Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Oct 30, 2018 #9,967 Very nice image, but if you had a border to match the signature, it would be more. 2/5
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Oct 30, 2018 #9,970 Oi...like didn't we do this 43 times already? *eyes make a circle* Sigh...Ok, fine. 5/5 cause I don't want to anger you.
Oi...like didn't we do this 43 times already? *eyes make a circle* Sigh...Ok, fine. 5/5 cause I don't want to anger you.
Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Oct 31, 2018 #9,971 If the face was a little more centered, then it would be better. Border too. 3/5
Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Oct 31, 2018 #9,974 [member="Silfe Sosuri"], Halloween. I iz Space Wizard 5/5
Silfe Sosuri Character Character Bio Oct 31, 2018 #9,979 [member="Atheus"] HAHAHA space wizard!! Minerva - 5/5 sexy and mysterious!