Well-Known Member
Not minutes ago, Audren had been greeted by the hologram of one Thurion Heavenshield, Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi order. Some of the information had been useful, such as the fact there was an area in the courtyard dedicated to the practice of Force Abilities and lightsaber fencing. He'd also learned that there were a number of instructors available. Also interesting but less useful was the fact that the Silver Jedi also supported a non-Force user order called the Antarian Rangers. He supposed that should his Force connection not be good enough for the Silver Jedi, he could always try working with the Rangers before going back to Cholganna.
For all the useful information though, there were some important pieces missing. Notably, who the teachers were and how to contact them. That said, Audren still wasn't quite sure what the difference was between the Silver Jedi and the Galactic Republic's Jedi. There had to be one, he just couldn't find what it was. His datapadding skills had never been the best though.
Rather than standing around waiting for someone to happen by, the hopeful had headed right in. He carried a small rucksack with a thin bedroll rolled up and strapped to it. Only a single vibroknife was immediately available, the other was packed away with the other items in his rucksack. The simplest place to find was the courtyard that Heavenshield had mentioned. There were a few Jedi off in a particular area running through lightsaber drills. The lightsaber blades flashed even in the sunlight. He watched as he walked, and was fairly certain there were three different patterns that indicated various skill levels. That is, until someone shouted at him.
"Look out!"
Acting on instinct, Audren ducked. Something zoomed by over his head, close enough to catch the end of his hair and fast enough to fling it to one side. Now he knew what direction the danger was coming from, and his gaze turned that direction. A number of other objects were all hurtling towards him, varying heights and directions. In fact, they were all flying in a straight-line path, following two lines painted on the courtyard ground, but he didn't know this. He leaned back, placed his left hand on the ground, and pushed up to standing in a single smooth motion, the arching move allowing the next piece to pass just underneath the rucksack. As he stood, his right hand pulled the vibroknife from its sheath. A bit of overcompensation - the arched standing moving to a lean forward - allowed a third to pass by the back of his head, then a step backwards narrowly avoided crunched ribs from the fourth.
Since there weren't any more coming from that direction, the newcomer turned to face the ones that had already passed him, certain they would be circling back for another pass. His blade was at the ready this time, now that he knew how many he was dealing with they wouldn't find him so harmless. When he turned though, all he saw was four metallic spheres still hurtling on the same vectors the had been originally, nothing looping back around at him. He also noticed the two blue lines that he happened to be between and stepped back outside the channel they created, slowly returning his blade to its sheathe. It seemed carelessness had almost gotten him brained. He'd have to take care not to let that happen again.
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
For all the useful information though, there were some important pieces missing. Notably, who the teachers were and how to contact them. That said, Audren still wasn't quite sure what the difference was between the Silver Jedi and the Galactic Republic's Jedi. There had to be one, he just couldn't find what it was. His datapadding skills had never been the best though.
Rather than standing around waiting for someone to happen by, the hopeful had headed right in. He carried a small rucksack with a thin bedroll rolled up and strapped to it. Only a single vibroknife was immediately available, the other was packed away with the other items in his rucksack. The simplest place to find was the courtyard that Heavenshield had mentioned. There were a few Jedi off in a particular area running through lightsaber drills. The lightsaber blades flashed even in the sunlight. He watched as he walked, and was fairly certain there were three different patterns that indicated various skill levels. That is, until someone shouted at him.
"Look out!"
Acting on instinct, Audren ducked. Something zoomed by over his head, close enough to catch the end of his hair and fast enough to fling it to one side. Now he knew what direction the danger was coming from, and his gaze turned that direction. A number of other objects were all hurtling towards him, varying heights and directions. In fact, they were all flying in a straight-line path, following two lines painted on the courtyard ground, but he didn't know this. He leaned back, placed his left hand on the ground, and pushed up to standing in a single smooth motion, the arching move allowing the next piece to pass just underneath the rucksack. As he stood, his right hand pulled the vibroknife from its sheath. A bit of overcompensation - the arched standing moving to a lean forward - allowed a third to pass by the back of his head, then a step backwards narrowly avoided crunched ribs from the fourth.
Since there weren't any more coming from that direction, the newcomer turned to face the ones that had already passed him, certain they would be circling back for another pass. His blade was at the ready this time, now that he knew how many he was dealing with they wouldn't find him so harmless. When he turned though, all he saw was four metallic spheres still hurtling on the same vectors the had been originally, nothing looping back around at him. He also noticed the two blue lines that he happened to be between and stepped back outside the channel they created, slowly returning his blade to its sheathe. It seemed carelessness had almost gotten him brained. He'd have to take care not to let that happen again.
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]