Where to begin about what I've just seen.
Luke was my favorite part about this movie. To summarize: the Last Jedi is an ocean of pointless characters and unnecessary subplots. I would have been happy if the movie was only about Luke, Rey and Kylo. Mark Hamill did a great job reprising his role, but Luke's death, which was completely unnecessary by the way, felt more like the filmmakers taking out the last of the trash of the original series. All the old heroes have now been killed off in what feels like a hasty maneuver to make way for the new wonderfully diverse set of characters, who seem less like an organic band of heroes and more like they've been carefully selected to represent every group on a university pamphlet (except white males of course, heh heh!). Honestly though, the forced diversity is far from this movie's biggest problem.
Ma-Rey Sue remains inexplicably powerful, able to effortlessly wield a lightsaber, dispatch trained warriors with ease, match Kylo, and literally move mountains without any training. I guess we are all supposed to just accept it as a given now.
Also, this movie's conclusion was the first time Poe actually meets Rey. Lol.
Plot holes, unnecessary diversions, more plot holes. I won't get too far into this, but purple-hair lady played by Laura Dern was bad. They killed off Admiral Ackbar, the beloved king of Star Wars memes, to shoehorn in this pointless character. Instead of simply telling the Resistance her plan, she withholds it for the sole purpose of leaving the audience in the dark. This allows for more pointless action scenes as well as a completely unnecessary subplot on the gambling world, which basically boiled down to a 30-minute lecture on the evils of capitalism. Wow, such depth in social commentary, I've never heard such critiques before!
The unnecessary subplot allows the romance between Finn and Rose, which then leads to an awkward and loveless kiss at the end.
There was so much snarky, ironic humor, which felt extremely out of place and broke my immersion on more than one occasion. When Poe prank calls Hux I felt like I was watching Spaceballs or something. If the protagonists don't take the bad guys seriously, I'm not going to either. The worst part was during Luke and Leia's reunion, which had the potential to be the most emotional part of the whole movie. So much wasted opportunity here. Remember, this is a brother and sister reuniting after years apart, coupled with her husband's recent death, and Luke's sorrow and failure in not only not saving Han but losing Ben. Instead, the reunion lasted ten seconds and was just as soulless as Han and Leia's reunion (literally the same dialogue). The whole thing felt so underwhelmingly hollow, it actually depressed me.
We waited over thirty years to see Luke, Han and Leia on screen together, and all we got was a shitty few seconds caked with ironic current-year-type humor. We will never see Luke, Han or Leia on screen together ever again. Instead we can only look back at the meager, depressing scraps that TFA and now TLJ have given us.
That's really the problem with this movie, the wasted potential. I can be convinced to look past gaping plot holes and even the silly humor, but at the end of it all we're left with an experience that simply feels empty. The characters are either hollow or pointless, and so are the plots. I can't be convinced to care about this group of characters. Unfortunately, the amazing visuals and the thousands of visual artists will never be able to fix this problem. Some stories are better off left untold.
The magic is simply over.