Well-Known Member
Intent: To create an NPC for future submissions and role-playing.
Image Credit: [X] [X]
Role: The supporting character in future threads, he is an unusual member of Visanj's command team.
Age: 890 (b. 32 BBY)
Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
Species: Human (Clone)
Like most of those clones created for the Grand Army of the Republic, he bears a strikingly perfect resemblance to the famed bounty hunter and mercenary, Jango Fett. Despite his clone-aging having been permanently slowed by centuries frozen in carbonite, he does now take on the visage of a middle-aged man, showing signs of advanced years with his hair beginning to grey, and having lost some of the firmness of the hardened figure of a younger veteran clone trooper. He has substantial ‘freezer burns’ – superficial scarring due to his imprisonment in carbonite for so long, as well as more fresh scars from the life lived since he was freed. Many have said his eyes are ‘unnerving’ or ‘intense’, something a few have described as a ‘thousand-meter glare’. He speaks with the accent of Concord Dawn and the speech patterns of Jango Fett, a common occurrence with many clones, but frequently laces his speech with Mando’a, in which he is fluent.
Voice Sample: HERE
Name: RC-1393
Nickname: “Jaeger” / “Iceman”
- Galactic Republic (formerly)
- Confederacy of Independent Systems / Visanj T'shkali (Present)
Notable Possessions:
- Jaeger’s original designation was a sniper, selected for his expertise in marksmanship, his chilling demeanor, almost obscene patience and tactical mindset, and his ability to kill without so much as a single afterthought. His instructors worried that he was ‘too good’: A fierce and gifted combatant, and easily one of the finest hunters they’d ever seen, but he seemed to neither relish in it nor shy from it, and many worried he might never be able to assimilate with regular troops and almost certainly never into a civilian population. His secondary designation was a scout, a role suited to his loner personality and silent ways, and he proved unerringly good at this too, and proved himself able to operate independently, alone and cut-off from help or supplies, living off the land, conducting himself almost feral, able to just become ‘one’ with even the most hellish and tangled forest, barren cold wastes, or rain-soaked mud-fields. An expert in survival, special reconnaissance, human intelligence gathering, he even performed well on an undercover mission to Corellia once, able to blend in among the factory workers there to root a saboteur loyal to Separatist aims. Jaeger’s ruthlessness, effectiveness, and casual, even cold devotion to his mission made him ideal for missions that called for such a man.
- Trained in a variety of weapons and fighting methods, he was also acquainted with a variety of vehicles, and showed special daring and skill handling a speeder bike. He is also familiar with explosives, and in improvising weapons, munitions, and other necessities to complete his missions. He is able to make and improve field gear, modify weapons to enhance their capabilities, and repair them when not functioning properly.
- Since awakening, he’s taken to working with Basulla “Tully” Tularhen, with the two having developed a sincere and abiding friendship and respect for one another. From the old Quarth, he’s learned about the rudiments of spacing, smuggling, and even begun to hone his skills as a pilot, though, by all accounts he is no mechanic.
- Taciturn and brooding, with a no-nonsense demeanor, he always appears to be silently watching, his mind in deep thought, calculating his next move or else evaluating his circumstances. He is a man of cunning and resourcefulness, noted for his work ethic, drive, and absolute unrelenting personality. Known to exhibit strong determination, sound tactical and strategic thinking, and profoundly observant, he is a formidable leader when called upon, though rarely does he assume the role naturally. Jaeger’s a man of profound mind and emotion, but expressionless and cold, and all that seems to matter to him is accomplishing the mission and getting his people home alive. Nothing, and no one, can turn him from that.
- However, since beginning his relationship with Aayla Ryo, he has softened – at least around her, when the pair are alone – and is quite passionate and loving where she is concerned, although in public he retains the icy façade, even with her. The intimacy shared between them is for them and them alone to know. Fact is, few would believe it even you told them!
Weapon of Choice: Well-versed in a variety of weapons, ranging from various small arms to melee weapons, as well as trained in a number of unarmed fighting styles; his weapon of ‘choice’ is whatever he needs to get the job done, or whatever’s at hand will do.
Combat Function: A hardened and experienced warfighter, RC-2310 is no stranger to the chaos and madness of the battlefield, nor to the stress and perpetual fear of working alone in dangerous missions far behind enemy lines. He has no compunctions about killing, no remorse and no hesitation, and he’s ever been afraid, no one has ever known it but him. Absolutely nothing changes for him or about him between war and peace, and killing and fighting on a battlefield he appears no different than going shopping in some marketplace. Ruthless, relentless, and unwavering, with the fortitude and skill to back it up, Jaeger isn’t the man you want to be across from in a fight, and if he is, it’s probably the last face you’re ever gonna see!
- Terrific fighting skills and military experience and training combine to make him a lethal and capable operative, particularly as a scout, sniper, or combat soldier as well as just a solid man to have at your side in a cantina brawl.
- Tactically-minded and observant, it’s hard to ‘get the drop on him’ or out-think him in terms of combat strategy and small-unit tactics, and he fully capable of operating effectively alone, even undercover, when he must.
- Hard, distant, and laconic, he is often inscrutable and difficult to ‘warm up to’, and doesn’t integrate will with most teams / people.
- Suffers from severe PTSD and emotional trauma, and is prone to many of the symptoms these bring, including nightmares, flashbacks, violent mood swings, et al.
- Suffers from debilitating headaches and temporary spells of vertigo and bouts of claustrophobia from his centuries imprisoned in carbonite, as well as sometimes painful arthritis, joint pain, spinal pain or discomfort, particularly in cold or damp weather.
Childhood Image
His Cuy’val Dar training sergeants didn’t know what to make of the boy. On one hand, he refused the vode, the brotherhood so many clones eagerly embraced, and on the other, he seemed to take to warrior ethos with an almost sacred reverence. His equipment and weapons were spotless, his discipline unmatched by all but a few others in the barracks, his performance in training exercises was unrivaled. Even the seasoned Mandalorian warriors found him to be a match in personal combat early on, and other clones were hesitant to enter the ring with him, as he seemed to find no difference between training and the real thing, and was a fearsome, cold, calculating, and utter impassionate foe. Nothing scared him, but nothing fazed him either. No exercise was too cruel, too hard, too tough. No challenge too big, and yet, he never once hesitated, slowed, or cheered. Many, including the Jedi General Shaak-Ti, doubted if he could ever be integrated with other troops, and almost all agreed that he would never find a place among civilians.
Where he excelled most was with a blaster rifle, and time and again he out-performed his peers, and this combined with other traits found him selected for sniper training. Instructors like Kal Sirata and Walon Vau pushed him harder and harder, and nothing changed. His impassionate demeanor, solemn approach to war, fierce drive, and laconic personality earned him the nickname “Iceman” from instructors and fellow clones alike. Assigned to a clone commando unit, he entered combat at the First Battle of Geonosis (22 BBY) at the outbreak of the Clone Wars.
Historians agree: Both Jedi and Republic officers mismanaged the commandos during the First Battle of Geonosis, using them like regular infantry instead of their designated purpose, mistakes that cost the lives of thousands there. RC-1393’s “Pod” was no different. Assigned to a mission against Geonosian shield generators to weaken enemy defenses and allow Republic forces to punch their way through, the commandos did as ordered. The initial mission went without a hitch: The Geonosians weren’t expecting them, and the commandos went in hard and fast, eliminating the small enemy force guarding the generators and planting their explosives, the bunker exploding behind them as they left. They set out to the arranged extraction point.
That’s when it all went wrong. The Geonosians ambushed them, outnumbering the commandos ten to one. The ‘running gunfight’ that ensued forced the team to take cover at a rocky outcropping in the desert. Taking up firing positions, they fought back bravely. One by one, RC-1393’s Pod-mates died all around him. In truth, though he’d never been warm to them, he loved each of them in his own way, and watching them die in front of him was an experience that would sear itself in his memory. Finally, when the team didn’t make their pick-up, the LAAT/i came looking. What they found shocked everyone on board: A lone sniper holding off dozens of Geonosian warriors, standing guard over his dead comrades.
RC-1393 was extracted, and decorated for his gallantry was selected for Advanced Recon Commando training, becoming part of the first one hundred ARC Troopers. Upon graduation, he took the name “Jaeger”, an ancient Mando’a word meaning “Hunter”.
Jaeger would be assigned to the Republic Special Operations Brigade, and being without a standing team any longer, was ‘traded out’ for various squads and missions in need of his skill-set. As a result, his service took him across the galaxy, to far-flung worlds and over a dozen campaigns. Among others, he served alongside the 501st Legion at Umbara and later on Coruscant. He distinguished himself several times, and by the time of the Battle of Coruscant, his war record read like a HoloNovel, filled with daring exploits, incredible martial feats, and glorious battles. He’d worked in support of Kal Skirata’s Mission to Coruscant earlier, and went undercover to discover the identity of a saboteur linked to terrorist groups there. Because of this, with the Battle of Coruscant ending, he was recalled and given a special mission.
Assigned to the Republic’s Internal Security Bureau, a ‘deep cover’ identity was created: Jaeger would be listed as a deserter, hiding as a fugitive amid Coruscant’s teeming underworld, seeking to sell his services to the highest bidder. He was to infiltrate the Black Sun criminal syndicate’s operations there, which were believed to be smuggling weapons and information stolen on Coruscant to Separatist groups in the Outer Rim.
The rouse worked, and he found himself employed as an enforcer for the syndicate. However, his cover was blown when a Black Sun spy inside of Coruscant Security learned of the mission, and he was ambushed. The criminals – who had been sealing their shipments in carbonite to smuggle them off-world past the spaceport scanners – placed him into the chamber, freezing him in carbonite. When the Empire rose, it was quick to consolidate control over Coruscant, and he was left abandoned, still encased in carbonite inside a ‘down below’ warehouse when the criminals left Coruscant to evade capture by the newly-minted Imperial forces, and all records pertaining to his mission were erased. For all history, it would seem, the fearless and decorated Jaeger would be marked as a deserter.
Upon learning of a ‘lost cache’ of Clone Wars-era weapons on Coruscant, Visanj T’shkali and her associates went to locate it for sale at a rather less-than-legal auction on Nar Shaddaa. Tracing down the warehouse, Visanj and her team found the cache, and with it the entombed clone soldier. Thawing him out, they found he was still alive, the freezing process having ‘shorted out’ the control chip in the clone’s brain (The ones used when Emperor Palpatine initiated Order 66, turning the clones against their Jedi friends and allies) and had seriously retarded his clone rapid-aging process. However, the carbonite freezing had also left him with ‘freezer burn’ across much of his body, and left him with serious lingering physical and mental defects.
T’shkali and her associates nursed him back to health, and Jaeger joined them. Adrift in a time centuries after his own, the once-steadfast soldier found himself disoriented and overwhelmed, and came to rely on his new friends, opening himself to relationships with them that once would have been impossible for anyone to imagine him to make. His loyalty to Visanj was matched only by his gratitude and respect for her. Her longtime ally, Basulla “Tully” Tularhen, the veteran Quarth spacer, soon became a close friend and confidante, and the pair worked together closely, forging a friendship the like that only ‘old soldiers’ could make. He also would, eventually, begin a discreet but intimate relationship with Aayla Ryo. He maintains an odd love-hate relationship with AR135, Visanj’s majordomo, as the droid had once fought against him in the Clone Wars, although despite their former enmity, they have proven several times to be a potent combination and each are valued assets to Visanj’s inner circle.
Seeing this as a second chance, Jaeger has grown to embrace his circumstances and the opportunities which lay before him. Though he refuses to ever wear a uniform again, he is part of Visanj’s ‘command crew’ aboard the JXS-31B, her personal flagship within the Confederacy of Independent Systems’ Ministry of Science’s Corps of Discovery. In fact, the irony of finding himself working beneath a Confederate flag isn’t lost on him, and he now faces the galaxy of the late 90th Century ABY with jaded optimism and pragmatic resolve.
"I served the Republic and they ran us through a meat grinder then left me spend eternity in a cold, dark prison. I did that because I was born to, bred to, trained to, and told to. I don't wear a uniform now, and I serve who, where, and what I choose."
"Yeah, the Baroness is crazy...kark, the whole damned lot of her crew is nothing but oddballs and misfits and renegades...I guess that's why I am with them."