Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ravenloft (Vulpesen)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

THe jedi code is complicated more so because the jedi order refuses to define itself. Being open for all jedi is good, having them organized but the jedi have no roots like that. You have ones of the new order saying their way is right compared to ones who follow the old code and they do contradict each other at times. You have jedi claiming any aggressive action is defined as attacking but the jedi tenet say you can attack without being wreckless or aggressive. For ever forward motion there is another going back three steps. It is why I choose to follow the light though I am another example of what happens when you follow the code to close. Death is small, I killed people and sent them to be part of the force. I did this without regret or emotion, was it right? At the time to save lives yes it was. I saved th lives of my soldiers instead of letting them be slaughtered and was called a war criminal because I killed in a war. I find it amusing when judged by ones who will never enter the fray themselves but gladly send people to their deaths."
"Same thing almost happened to me if yo remember Tund. For some reason, it seems you're only allowed to kill them one at a time with a one on one fight. And if you find any other much more convenient way to do it, such as dropping trees on a force that outnumbers your own, you're suddenly a maniac. The people in their offices and stations look onto those who fight for them and some how miss the point that in a war, the purpose is to kill the enemy. Is there truly any right way to do it?"

His tail went to wrap around his waist. "For years, I spent my life fighting. From the streets of Nar Shadaa, to the wars of the jedi, and to the battles of the sith. Throughout that time, I learned a few things. A good man works to preserve all life. But a good soldier learns to understand the value of it. Its much like a mercantile trade. When I kill, I do it and weight the cost of their life to the possible risk of keeping them alive. Could they escape? Will time in jail change them? Will they turn around to stab me the moment I turn around? All are questions I have to answer in that split second of a battle. Funny how fast your mind can work in the time of a sword stroke."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Vulps as she was smiling and nodded in agreement while she spoke. "The jedi council is a bit guarded. They look out from the council tower on tython and see paradise, a world not touched by war, or hunger, or sickness. It is easy to judge and justify condemning others when you only live in paradise. That is the danger of what they do and what they don't do." She was looking at him as the ship came out, the world they were at had no designation, no title it was something lost to the ancient jedi.... well their shadows knew the language strangely. She had always wondered about that why learn a language for a world there was no records of. She had spent time ad with their records plus others found it. "I hope you are ready." Matsu sat there as out the viewcreen the world appeared showing oceans and land but more then that there was a sight she could make out from space. A large creater and the sense of wrongness that came from tearing at the galaxy. "We're about to go someplace the old jedi made a very grave mistake."
He gave her a nod and started to the back of the ship, resting against the hull as he prepared for landing. "That's why the Verans accepted me as Valde. Sure I was an outsider, but despite being royal blood, i still fought with them. Hell, I even led the charge." He gave her a grin. In my experience, that's all it takes. A good boss knows to make his men tactics and plans to make things go heavenly. A great leader knows how to lead them through when all hell breaks loose."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Yes they do which is why I don't push myself as leader... Yes I can lead if need be but I am not one to take over and force my will on them. I'd rather work to protect the people and support the ones who want to lead. My ideas tend to go towards the practical things over long term political planning." She was looking at him and was leading the way down to the planet as the night sky became darker while the grey mountains gave way to shade covered ground. Matsu set the ship down and was leading the way down the cargo ramp into the sections that her crew were working on. The siren's establishing a communications area and then a section for their gear while they would protect the ship with sonic emitters around the ship. "Do you remember your time in the shadows?"
"Well, despite the Jedi never giving me any real authority, somehow I managed to pick up a knack for it. As for politics, I'm still learning them myself, but so far I haven't had any rebellions so that's good at least." He started off the ship, stopping at the end of the ramp in waiting for her to follow. "The shadows were quiet group, hardly anything went on. And most of my missions were my own. Though, it did help with my skills in stealth. Why?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Because all shadows are taught the language of the Rozzum, something that most have never seen except n their nightmares." The area they had was filled with ancient petrified husks and dust. Matsu was leading the way towards the massive stone temple in the distance, the spires built and twisted in like a dark mirror from Coruscant. "A temple the order of the terrible gaze created, jedi corrupted not by the darkside but the Pius Dea and their crusades. Making good jedi cruel in their actions towards anything not human. This world is someplace they trained their shadow assassin's."
He rose a brow at her as they continued their walk away from the ships and to wherever she had planned. "I take it your expecting this knowledge to come in handy?" Of course, Vulpesen's knowledge in concerns to languages was vast and the biggest thread was mixing Rozum up with some similar dialect or language. Hopefully though, he could dust off the cobwebs in his mind.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Well yes to be careful, the rozzum are not from our galaxy they are from a dimension without shape or form and being here they don't know what they are doing but they want to create pain." She was looking at the spires in the distance. "Also a shadows skills might be needed in case we ever have to go through the trials in the academy... How many reports have we seen with malfunctions and the jedi had to go through the training courses while the safeties were off and complete to get clearance to continue on." She said it looking at him while moving.
He shrugged and continued on wards, her words causing him to go on alert, raising his ears and other senses in preparation for any trouble. "Well, now I see why I was brought along." He felt his pocket lighten as Ace leaped to shine a bit of light on the path ahead. "Any idea what malfunctioning tests we could run into?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him. "Well one of the tests they created was burning the blood of their padawans to ensure they were loyal and broken so much they could be reshaped into their purposes. Zealots were a dangerous thing in that time and thanks to Dragonsflame I found the remains of one of their old cathedral ships with navigational data and a link to each other for the crusades. That was how I found this place because it visited here several times bringing supplies and new jedi." She kept moving forward and the large statues were twisted versions of the older ones that had been built on Coruscant as she looked up the length of it. "Still have to admit they sought to become a dark mirror of their order and succeeded."
His eyes narrowed a bit as he heard the stories of the anti-order. "Certainly sounds like they did. Though, i can't imagine that any of them are still alive and following such a code, so that would mean n resistance from them here. Beyond their traps and tricks that is." His eyes turned to the statues and a small shiver ran down his spine. "Its like some sort of alternate reality."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"There are none... not really though for a time I honestly believed KIskla was leading the jedi to be like that. With the levels of control and micromanaging she saw over the people it drove away a great deal." The temple was silent when she arrived close to it and there were the large doors. Her attention over it all as she started opening the doors that led into a large hallway with arches. going into sections of the temple that were covered in dark stone and low light. The dust was hanging in the air before she was moving. "We will have to see though but if this is like the temple on Coruscant. Then the council chambers or the vault are where we should search."
"Myself being one of those who left." He waited for the doors to open then started inwards, raising his hand up to produce a wide force push. Eith his influence, the dust would disperse to the edges of the room, leaving most of their air clean to breath. Nothing major, but it woulds ave them from the possibility of raspy throats when they returned to the ship.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as the entry hall was filled with strange and twisted statues, a look at the slate floor while she moved into more of it. Her holopalm coming up while she brought up the map of the temple on coruscant and her tac pad was mapping what they had found. It seemed to be matching it and she looked at the entryway then over the archway leading out to a section of the temple while she was looking up at some of the levels. "I'll go towards the council chambers in the tower, you check the library and see about the vault. Stay in contact." The temple felt so strange to her, aside from the darkness and feeling of evil within she was also feeling just empty.... The temple was never like this just still and lifeless.
With a nod, he started to the library, his tail flicking behind hims as his hand remained on his saber. Great, a library held by dark jedi. Something told him that copies of the Loth-cat in the top hat would be in sort supply. Still, as he entered the room, he made his way around the archives, his eyes an senses in the force reaching out to sense any holocrons or interesting things that might require his attention.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu nodded her head while she was looking around, the temple smelled of stale air and that unease you felt when walking in a tomb. Like something was crawling under your skin as her eyes went around. The look she got towards the lift as she found a central lift to go up to the high council chambers had Matsu excited assuming this temple was still functioning. The sound of the doors opening and wash of dry air came to her again. She was looking more at the lift while thinking about what it should have been using and smart credits would be on a geothermal power to keep it going as long as the planet was around as she could hear the gears and lift trying to work. Thousands of years of disuse leading to now and it slowly started climbing up while she had wished it to see more. The windows revealing the larger and twisted spires all around her while she was standing there. It felt like an impending boss battle was awaiting her and her stomach dropped a little when the lift stuck opening to reveal a large walkway.
Vulpesen sighed as his preliminary searches yielded little but historical datacrons which he tucked into his pockets. Deciding to more into something that would likely be more effective, he found the center of the room and took a seat before closing his eyes. Falling into his old jedi meditations, he allowed the force to flow through him, attempting to move around the room in search of some point of true power or concentration of the force.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She was letting her eyes adjust to the room, the heavy dust on it while Matsu stepped into the center and could see the seats within the temple and what she could best think of a dark council. Her hands going to the largest seat she was guessing their grandmaster sat on. She was going to the controls of the room with one activating the lights as the thick dark reds of the council chamber with a map of the temple coming. Showing sections of the temple cold and lifeless but the small blip of Vulps in one of the rooms before she was moving around until searching things over. The section of the temple that was mirroring the one on coruscant.... She looked over it finding the bubble. The section of the temple that on Coruscant was a sealed shell around a nexus of force energy. here it seemed to be a shell with nothing able to penetrate with its sensors. "Well that merits investigation."
Vulpesen's eyes snapped open as a presence finally appeared to him. "About time." Rising from his seat, he travesered the archives, calling Ace out to pull anything that might look special while he took the real prize. Before long, he fund himself in a small corner, facing a sort of force user's puzzle box. Setting to work, he used the force to move around the tiles and blocks of the large cube, affecting both the inside, and the outside simultaneously.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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