant Uriel adjusting the helmet atop his head as he did so and the seals of his battle armour. His bolter forever attached to the mag-plates at his side, the great soldier cut an imposing figure before the normals on the bridge. Before him stood his commanding officer, to which he removed his helmet and bowed his head.

"You have need for me, my Lord?" asked Uriel carefully of [member="Sarge Potteiger"].
“Twilight Vixen,” Kiskla responded to the open channel, still figuring out how to penetrate the area herself “-Do you have the agility to get in and out of the planet, and the size to carry refugees?

There’s an enemy on the surface, as there are in the skies.” She frowned deeply, the Force was loud with the shouts if despair and it was a heavy burden to feel — even when she was as far from an empath as possible. [member="Darth Tsolan"]

A second message came in, and she reached to open a new channel, without disconnecting the first “-@Captain Sammo Hache-Ke of Rae” - she hoped she was pronouncing that correctly “We don’t have much time, thank you for your haste.”

Kiskla leaned forward, closing her eyes. At times like this, it was obvious she needed to invest in a stealth vessel for her personal ventures. Kiskla’s presence drew into herself. She would be most effective on the ground with ships this size in the skies -- this corvette was hardly as nimble as her A-Wing “Manage the incoming messages.” Kiskla instructed to her [member="Haytham Kaze"], shifting to take over the controls so she could focus on the navigation and concealment of their ship. There was no hope in the galaxy for her ship to withstand being blasted from space when visible — and even less time for observations. The appearance of [member="Sarge Potteiger"] and @Uriel’s fleet would provide a useful distraction. “They won’t raze the planet when the commands are coming from down there." Still, a deep inhale occurred and she visualized the Force around her, and as alive as it was even in space. She’d never tried to conceal anything this size, only herself. But, like a curtain closing on a theatrical performance, she found the knolls of the current and hooked into them with her ethereal grip, pulling it about her and the ship (hopefully!) like a veil. Next, she increased the ship’s shields and dual power thrusters — forcing herself and the Padawan into the throng toward the surface of Kaltes — pinpointing the source of a very dark nexus, which was soiling The Force like a whirlpool of shadows. [member="Dredge"]
[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Uriel"]

Musical score

Dredge was simply laughing now. Ships had come to help this no name little crap hole of a planet, people who had no hold in it had come to stop him from killing every last soul upon it. He had found his way back to the command center and he was laughing, mad bellows and torrents of laughter. -YOU FOOL WE MUST ESCAPE NOW!! WE WILL DIE!!- the ominous voice screamed at dredge in anger, but his rage and fury had pushed whatever sanity he had left into the back of his brain. Dredge fell to his knees and power began to swirl around him, raw and unrelenting power from the darkside nexus within him gathered and was lost within it. The dark side of the force was not oozing or seeping at the center of Dredge's fleet. It was amassing in waves and waves of power that would scream an any force user nearby.

A glow of red energy began to flow around dredge, pure hatred and malice for the people were upon him. The power continued to rise and the aura of his hatred began to expand outwards as power flocked to him and his sword. It was the power of Darth Vulcanus, the power of hate and fire. Dredge kept laughing like a madman spasming as the overwhelming amount of energy was stirring within him.

Outside the ship began to faintly glow with a line that enveloped the command ship. It was barely even visible but to the trained eye it was there. The Graug crew chief on the Omen knew Dredge was too far gone to command anything at this moment, so he stepped up and took command. "Pull the coral fighters around the Omen then project them forward to cover the wangas!! Keep the Azulas here to protect the Omen from any fighters! The Katarrs and Wangas and Umbra will fire upon the Protectorate vessels that boomed out of hyper space! The omen will provide fire support on all sides with capital guns! Go make it happen!" The Graug looked down at Dredge who was still laughing, he had thrown his helmet off but he could feel that raging hot energy that was gathering around him.

The plan was executed as so and the fight began. The front Katarrs and Wangas engaged the incoming protectorate fleets and fired upon them with their turbo lasers. The Omen launched it's front facing coral canon at the protectorate flagship and everything began.

((hey guys this is my first time fleeting, thank you for supporting the thread and if I mess up or you do something and I don't react to it right please send me a PM so I can understand. Again I'm not a fleeter))

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
News, it seemed, traveled really fething fast. Sitting in his E-25 snubfighter, watching the fleet break orbit in his rearview, he had a unique perspective on the vessels that began to arrive, presumably in response to distress signals from the planet -- or else the Jedi had just lit the signal fires. Protectorate warships, independents, what looked like the hulk of a Clone Wars battlecruiser...there was no coordination here.

Faith in his fellow sentients partially restored, Shule pondered making the planned jump. But some instinct had kept him insystem long enough to see the new arrivals, and maybe that instinct was telling him to stay a bit longer yet. His course inscribed a wide loop, and he fell in beside [member="Sarge Potteiger"]'s flotilla. The Dark Side limned the Force-null command ship, a jarring juxtaposition to his senses.

"Unyielding Resolve, this is Jedi Master Shule Windspeaker, standing by for support. I didn't expect reinforcements this soon, or in these numbers. Let me know where you need a hand."

A coralskipper flared to yorik dust, and the E-25 engaged, cannons spitting stutterfire darts.

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