Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rate the Song Above You

4/10 Normally I am neutral, but the name.... wtf

I know the song I'm linking is from a video game, but despite having no lyrics, it's fething beautiful to me

Cavern of Remembrance by Yoko Shimomura
[member="Pavor Clauditis"]

I like Pantera, and it does have a nice melody to it =) 7/10

The next song is one of Sorin's theme songs, so I hope you enjoy =)

Sick and Twisted Affair by My Darkest Days
Never was into motorhead...and I feel the song ace of spades has become a cliché for people who try too hard to show they know good's a pretty good song

*among my friends IRL not you*
2/10 Sorry bro, but I'm not even gonna try to hear that... for once anyway.

I'm linking something that I feel fits for breaking everything in my path as this alt.
9/10 [member="Pavor Clauditis"]
Gotta love Pantera, man! I'm a fan of most metal, but I was kind of dreading having to rate one of [member="Darth Vornskr"] 's songs (no offense against you, but death metal just isn't my speed).
Here's a nice mix of metal and a bit of electronic.
Very building in mood and could definitely be used as something for a theme. I like it, but unless I get a sith character it won't be the kind of music I will be listening to while writing or relaxing. Perhaps if I was using a sledge hammer or something. Would fit well with that, probably. :p 7/10

My response song will be:

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