@[member="Jared Ovmar"] *points to rape rules* You can't deny my denial.
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #21 @[member="Jared Ovmar"] *points to rape rules* You can't deny my denial.
Arage Bao The Admiralty Codex Judge Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #22 Ho ho ho ho ho. I think we got off from a bad start, who said anything about the R-word. @[member="Rave Merrill"]
Ho ho ho ho ho. I think we got off from a bad start, who said anything about the R-word. @[member="Rave Merrill"]
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #23 @[member="Jared Ovmar"] *denies*
Sarge Potteiger Emotional Damage Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #24 She keeps saying no clearly that means yes
Arage Bao The Admiralty Codex Judge Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #26 This guy gets it. @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #27 @[member="Darth Vornskr"] - Don't even think about it. One amulet's alllllll you get. Gotta leave'em wantin' more.
@[member="Darth Vornskr"] - Don't even think about it. One amulet's alllllll you get. Gotta leave'em wantin' more.
Darth Carnifex Eternal Father Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #28 You can tell your brother that he's a prick.
Onrai Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #29 @[member="Darth Vornskr"] I think that applies to the Merrill clan as a whole.
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #30 @[member="Darth Vornskr"] You'd know all about that, after getting canned with twenty pounds of Mandalorian Iron. @[member="Circe Savan"] Say that to my face. Again.
@[member="Darth Vornskr"] You'd know all about that, after getting canned with twenty pounds of Mandalorian Iron. @[member="Circe Savan"] Say that to my face. Again.
Onrai Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #31 @[member="Rave Merrill"] I'd love to, but then again, you did say Rave and Circe were never going to run into one another again for at least a good while.
@[member="Rave Merrill"] I'd love to, but then again, you did say Rave and Circe were never going to run into one another again for at least a good while.
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #32 Well, hey, it's not THAT big a galaxy. Who knows.
Sarge Potteiger Emotional Damage Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #33 Nothing makes you want to meet someone again like the desire to end their very existence.
Chloe Blake Warden of the Sky Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #34 My, aren't you a pretty thing xD Maybe one day we'll cross paths. I'd love to hear stories about your brother
My, aren't you a pretty thing xD Maybe one day we'll cross paths. I'd love to hear stories about your brother
Velok the Younger When I Was A Young Warthog Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #35 @[member="Chloe Blake"] *waggles eyebrows* I lived with him part of the time when he was mooning over you. Good times.
@[member="Chloe Blake"] *waggles eyebrows* I lived with him part of the time when he was mooning over you. Good times.
Chloe Blake Warden of the Sky Character Bio Apr 3, 2014 #36 @[member="Rave Merrill"] Hahahaa. See, we can swap stories