Voices of The Deep
◈ A Z U R E ◈

Unknown Space
Major Plot - Act I
The void of space was her domain, darkling womb, dank and clandestine. It was where The Awoken walked and survived, depths she would retreat to in her time of solitude. When she closed her eyes and lifted chin, the dense emptiness could be mistaken for a lifeless vacuum. But this was where she grew up...it 'was' her home. There, she could pretend Petra back to her side, puzzle-halves fitting together with a satisfying tension. Oh, what would this small band of witches and warlocks become without the guidance she had to offer? What gizzard-stone effect would the galaxy have, grinding her down into the harshest components? No no no, their origin lay here, and there was the glory of the truth anticipating the future. An exhale, a lovely whuff of breath into the atmosphere, sibilant and inaudible to anyone else approaching unless they had somehow managed to sneak up within a half-inch of the Queen. Which, to be frank, they hadn't. Winter leaned forward, Her gaze wandering over the star speckled void as her mind raced... It was a pleasant enough place to lie and mull over recent events. Aboard the Pillar of Ascension as it wandered the stars, Winter contemplated the possible future of The Awoken...
She knew for a fact she did not want to become wrapped into the mundane affairs of the other factions that squabbled for superiority...rolling in the dirt and claiming balls of earth as 'theirs'. Winter had no interest in such things...and the last thing she needed was for her faction to get into a war with the Republic or Sith...as a result, she had come up with a plan. Very simple, and she planned on consulting her loyal followers before making the final choice.
"Your highness!" A voice rang from the back of her throne room. Winter grimacing from the sudden unannounced disturbance. The Ice Queen looked over her shoulder and looked to her captain as the woman stood at attention.
"Queen Sovereign...we've um. Come across so-"
"What...what did you find?" Winter cut her off, preferring to get to the point rather than wasting time with filler. The Captain nodded briefly and continued.
"We've found a starship...it looks vacant. But we are detecting several life signs inside. And..." She explained before trailing off.
"And...what?" Winter asked, turning to face the captain and stepping forward with narrowed eyes. The captain quickly stood straight and spoke up.
"It would seem scavengers are picking the place apart...but there are to many life signs for it to be simple scavengers...we think conflict stirs within the ship. It does not look like it is branded to any other known faction." She explained, making Winter lower her gaze in thought.
"Hmm...very well. Summon The Awoken to the call...let us see what this mysterious ship has to offer." Winter said in amusement. The Captain nodding and giving a slight bow before heading off and leaving Winter in the center of the throne room...
Seemed things were finally getting exciting.
[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Evan Kenner"]
[member="Felran Natri"]
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Jayce R. Vitalus"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Thid Qaal"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Juliana Darkmourn"]
[member="Kara Blackmoor"]
[member="Katelyn Thanewulf"]
[member="Xain 'Cruor' Sykes"]
[member="Freyia Whitelight"]