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Approved Tech "Rawl" Multi-Mode Sidearm

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Intent: To create a powerful new sidearm for future submissions and role-playing.
Image Source: [x]
Canon Link: N/A
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Primary Source:
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: VTDI-137 “Rawl” Sidearm
Modularity: Yes.
  • Can select various modes of fire to allow versatility according to mission types and/or conditions.
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Multi-Mode Combat Pistol / Personal Sidearm
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Ammunition Type: Gas Canister
Ammunition Capacity:
  • Standard Mode: Average (5,000-rds.)
  • Charric Mode: Large (60-rds.)
  • Disruptor Mode: Average (5,000-rds.)
  • Stun Mode: Average (5,000-rds.)
Effective Range:
  • Standard Mode: Average
  • Charric Mode: Personal
  • Disruptor Mode: Average
  • Stun Mode: Average
Rate of Fire:
  • Standard Mode: Average
  • Charric Mode: Average
  • Disruptor Mode: Average
  • Stun Mode: Average
Damage Output:
  • Standard Mode: Extreme
  • Charric Mode: Extreme
  • Disruptor Mode: Extreme
  • Stun Mode: Average
  • Standard Mode: Average
  • Charric Mode: Average
  • Disruptor Mode: Average
  • Stun Mode: None
  • In Standard operating mode, the weapon functions like a high-powered blaster, causing extreme damage to whatever it strikes.
  • In Charric mode, the sidearm offers combined thermal and kinetic damage, and causes a powerful electrical shock to enemies adorned in metallic armor, thereby decreasing the need for repeated shots.
  • Stun mode not only incapacitates enemies, but can disrupt neurological functions causing them residual discomfort and diminished dexterity and speed (as well as a terrible headache) which can last for several hours, even a day or two, after waking from the initial unconsciousness.
  • Integrated noise inhibitor and other stealth technologies and materials lessens the weapon’s likelihood of being tracked or detected, even by weapons scanners.
  • Tough, rugged design makes this weapon well-suited to most any environment or conditions, and able to withstand even the harshest treatment.
  • Special biometric security prevents use by anyone other than the weapon’s owner (and up to two other authorized users).
  • Integrated capacity meter allows at-a-glance assessment of remaining rounds available in every mode.
  • Takes a Licking, Keeps on Ticking: Durable, rugged design is resistant against most any type of hostile environment or conditions, and will continue to grant the operator exceptional performance and functionality, even underwater.
  • Take That: In any mode, save Stun, the “Rawl” deals extreme damage. This is particularly true of the Charric mode, which deals two-fold damage types in the form of thermal and kinetic damage, sending a potent electrical shock into its metallic targets.
  • Up Close and Personal-like: Charric mode is useful only to about 8m, requiring operators to be very close to their targets in order for the weapon to have its maximum effect.
  • Not So Fast: Charric mode quickly depletes the weapon’s gas canister, drastically shortening the weapon’s ability to operate without reloading.
  • Be Smart: Using a Disruptor in most corners of the galaxy is a serious crime, and a quick way for one to end up a fugitive from the law!
The “Rawl” is the companion sidearm to the “Vexis” battle rifle: A multi-mode sidearm that boasts the same rugged and stealthy design, reliability, and potency as its bigger brother. Biometric security ensures the operator’s own weapon cannot be taken and used against them or stolen and used by another, and stealthy materials and components in the design protect it from being easily detected by all but the most sensitive and advanced scanners. With different modes, ranging from a standard blaster to the powerful Charric-style weapons of the Chiss, to even Disruptors and Stun modes, the “Rawl” versatility cannot be matched.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali

Just like the other one, this is a very cool submission! I still love the multi-mode function! I have the same remark here just like with the other sub.
  • The stun mode is underpowered, however I suppose this is intentional again.
  • The other error is the Ammunition Capacity's ratings. You wrote High. In this case this is Large, please fix it.
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