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Private Reaching Out

Fondor City, Fondor, Colonies

Within the hallway Rens Ahim strolled through. Flanking him on the left was Zin Doye, his young human assistant and on the right side was Representative Caen Tez. Behind them was the towering bodyguard Jahn Briggs. Caen, middle aged and red bearded, wearing navy blue robe, commented.

"Rens I'm still surprised you managed to convince the Prime Minister to go for this."

"You know it wasn't easy but he does understand we have to be flexible." The senator replied before Zin interjected.

"Sir there are those who still see Fortan as a war criminal."

At the reminder Rens nodded. He understood that point of view quite well. After all, for a long time Rens shared that view of Aegis' Supreme Leader and Senator. He still remembered that senate hearing when Natasi Fortan was interviewed and how he questioned her. Those questions were necessary at the time but time has proven that there is more to the former First Order official than he initially believed.

As they drew closer to Fortan's office, Rens finally answered. "Whatever the truth of her past she proved herself to the Alliance. With the threats we face today both within and without we must reach across the aisle."

Soon enough they spotted some of Fortan's guards outside the office. There was a hint of shock in their eyes as Rens Ahim stood straight facing them.

"Greetings. I request to meet with Senator Fortan, your Supreme Leader. I know this is unexpected but please I do wish to speak with her on a matter of importance."

The guards shared before one of them took out a commlink to message their charge.

Tag: Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan
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skin, bone, and arrogance


With the Senate building destroyed on Coruscant -- and as far as Natasi Fortan was concerned, many more heads to roll for it than already had -- the Senator from Aegis had reluctantly moved into the office that had been set aside from her on Fondor. It wasn't that she was opposed to the idea of Fondor, it was just so far removed from Coruscant that she felt painfully remote from the crucial work that needed to happen here.

Her principal private secretary, Kenat, knocked on the door to the inner office and entered with a set of documents. "For your signature," he said. "And there's a request from a Senator for an unscheduled meeting."

Natasi took the folders with the documents. "Which one?" Not that it mattered. Natasi was a firm believer in taking all comers, even when it was almost guaranteed to be hideously unpleasant. She was therefore pleasantly surprised when Kenat told her that it was Senator Ahim. "Show him in right away."

The Senator for Aegis tidied her desk, straightening the folders in a stack on the corner and rose when Kenat entered with her fellow Senator. "Senator Ahim," Natasi said, smiling tightly. Her tone was friendly but her eyes were guarded; she had no qualms with the Senator, but she couldn't help but remember some rather sharp questioning when Aegis was joining the Alliance, so it was hard to say what would be coming next.

"Come in, please." Natasi gestured broadly to a seating area near the window. "Make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you something? Water, coffee, tea?" She stood and went over to the seating area, which featured a pair of dark navy blue, semi-circular sofas arranged on opposite sides of a coffee table where a holoprojector was silently scrolling the news. Natasi turned it off with the click of a remote and took a seat opposite her visitor.

"I was relieved to see that you were able to get off Coruscant," Natasi said gravely. "And -- you were with your daughter, I think, that time in the Senate lounge? All is well, I hope."

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"Senator Fortan." Rens answered politely when greeted. Dignified as always he silently observed. He left his party earlier outside to have this private meeting. For the conversation they're going to have it is necessary in his opinion.

Nodding at her invitation he went to take a seat. When asked for refreshments the former lawyer replied. "Water would be fine." Since he was here as a guest it was better to accept her hospitality in hopes it would help break the ice so to speak. Once given the glass he nodded and smiled in quiet gratitude before his colleague turned off the holoprojector.

He let Fortan speak first. A look of guilt took over his face briefly, thinking of all those souls lost in the battle. Logically Rens knew that getting himself endangered and killed on Coruscant wouldn't change the course of the battle. Still he wished he could've done more for the people there. At the mention of that time at the lounge with his daughter Rens allowed a relieved smile.

"Yes Iona is doing fine thank you for asking. She was reckless but her heart is in the right place. When my wife and I adopted her Iona actually convinced us to take not only her but also Gel, Nai and Teren as well who were in the same orphanage. She loves to help those around her."

His smile remained proud of the person that Iona was becoming. The memory ended and Rens focused back on Natasi Fortan. After sipping the glass of water which was quite refreshing he confessed.

"To tell you the truth Senator Fortan, part of the reason why I came here is to apologize. When you first joined the senate I was suspicious of your intentions to the Alliance despite how well you answered all our questions in the hearing. It remained so for a long time but you proved me wrong with your conduct as representative of your people. I misjudged you."

Rens Ahim knew himself to be a flawed man that can be quite judgmental but if shown to be wrong he wasn't afraid to admit his mistakes.

Tag: Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan
skin, bone, and arrogance


Natasi went to the nearby sideboard and poured a glass of water for each of the Senators, returning to place them down on the coffee table between them. "I know the feeling," she said with a wry smile in response to his discussion of his daughter Iona. Her own daughter could be fairly reckless, too, and she had the ire of the 10th Armada's logistical officer as proof.

She sat again and smoothed her skirt over her knees, prepared to listen to his explanation as to the reason for his visit. Natasi confessed herself somewhat surprised by the gesture, her eyebrows lifting a little. "Senator -- " she began, but she stopped after a moment. Rens Ahim was privileged to be one of the few who could have rendered Natasi Fortan speechless, however momentarily. She was not accustomed to grace since she had entered the foray of Senate politics, and yet here it was in spades. The truth was, she was rather touched. She gave an apologetic smile and then regrouped. "I appreciate the thought, but let me assure you that you have no need to apologize. Put candidly, I was surprised more of your colleagues weren't as... shall we say, cautious, as you."

She paused a moment, settling more comfortably into the couch, doing a little duchess slant primly. "The truth is, after all that business with Tithe, it is right to be cautious. The Assembly seems to have a problem with attracting some of the less savory characters, and I am aware that my reputation -- rather, the reputation of the old First Order -- precedes me." This did stick in her craw ever so slightly; the old First Order had won that war, but the old Galactic Alliance had undoubtedly gotten the better historical treatment from it, despite having been responsible for instigating the deadly conflict.

Some people could never get over an army that used white armor.

"And I am aware that the optics of the Renascent Republic's clandestine beginnings were... not helpful," Natasi conceded delicately. "But nothing can change time, I suppose, more's the pity. You are to be commended, Senator Ahim, for being bold enough to voice your legitimate concerns, even others were not. Perhaps such boldness is even more commendable under such circumstances."

Another beat. "All that being said, I am pleased to hear I have emerged from under a cloud of suspicion." Natasi's smile was broader. "With as incisive a mind as yours, I'm sure you know all too well that not everyone sitting in our Assembly means well. There are few enough that we can trust implicitly to be laboring in the interests of the Galactic Alliance; I consider you among them, alongside Senators Organa, de Montaigne, and Se'Taav. The question is what we can hope to achieve. What are your thoughts as far as next steps?"

Rens sat back taking in her response. She clearly wasn't expecting this at all but handled it graciously. This reaction reinforced his opinion that he had misjudged the Renascent Republic‘s leader in the past. He nodded in gratitude and understanding. This was a good start.

Sipping his drink he kept silent as Fortan directed the conversation to the political arena. Once more he found himself in agreement with her, remarking.

"Indeed corruption and possibly treason abounds in the assembly. The fact that an enemy warship was buried underneath the senate on Coruscant on our watch is strong evidence of both."

Anger at the very fact was evident in his glare staring down at the glass of water. People died needlessly because they failed to prevent that. Treason, bribery or incompetence or a combination of all three made it happen.

The saving grace was the bravery and sacrifices of the Alliance troops and Jedi and their foes' blunder in killing many of their troops with that ship rising. If the Dark Empire had been more smart about it they would've waited for the ship to rise up first then let their forces attack that district while the defenders were in disarray. But no the invaders had been too callous and arrogant to even inform their own troops of it apparently.

Still we failed our people in not uncovering or preventing that ship‘s construction. It was the troops, the Jedi and our allies that won the battle. We owed it to them and our children to be better.

When Natasi listed the senators she trusted, Rens titled his head in examination of her briefly. He knew Alico Organa to be a good man but they didn't speak much outside of sessions. Something he definitely needs to change. Corrine de Montaigne and Raphael Calgar he was more ignorant of but the fact Natasi mentioned him got his attention. As for Kel Se'Taav he and him were started become friends recently.

Taking another sip Rens straightens his head's posture before replying.

"I believe we need to make sure the assembly doesn't interfere with the war effort. That last hearing with General Visz proves that the Corpos would rather use our military as their personal enforcers for profit schemes than anything else while pretending it to be pursuing legitimate military objectives. As you pointed out that day it is not the legislative body's responsibility to direct combat operations but the executive branch and the military. We must either purge as much of the corruption as possible or at the very least restrain enough of it for our Alliance to survive and win this war.”

Raising his free hand he added.

"Of course that is easier said than done as we both know. We should unite with those of similar thought, starting with everyone you just mentioned. Hopefully we can find future allies in the long run but we need to start a coalition with those who are willing. But what are your thoughts on the matter?”

Tag: Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan
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skin, bone, and arrogance


Natasi cupped her chin thoughtfully as she considered what her fellow Senator was saying. "I can't help but agree with all you've said," she finally concluded. "Especially that it will be easier said than done. It seems the corporatists in the Senate are walking just this side of the line. We may not be able to purge them, but we should look to isolate them politically. Force them to either commit to doing the decent thing, publicly, or force them to stand behind their self-serving ways -- which I tried but did not quite succeed in doing during our last session."

She frowned gravely, her dark eyes adapting a faraway look.

"It's too bad that most of us are too -- for lack of a better word -- goody-goody to get into their circles." Natasi met Senator Ahim's gaze suggestively. "If I had known, perhaps I would have leaned into my former Imperial associations and tried to infiltrate them." She inclined her head, then peered toward the window, deep in thought.

"Do you suppose there's anything in that idea?" she asked. "Not -- one of us, obviously -- but someone with a bit of a reputation, but who we might rely on to report truthfully? It is a tough sell, but I wonder..."


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