4/5 On one hand, it's weebish, but on the other, I like the Daenerys vibe I get from it.
Ignatius Rausgeber Reluctant Murderer Character Bio May 10, 2017 #8,861 4/5 On one hand, it's weebish, but on the other, I like the Daenerys vibe I get from it.
Amarant Dead Men End All Tales. Character Bio May 11, 2017 #8,863 3/5 whole thigns feels kidn of liek a watercolor, which is kinda soft for someone with resournding scare factor.
3/5 whole thigns feels kidn of liek a watercolor, which is kinda soft for someone with resournding scare factor.
Garith Organa Man of Steel Character Bio May 13, 2017 #8,867 5/5 I particularly like the shading of colors of the picture in combination with the border.
Daniel Imura Enter snowman Character Bio May 18, 2017 #8,877 5/5 If you wanna be that smug, I may just ask you to make me a gif avatar xD [member="Atheus"]