Vora Kaar S O V E R E I G N Factory Judge Character Bio Feb 5, 2014 #406 5/5 I can't place the Playby you use? Though he looks really familiar...
Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Feb 5, 2014 #409 5/5 awesome, and he looks better with the Green saber.
Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Darth Gyaumchem Character Bio Feb 6, 2014 #413 4/5. I like the structure, but I can't make some of the texture out on my laptop screen.
MacTavish The Fist of Nar Shaddaa Feb 7, 2014 #414 5/5 not just because I love Parks and Rec...promise.
Alendarius Veygar Guest A Feb 8, 2014 #418 Do your homework/5 Now serious: 5/5 I like the artsy stuff in the background and the quote's pretty cool.
Do your homework/5 Now serious: 5/5 I like the artsy stuff in the background and the quote's pretty cool.
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Feb 8, 2014 #420 5/5 for using that Jedi (iforgetthename)