Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Real vs. Fake

Location: Coruscant Underworld​
Objective: Bounty Hunting​
Cyran had made it pretty clear to his bounty hunter buddies that he was gonna do this slaver hunt solo. Which his friends protested against, somewhat because they felt it was unsafe and foolish to go alone. But mainly because they wanted some of the credits as well. Personally Cyran had began to feel like the planet getting knocked as far back into the stone age as it could be. All the outbreaks of crime was a goldmine for small time bounty hunters like him. Even if it meant being around all the negative emotions that seem to fill the air.

Currently Cyran was in the dingy lower levels that one could say were a little less affected from the battle, it just made a rather violent place more lenient. Meaning what little safety there was no longer existed for the most part. The Zeltron was looking for a certain less then creditable establishment, which he understood was part of a larger slave trafficking ring.

However, he'd be hitting a very small portion of a much larger organization. So much so that he shouldn't even being noticed on their radar so to speak. He wasn't going after the whole organization, just some members to turn in their bounties. Which he believed he only really got because he looked like Mandalorian. He felt like since he got the cheap knockoff armor he'd get far better job offers. Plus people always seemed to be more impressed, or even intimidated.

Soon, Cyran found himself outside the establishment, now he just hoped that things would run smoothly and have no surprises.

[member=[SIZE=12px]Chekīta Awaud][/SIZE]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
The job on Corellia was not complete just yet, the main leaders of the Ta'jar Blood Gang had been taken in, but even so their grunts still went about business like always, probably trying to make a quick buck and get out of the core worlds. Out of all the core worlds Coruscant was easiest picking, with the fall of the Galatic Alliance and the current political war between the First Order backed Coroscunt First party and the Libertarians law and order was not the highest.

As such even the higher sections of the lower levels were ripe with crime, and with crime came job offers, though also competition. Though it was doubtful anyone else was after the same targets she was the fact another bounty hunter could just swoop in and take her kills was always present. Not that is mattered, slaver, bounty hunter, both could be taken down just the same, who knew it may make things a little fun, if but drag the operation out longer then expected.

Donned in her jet black combat fatigues, skull balaclava and silenced weapons the Mandaloiran made her ways through the shadowy streets of the underworld, a small HUD keeping an eye out for the Ta'jar Blood members she was currently hunting. "Now their safe house should be around here somewhere, find and entrance, flash bang then cap their knees and all should be good".

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
The establishment Cyran had found himself in front of was a public enterprise, more especially a sort of club/cantina. Walking in the front door, the scent of alcohol came through his helmet. From the Zeltrons knowledge this was a front for the slaver's operations. But from when he walked in it didn't seem like there was anything wrong. But then again it would be a pretty back front if they advertised the fact that there was slave trading going about under the roof.

Then Cyran got an idea, what if this place has a basement? Turing his helmet to look around he casually walked through the club, doing his best to avoid anyone's gaze. However, he also needed to make sure he wouldn't spontaneously start to go along with the feelings and emotions off the people around him and start trying to have a good time as the music boomed. He was a man on a mission. Sooner rather then latter by the restrooms he believed he found what he was looking for. An entrance to some stairs, however, there was someone watching guard. An Aqualish male standing by. Not wanting to raise any alarms, Cyran would look away.

Then as he began to think up a plan of attack he got strange feeling, but one that was familiar all the same. Someone was nearby and seemed to be as inquisitive as him. Why? Well Cyran wasn't sure. It was like they too were on a hunt, he just hoped they wouldn't clash if they were. Perhaps he should pick up the pace. Fortunately for him the small hallway that had the entrances to the restrooms and the basement was a little out of the way from the rest of the establishment. After readying his gauntlet dartcaster he quickly aimed it at the Aqualish guard and as soon as they realized what was up he was stuck with a needle and fell over, knocked out. Cyran would ignore the bad scene, if someone saw the body they may just think they had a little too much to drink. Now he just needed to rush downstairs and finish the hunt.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Chekaita had found the same entrace but instead was looking through a small grate peering into the bath room, easy to remove with a lot of nose, most likly giving her position away and causing a fire fight to insure... looked like she had the desired plan. Without a second though the women sprayed and prayed into the grate with her silenced pistol before kicking the holled metal object from it's bolts sliding into the new hole, if only just. "Ahhh the small problems with having my bust size, no matter it's fun time".

No sooner had she entered the building did some of the Ta'jar gaurds come out to inspect what the kark was going on, both receiving nice clean slug holes through their foreheads. "Come one guys, you never learned how to check your corners? what are these slave rings teaching you, tsk tsk tsk". With no more need to go silent the women unslung her ACS-204, pinning herself against the wall awaiting movement from down below.

If they were smart the gang members would hold up and wait for her, but either way against a manic like Chekita nothing would save them. Right now the Mando had the prey trapped in a hole with no way out, the slavers had two options die or surrender... and then die, she didn't feel like taking anyone alive today, to much work.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
Creeping down the stairwell to the basement Cyran stopped in his tracks and flinched, hearing what sounding like a bit of ruckus in the bathroom upstairs. Snapping his head back he checked to see if he'd been caught, but as far as he could tell he hadn't been seen. Pulling out both his blasters he continued down into the basement a little more quickly.

When he got to the bottom there was an open room lined with some large cages and cells lining the walls. In the center was a group of rough looking men who seemed rather surprised to see someone pop in, guns drawn and wearing what looked like Mandalorian armor. But before they could draw their weapons Cyran shouted out, "Freeze! Hands in the air!" Shortly after shouting at them they complied, although reluctantly. While still keeping an eye on them he made sure his weapons were on stun so that he wouldn't kill the slavers.

However, there was the sound of some muffled Pew Pew noises, followed by some bodies hitting the floor above them accompanied with a muffled voice. As soon as Cyran looked up at the ceiling wondering what all that was, when he looked back down at the slavers they had pulled their own blasters. "Ahhh-ah!" Cyran shouted instinctively, and the Zeltron began firing his blasters. Blue rings shooting out of the barrels as he did. It was moments like these, even though he didn't like them, where his finer marksmanship came in real handy. Knocking all but one of them down until he got shot with a red blaster bolt. Hitting him square in his chest plate, and knocking him back onto the stairs. Curious to see if they'd killed the intruder the slaver approached Cyran. But just as they let their guard down, Cyran raised his blaster and fired back, knocking them away from him. The fire fight was very brief, but surely very loud.

Getting back up Cyran quickly looked around to to make sure there weren't anymore hostile individuals. Once the coast was clear he needed to get to work on the slavers, it's not like they would remain stunned forever. He really just needed get the ones he was contracted to hunt down. Now all he had to do was ID them and get them out.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
"Ahhh? strange I havn't wounded anyone, what in the kark is happening down there"? Half was down the stair the sounds of screaming and blaster fire had ehcoed through the corridors, certainly seemed like a large fire fight was underway, and no one invited her. Still that begged the question, who was down their shooting up the place, were the slavers having a shoot out among themselves? no didn't seem like it some of the shot sounded like stun bolts, who ever they were shooting at wanted them alive. "Another bounty hunter... oh this will be fun".

With renewed vigor Chekita leaped down the remainder of the stairs, boots crunching with a firm thud upon landing on the ill kept and made floor, kicking up a small amount of dust, "... hello there". The sudden appearance of the new individual seemed to make the battle stall for a moment, giving each party a respite to observe everyone in the room, that was a bad mistake.

Without a second thought the skull masked women fire indiscriminately from the hip, shooting at the slavers and the mand cladded in Mando armor. Even if the person was one of her people at the moment he was a rival for the current bounty on their heads, and a rival was almost in the same class as an enemy in her mind.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
As he was in the middle of getting the ID of one of the slavers he heard a loud thud at the entrance of the room. Freezing for a moment before he looked up to see who it was. Eyeing the women clad in combat attire and a mask with a skull design, they didn't look like she was with the slavers. Perhaps she too was after the same bounty as him.

Before he could respond she'd already began shooting up the room. First seeing that the slavers that he'd stunned were now all being killed off. So by the time he could pull out his blaster she'd riddled him with slugs, well, at least his armor. Knocking him back and causing him to blue rings into the ceiling since his blaster was still on the stun mode. He could feel about two shots hitting him in the chest and one hitting his helmet and his face which caused him to fall over. Meaning his cheap replica armor is almost ruined now.

He could feel that she saw him as an enemy, so perhaps he should do the same. Figuring that all the slavers were dead now he could put his focus on just her. Then he got an idea to try and subdue her, even though he wasn't much of a melee combatant he thought it was worth a try. Getting himself into a crouched position he looked like a runner on a track field before a race. "Sorry sweetheart, but I'm gonna need to ask you to cut it out." He said back to her. Lining his jetpack up with her he started, zipping himself past the room towards her like a living missile. From there he'd hoped that his tackle would knock her back so he was on top and disorient her enough to get the upper hand. Regardless though, by know he'd be trying to screw around with her emotions. However, he felt like she was a rather tricky target, a little unstable. Nonetheless he'd try and switch her more violent feelings towards him with far more positive ones. Hoping she'd could suddenly turn a new leaf in his favor.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
She was not 100% sure if the slavers were properly in custody upon shooting, but in her mind it didn't matter, the act of slavery was one deserving of death more so if your profited from it. Only time someone should be bound and force to do things against their will was in the bed room, in a semi conceal way. Now it didn't matter, the whole slaver thing being old new with the new armored warrior standing in front, her rounds bouncing off the hard steel plating covering the mans vitals. If she had been aiming properly such wouldn't have matter, but the whole hip fire was not really meant to be accurate.

Caught in the middle of swapping mags said Mando armored guy did something rather unexpected instead of shooting back he himself became a bullet rocketing towards Chekita with neck breaking speed, "oh what fun". Not wanting to be left out she charge forwards grappling with the mando, their bodies slamming together, aimed at the wall. Or so they should have, but I the last few seconds Chekita pulled out a grappling hook, shooting it into the nearby wall, jerking the duo to an unceremonial shop before she left go, tumbling and rolling before springing back to her feet, assault rifle reloaded and ready to go.

"What A risky move, I like that, to bad you'll be dead soon but ill give ya a fair fight, no point in ruining the fun to early am I right". With a crazed like smile Chekita once against rush forwards, setting off controlled bursts of rounds towards the Mando's direction.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
The whole 'flight' felt like a total blur for Cyran, fist feeling their bodies slam together as he rushed to her. But then lost his flight pattern as she suddenly slipped out of his grasp causing him to fly up and crash into the ceiling. Crushing his helmet some as he made contact head first. Effectively ruining his head protection. After that he fell against the hard floor on his back, wincing and letting out a groan as his armor wasn't all that good against blunt damage.

Now, hardly being able to see out of his dark visor, Cyran removed the broken helmet from his head, and saw that the room was spinning, clearly he was dizzy from the little stunt he pulled. Hearing the combative women's voice again he responded. "Thanks, you're not so bad yourse- wait what?!" He cut himself off after she said he was still going to die.

He knew he didn't really have the equipment to take on someone like her, so he felt like he needed to stall her and let his pheromones do most of the fighting for him. At least enough so that she wouldn't kill him. In the mean time he'd try and leach off her own sense of confidence to give himself a bit of an edge as to not feel too hopeless. Moving his head 'upwards' to face his opponent he realized that he was still laying against the ground on his back and seeing her rush him with her gun he had to act. Rolling over to the side to avoid her shots he didn't feel confident in his armor anymore. Jumping back up onto his feet, helmet still in hand, he swung his broken helmet at her slug thrower to knock it out of her hands, if he succeeded he'd swing it back at her.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Seeing his helmet come of showing the features of a Zeltron Chekita had to admit it was a surprise. "You have guts putting on that armor and running around like a mando, though it also explain why I've been feeling warmer then usual, perhaps I need to punish you once this fight is all over and done". She was aware of their races pheromone powers and how they could manipulate ones feelings, this would certainly be an interesting fight. Getting closer she brought her rifle up to block the incoming swim from the zeltron pretenders helmet but on connecting let go, leaving him to over extend while batting her weapon away.

No disarmed Chekita had to rely on her cqc skills, ducking down and attempting a spear tackle into the pink hair into the ground once more. It was a risky move but hey, it was a fight, risk taking was just apart of it. That was not to say she coudn't use a weapon, Chekita still had her silenced side arm and combat knife if needed, but at the moment the two individual were to close for to draw and take aim. Quick thinking and attacks were the way to go in a scuffle like this, even if they did not always work as expected.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
From her words, things were already starting to look up for the zeltron he thought. Now she was considering simply punishing him instead of killing him. But he kept his mouth shut. Now he should just try and avoid that outcome as well. Perhaps he did have a chance. After batting the firearm away the helmet slipped out of Cyrans hands, and the mix of a poor grip and overextending himself caused it to fly off.

After realizing that his guard was down he could feel himself loose balance, looking over he saw that he was being tackled by the women. He tried to counter her maneuver somehow but but ended up just grabbing a hold of her, trying to drag her back down with him. Getting knocked down onto his back again, he gritted his teeth as he was once again knocked into a vulnerable position. The last thing he wanted this evening was a tough, close quarters fight.

Considering that she was looking to end the fight with him subdued he thought he was in a rather unfortunate position. If he could, he'd try and roll her and himself over so that he was on top. Regardless if he did or didn't he try to strike back. Even though it wasn't really in his character he was gonna try to go in for a solid punch, but as he cranked his arm back he remembered something. Before he tried to strike at her he did his best to line up his gauntlet to her. When he felt like he could make contact he fired a dart from his dartcaster to try and paralyze her. But if she was wearing armor if probably wouldn't do anything. Regardless, he figured that if he succeeded he could end the fight sooner with a victory, but he very well could've missed or any armor negated the impact and he'd probably succumb to whatever she had in store. It was a gamble, and he just made his bet.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Chekita went with the momentum of her attack as the Zletron fell over, the two getting into more of a grapple then a proper hold, but never the least she found herself on top of the man, both of them pinned down thanks to the armor each wore. Without helmets both could looked much closer into each other, she wore a victorious grin while mounted on top of the other bounty hunting. All it would take would be one headbutt to end the fight, though it seemed like the rival had a little more struggle in him.

She watched on for a bit, seeing the man raise his arm in a fist, her smile never wavering, 'come on hit me, right in the face, do it'. Time seemed to slow down as the fist was raised, but no punch came but instead the 'tink' of a needle hitting against armor she wore, Chekita cocking her eyebrow. "Oh, you fight dirty, I like that, but for now it is good night". As planed before Chekita wound up her head, slamming it forwards to knock the Zeltron out and end the little brawl.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
Figures, Cyran's hope faded as the needle dinked off the armor she wore. No amount of emotional leaching was gonna allow him to recover from that much of a failure. In addition he was pretty taken back from the enthusiasm she seemed to have when he raised his fist. But before he could even try and save himself the women spoke. But all he could do was shout back as her head came in to slam against his.

"W-wait, no!" That's all Cyran managed to let out before her head made contact with his. A very decent thud came from the impact, but since he head was slightly raised off the ground the sudden force knocked it back to he had a double impact from the front and behind. The first certainly dazed him for the split moment until the combination of the two effectively knocked him out cold.

His eyes shut, arms fell, and his mouth agape. Cyran's body had gone completely limp after both the trauma of crashing into the ceiling and getting headbutted in pretty rapid succession. Perhaps the Zeltron shouldn't have removed his helmet, even after it broke. Now he was simply at her mercy.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
She reeled back from the headbutt, it had worked as intended but even she had to admit it hurt like hell, "ah, that's gonna leave a bruise... guess my work here is done, but now, oh this is interesting". His pheromones having kept her from the killing blow and with Chekita's heart racing from the small fight the situation that the two were currently in was quite how would one say awkward. Well awkward for most, but she was not most, capitalizing on the movement she bent down, eyeing up the open mouth of her new victim and without hesitation went in for a rather forceful kiss.

She sat them, mouth on his for a few seconds before breaking off, whipping her lips clean, "Oh I have plans for you". Reaching back the Mando produced some hand cuff, given to her for taking in the slavers alive if possible, but now they served another purpose. Within a few minutes mister Mando armor was bound and over the shoulder of Chekita, the women beginning the long trip back to her hotel for the night.

Back in the hotel room she had lied the man out onto the bed, stripping both him of his armor, herself now donned in a simple white shirt and black pant. Chekita sat in a chair overlooking the bed, a ARGH revolver in hand while awaiting the zeltron to awaken, there being many questions to ask about his current job as well as personal matters.

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
Slowly one eye opened before the other as he looked up at the ceiling. Instantly he felt his head begin to ache. Odd though, his head hurt yet he felt rather comfy. Groaning some from pain a thought crossed his mind. A pretty serious one at that. Where was he?" Looking around slowly he seemed to be in a sort of bedroom, kind like in a hotel.

Even though he felt like he could easily just go back to sleep, he wasn't sure if it was safe, leaning up some he tried to look around some more before catching the gaze of the one who'd captured him. From what he could tell it was the same women as before, just without her armor, meaning he had a better idea of what she actually looked like now. As for him, he too was stripped of his armor as well. His half lidded eyes widened as he looked at her. Sitting there over looking him with a gun in hand. It seems he wasn't so lucky after all.

"Did you just want me to wake up before killing me?" He said with a bit of a slur. Clearly he was still recovering from the head injury he's sustained from the fight. "Oooor did you have something else in mind?" Although he woulnd't say it out loud, seeing her now without her armor he found her rather attractive. But he shouldn't get distracted.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
It was fun to watch the man slowly stur, eye opening, brain taking hold of the situation before the neural networks went down the part to recollect the last few hours before sleep. Despite her crazy attitude to things Chekita was a decent.. reverse engineered medic, in the sense she had killed a lot of people in different way to now know more or less how the body worked and functioned. So even if the Zeltron felt like hell she knew he was fine, nothing a few painkillers and sleep wouldn't solve but now was not the time for that.

She continued to gaze at him with the ever present lazy smile, idly twirling the revolver in had while they spoke. "I can kill you if that is what you want, but as for 'something else' well I've kind of already started, I must say your mouth tasted rather nice". If he took a second to think the zeltron would find a strange taste in his mouth that was not his own, though that was no reason for the conversation to stop. "I guess introduction are in order, I am Chekīta Awaud, body guard, gun for hire and escaped mental patient... okay the last one is made up, or is it, hee hee hee". "Now, what about you? though it's easy to see your not a Mando I can never be sure, I mean the Australis clan has Chiss, Echani and Twi'leks in it these days... or are you just some pretender'?

[member="Cyran Vaas"]
Almost Instinctively Cyran cocked an eyebrow, and his lips moved as if asking "my mouth?" not entirely sure what she meant by that until his own mouth tasted... not like it normally did. Did she do what he think she did? Perhaps his emotional manipulation had a more profound impact then he'd originally thought. "No no, I'm in no rush to die yet..." He replied to her first statement.

He listened on to her introduction, perhaps this was her way of being friendly. She did seem like a bit of an odd ball so this wouldn't be out of the ordinary if he was right. He blinked a couple times as he tried to sit up straighter on the bed. "Chekīta, that's a nice name..." He said, almost dozing off to her words, before blinking again and going in to answer her question. "I'm Cyran, Cyran Vaas. And um, yeah, I'm not actually a Mandalorian." He seemed rather defeated to admit that he was an imitator, and not a very good one at that. She seemed to know her stuff, perhaps because she was actually a Mandalorian. Cyran was getting the idea that he'd accidentally played with fire by using his pheromones against her. He guess all he ought to do now was ride the wave and see where it took him. "So uh, Miss Awaud, do you do this often? As in kidnap your enemies?" This would probably let him know if he was some kind of exception or not.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
She had to suppress a chuckle as the realization of her move came into full light, wasn't very often that is the was girl kissing the knocked out guy. A nice physiological play in her mind, but also just for fun. If it was a contest she'd easily give him a 8 out of 10 for taste and texture. The amusement only increasing with his stuttered reaction to stay alive, even if she had no intention of killing the man here and now, unless they did something to piss her off that is. "Okay no shooting today, well more shooting, gotta go shopping for some new bullets".

Shifting in her seat Chekita remained silent while listening to the [member="Cyran Vaas"] guy talk, each second it seemed like panic was setting in even more with the constant realization of there being an actual mando in the room, with a loaded gun while he was on the bed, undressed and at her mercy. "Well I know Vass is not a clan name so I can confirm you are no mando", though it did sound rather Mandalorian, if she recalled there was a man she met once with a first name like that, or was it voss? "Do I kidnapp my enemies? only if there is a bounty for them to be alive, or I feel in a good mood, and today you 'skills' have put me in a good mood, if you catch my drift".

She was referring to his combat abilities along with the Zeltron pheromones but he probably didn't know that, her main goal was to see how he reacted, so far it was quite fun to watch.
Currently Cyran wasn't sure if he should feel glad or not that his kidnapper seemed to be having a bit of fun at the moment. But so far it seems to be the only thing that's keeping him alive, so he shouldn't try and do anything to get her mad at him. Raising his hand up he rubbed his sore head as he listened to her. Wincing from possible black eye he was gonna get soon.

"Oh uh, okay..." The zeltron figured he should take that as a sort of compliment on his combat ability. That was his first time really getting into a grueling close quarters fight like that. "Thanks, and I'm glad I put you in a good mood. It's not often, if ever, that I've been told that." His passive pheromones and limited emotional telepathic ability probably let her know that he was still worried, but wasn't really all that scared. He very much thought that this was an unpredictable women so he should tread carefully.

"I don't suppose a-" He started talking, looking over her and features once more. "A lovely lady like yourself plans on keeping me around too much longer do you. I'm sure with the small list of things about yourself that you told me earlier must mean you're rather busy." He didn't really expect that she'd just let him go, but he wanted to know if she had any kind of plans for him.

[member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Things were starting to get interesting, she could tell Cyran was trying to use flirting tactics to worm his way out of this, not that she minded them much, most of the time people talked about her in that sort of way it was followed by screams. She had to admit being called a 'lovely lady' and watching the mans gaze wash over her fit figure was a rather nice change of things, regardless if there was some Zetron magic at work, "and since you put me in a good mood it is only right that I repay you... ah what the heck you are here for my own personal enjoyment, though I am certain you'll like it too".

Chekita rose from her seat, placing the revolver down and walking to the bed, climbing on top and kneeling over the still reclined Zeltron, "as for letting you go, I can't do that, you see Cyran I am a very persistent women". "When I find something I like or want I get it, no matter who or what I need to get through in order to attain it". Slowly she went onto all fours, climbing over their bounty hunter, her breasts getting quite close to his face., "and at the moment, I want you, as for that last job it was my final one for the week and I am not rather busy... but I can be, right here in this room". Her smile quickly changed from a lazy one to a full on 'you are mine' look, "now you have two choices, accept willingly or accept unwillingly".

[member="Cyran Vaas"]

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