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Re-Naming the Mandalorian Empire?

Ok, the poll option on board isn't working.

We bridged the idea of renaming the Faction months ago, with no consensus, so let's try this again! What would you like the Mandalorian Empire to be called, keeping in mind that politically speaking, we are not an Empire, but an independently-governed collective of Clans, based around a centralized figure known as Mand'alor.

Please only vote once, but vote for as many options as you like:

  • Mandalorian Empire 1

  • Mandalorian Federation 1

  • Clans of Mandalore 7

  • Coalition of Mandalorian Clans 2

  • The Mandalorian Be’ior 1

  • Aliit be Manda’yaim 1

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Shia Kryze"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Cassiopeia Australis"] [member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Tal Vizsla"] [member="Lisset Australis"] [member=“Atheus Voidwalker“] [member="Connory"] [member=“Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Amanda Kryze"] [member="Skosk Australis"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"] [member="Ginnie Dib"] [member="Ra’a’mah"] [member="Nita Quez"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Cynthia Solus"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Gerarich Thanor"] [member="Jor Kvall"] [member="Ambrose Cadera”] [member="Rory Baccus"] [member="Nibsani"] [member=“Aaray Solus”] [member="Skorvek"] [member=“Lilik Mantis”] [member="Meerax Quez"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae”] [member="Lily-Grace Australis"] [member="Tristan Wren"] [member="Garrus Garon"] [member="Petria Breguet"] [member=“Ursula Vizla”] [member="Mavarah"] [member="Jake Awaud”] [member=“Torin Verd”] [member=“Pylon Zerga”] [member=“Vyr Beviin”]

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
My vote is Clans of Mandalore.

It's just a brand issue. I don't like "Manda'yaim" as much because people not familiar with our lore don't know what that is. Use the more instantly recognizable word.

Please don't do Mandalorian Protectorate for reasons I listed in the other thread. Protectorate is a term given to a dependent colony of a foreign power. We are not subordinate to any foreign power or Empire. It would look very silly to call ourselves that, especially since we value our independence.

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