Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Realms of Darkness, Visions of Light - Chapter 1

He smiled to her as she asked about Kida, His? Well... "She is... I found her" It was true enough, Animus found her, about to be sold into slavery and saved her life from what was sure to be everlasting torment. His voice denoting the strong emotions he had for her. As one Ally put it. You are Quite the Liberator for a Sith. It was true enough, Animus was not only unlike his sith brethren in that way among many others, He Considered Love and Compassion as Strong Emotions as Hate and Anger. Less Practical of course... But no less important or Vital to the "Healthy Life of a Sith. " At least in Animus' book. Proverbial Book that is, he had not written a book....yet....

"Luckily at the time of the Injury i had immediate medical attention So it was not so bad... The Terentatek however.." Animus shuddered at the mention of the things. He still smiled coily as if it was nothing, Animus never showed weakness or discomfort, or if he did it was very rare and it was very special, he was definitely, Not your typical Sith. "They are one of the most fierce predators in the Galaxy, i came to find one as a Pet. " He smiled gesturing to the Tuk'ata Pup. "That's Groom, Born in the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, kind of makes him Royalty!" Animus laughed out loud as he wiped his hair from his face, waiting for a bit more info. "I find your lifestyle admirable, i dare say i am a bit jealous. My line of work is a bit more... Taxing.." he laughed under his breath just as the geo scan came up. Animus' eyes lit up as he saw the Outline of what was distinctively something outcropping. "There, we need to get on the ground at hit the Sonar under those points, a Geoscan from at least a few feet in the ground to give is a reading of what is Under There" Animus smiled throwing his Arms up in a silent prayer to Adas himself to find the way. He looked a bit closer at the reading before making the final assumptions clear and precise. It was here. He Knew it. "We should get ready to load out" He said with a smile and wink as he began to realize this Beautiful young Lady and himself had a lot in common, this made him... Curious.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
Serena was excited the love of finding something new, something historical, something with a reference to the galaxy, and a culture this find would help, she hoped to fill in the gaps of history.

Albeit even if it was found on a Sith world her father would be proud. He believed history was for everyone he didn't believe in the constant battle between Jedi and Sith. He kept trying to explain to Serena that they all began in the same place. He went everywhere looking for history, and the evidence of lives past. She missed him. It seemed that every day there were these gentle reminders that his presence was gone from her life. The feeling of having a gap within her heart that ached and wouldn't go away the reminder of the loss she felt. Serena reached up and put her hand on her chest where it hurt.

Today, she didn't care about any of the overtones, only that she could see a wall, and when closer within that wall there was an uprising, whether it was a mound of sand blown over time, or something beneath protruding upwards waiting to be found.

She looked to Animus a kindred spirit, she was envious of him though, "You have a family" Serena could still see the image of the little girl and hear the emotions of his voice that said mine. His attachment was to be envied, "a daughter and a pet named Groom, you are blessed Animus." In her mind her thoughts turned I've wanted children of my own I think I'm jealous. He's truly blessed to have so much. She came from a large family and found great comfort among them, she hoped to provide that one day....if..well. If.

She assumed when he didn't continue about the Terentatek that he had killed it. From everything she read on the creatures to kill one required great strength and skill, and some accounts said a touch of luck. Still she would assume that he was a strong, resourceful, and skilled warrior that defeated the creature. Serena hoped she did not run into one. Here on Korriban thought it was becoming a stronger possibility that she would. She was none of the things it took to kill something so formidable.

Serena was like the girl next door she saw good in everything, and if there was darkness to take her she would not see it until it was too late. Perhaps that was another reason all of her memories did not come back, or why she lost them in the first place.

The big grin returned, "Let's go see what's beneath the sand, we can oversee the loading of the shuttles. What is your daughter's name, if you don't mind my asking? And what do you do when you're not hunting down history?"

[member="Animus Malgus"]
Animus... Actually had no idea what her Name was. She had yet to form full sentences and speech in a correct way for him to actually ask her. The question caught him off guard and made him face the reality that he had no clue. "Geline" He said, making up a name on the spot in an effort not to sound foolish and awkward. Not knowing his own daughter's name was bound to get a few more questions asked he was not sure he wanted to answer, or that he even had the answers to begin with.

He was truly blessed... He had found a family when he had none, in the shape of his brethren of the Sith, in Ferus in his Master in Ruby in all of the Warriors and soldiers of the Sith in all... They were his Family, Kida and Groom too yet he was still alone here on this planet, except for this blonde lady who was slowly beginning to gain a bit of his affection with every moment they spent together. A sith was encouraged to feed his emotions, to give in to his passions and Animus had been doing that for ages. "I'm always digging through the sand, if not here then in Atrisia or Geonosis" Not entirely false, yet not entirely true. Animus had never been to Geonosis and the space of Geonosis was not welcom to him.

"Let's get to it! Everyone set up the perimeter and prepare the the dig site, i want eyes over every dune and i want rifles in ever corner... Nothing get's close without holes in them" Animus was excited and powerful this time

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Animus Malgus"]

The shuttles were being loaded even as they walked to the hangar deck, "Geline, pretty name I don't' think I've heard it before" Serena committed the name to memory, Geline and Groom.

Animus, Atrisia, aren't most of the people who created the history of Atrisia still alive and living there?" She had heard they lived an extremely long time. "I've never been to Geonosis"

She could hear his excitement in his voice it was infectious mixing it along with her own this was going to be a matter of them keeping up the integrity of the site. She just knew that when they both found something it would be hard to miss their joy.

There was a vibration of power in his words as they entered the hangar everyone paused but then immediately went back to loading.

The equipment, some staff, Serena and Animus would arrive on the first shuttle. The second shuttle would bring down the security team lead by a man named Cyrus. Serena felt like she couldn't trust him something about him just felt wrong. See on the third day of the trip headed towards Korriban Serena had heard his thoughts. It was those thoughts that had her label him a mercenary and what made her watch him whenever he was around. She would be watching him he was sure to someone to try and steal artifacts. The others of the security all seemed well meaning, and intent on their job.

Serena pat her pocket where the figurine that Animus had given her rested. Serena stepped out onto the harsh sands of Korriban for the second time, what lay before her seemed formless, lifeless and devoid of any shape but she knew something was there.

She had a sense of new purpose though she pulled out the map that showed where they wanted to be. The Security team was deploying, and the help with the equipment was slow moving, as their eyes adjusted to the landscape of Korriban.
Animus was on to work as quick as the sandstorms neck deep in the the perimeter met. Within hours the entire site was beginning to show and although it would take days for him to make the final arrangements he took this time as all times to close his eyes and activate Force Sith to see beyong the Sandstorm and dues of Korriban. He could see something deep below the sands. However it was not something ordinary, and the sands made it impossible to clearly make out, but it was definitely there.
As expected, Tuk'ata neared the Position.
"They are just Curious, he said to the men, urging them not to make any sudden movements before they did. "Just keep working, ignore them and you will be fine" Animus watched over the site as it unfolded. Every hour that passed by was an hour what they looked for came slowly into veiw, a temple? a monolith? Night drew closer at it brought a strange predicament. Animus had already set up his tent close to the soldiers but about 20 feet away.
He Shun massive glor sticks around the area made everything glow in different neon arrays. Recon droids buzzed about as the Soldiers took turns checking the readings they got. So far the Tuk'ata were making no moves. He called over to the blonde while in his tent for a would be surprise. He hoped she was not as tired as he was during this day.

[member="Serena Bouie"]​
[SIZE=12pt]Serena was working steadily along beside the diggers, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows an old handkerchief of her fathers tied around her brow and with each movement she got closer to the goal. Her soft brown pants, white scoop neck tshirt covered by a soft brown jacket of many pockets, with her familiar digger boots, Serena was in her element[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When the tuk’ata moved in closer she couldn’t help but look towards them. She was just as curious about them as they may be of the dig and the crew. There was one that kept pushing the boundaries around them. Each glance that she threw towards it she picked up a new detail, three horns. During a giant yawn she saw three rows of teeth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Now it was standing on its hind legs which made her completely stop what she was doing, her mouth open in awe she couldn’t help but notice the strong muscles, this creature was designed to be a predator.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was growing late and she decided she had reached a point in the dig where stopping was good, it would give her a change to review what they had uncovered so far.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]As she backed up and urged the others to break for the night she felt something eerie, a strange wave of sensation that seemed to tug on her senses that she was trying so hard to hide.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She heard her name and headed towards the tent, “Animus, you called?” She wiped her face, it had been a glorious day of discovery.[/SIZE]

[member="Darth Mythos"]​
Lighting Magna Torches around his massive Tent Animus was quite comfortable. The Tent's insides were layered with a rug and a small bottle of red Nabooian wine with Candlelight and a plate of Nabooian Gutter and Vegetables with Fruit. Animus always came prepared to these types of Digs and adventures, he always loved to spoil himself and smoke a good herb wafer or drink some fine exotic drink in otherwise deadly situations.
The Dig site surprisingly only had 1 Tuk'ata incident that Groom was able to handle. That would change when night fell...
"If you would not mind sharing a Tent, i would be pleased" He said scooting over offering a seat beside him next to his red velvet tent made of Terentatek Hide. The Tent with Red and Brown lines looked intimidating due to it's horns protruding from it's back and sides, it's insides made of bantha furr made it quite cozy in the Cold Korriban Night to come.

The Dig Site had been largely uncovered in the first 2 layers of sediments and what was beginning to seem like a Temple or Obelisk was uncovered. It was only a matter of time before Primeval tribes stopped their positions so they had to make this digsite quick. The Sun made Animus' skin light up in a Tomato like hue for the many Hours slaving away at sand and barking orders at fellow Archeologists who in turn, made progress with what seemed to be a large fresco with red limestone not found in the construction of the initial Valley of the Dark Lord.

"It has been a great day, my team already uncovered what seems like the top of a Mosaic dating back over 15 thousand years before the battle of Yavin. " It was a bit hard to act surprised when you knew it was there... Animus knew... He had Faith that Adas was here, he had studied it for years and obsessed about it like he did about everything else in his life. Uncontrollable Passion.
His eyes blazed like night embers in the night only reflecting the firelight candles that were in his Tent.
When he had set up the tent it was sundown... Now it was nighttime and the stars were washing the sky in a shining sparkling endless sea of gems. His companion this night was just as dirty as he was, Animus had sand inside his boots so far when he took them off the sand fell like a mass hourglass that shattered.
His Smile shined his eyes with fire and an Amber glow. The Dark Side caressed his skin as he forgot to hide his essence, he hoped she would not notice then again... neither did him. It was a corrosive, corruptive, seductive essence... An essence that oozed passion and emotion.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

[SIZE=12pt]An invite, she looked down she was in her dusty clothes. Sand had managed to be swept into every fold of her clothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked around for a moment giving a thought to warm candle light, inviting atmosphere, and the conversation that could fill the evening. She smiled, “I’d love to, thank you”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Serena ducked her head and came in just in time to see that he was removing the day’s collection of sand from his boot. “Did you see the sea of stars above tonight?” She moved over sitting for the very first time since they began.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]That tired ache that began with the soles of her feet and slowly crawled along her legs, “ohhh” she sighed. Serena loved the night. The countless stars that filled the skies creating the carpet of diamonds that sparkled in the onyx sky. Nothing man-made could ever compare to the beauty that nature provided. Even on a world like Korriban that seemed bereft of the common thought of what was beautiful. Beauty however is found only in the eye of the beholder, Serena when she looked around Korriban could see the hues of color within the rocks that formed the walls of the canyon where they worked.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She could see within the sand that they pushed away from the abandoned ancient site the tiny glittering grains that caught the sun. As she had walked towards Animus’ tent she caught a glimpse of the sand as it sparkled under the moon. The elements of the world of Korriban slowly spoke to Serena she could feel the power of the planet. There was another sensation around her it seem to dive into the dark and disappear each time she tried to touch it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her team was working along the wall having found a key stone indicating an archway Serena was convinced there would be a path starting with the archway. It was not uncommon for temples to have mosaic floors depicting a day in the life of the temple.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Serena’s sun kissed skin was bronzed from the Korriban sun having been mixed with the sun of Naboo only weeks earlier. Her blonde hair growing lighter as the color was slowly bleached away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was that sensation again that she could not quite put her finger on and know what it was. “We had a great first day, did we not?” She saw his eyes those brilliant yellow eyes that seemed now to glow the burnt orange of the setting sun. It had to be the candles that made the tent seem to glow, the warmth that seemed to twist around her in a snake like fashion. It was getting warm in there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her own icy blue eyes gleamed against her darkened skin, she was the picture of health. She was trying hard to keep her presence small but for how long could she do it, and would it matter to all those seeking the history of Korriban?[/SIZE]

[member="Darth Mythos"]
The Humble Tent was now home to the most beautiful Lady in the current system. True fact. The Glow of the Tent made for a orange light that seemed to be the fire of the Dig Site. "It was! indeed!" He said as his second boot went flying along with the rowing current of Sand that fell with it. Animus laughed as he took a bite out of a fruit looking at the Sky. He loved to be here, with her, it was one of the few enjoyable, truly peaceful moments he caressed in his time as a Sith Knight.
"At night Time The Tuk'ata Hunt but Groom roared the Alpha away and placed his scene around us, they will not come close while he is Around."
Groom was around, only no one ever saw him as part of the team, Groom loved Korriban and relished in the sands of it out of Mytho's Sight for now, but he always came back Dirty and with a new kill.
"Miss Serena, Meet Groom our Protection for the Night Time"
He gestured to the outside of the tent where they were met only by Two red Gleaming eyes that glanced their way and then disappeared into the night. The Sight of Groom was a comfort to Animus, his pet and guardian never left his side, he felt a bit lonely when Groom was around having his own Tuk'ata adventures he could only presume about.

Suddenly and without warning a Giant Feral Shout and Bellow was heard from the distance, it was strong and powerful... a waring. A Terentatek was nearing the Area... as long as the Force Sensitive kept their Aura Hidden they would not approach. Animus however... Was heating up the tent with his DarkSide Aura, it was growing quite detectable by the second. He had the Beautiful lady beside him and although he did not admit it, his heart started to pound fast.

Korriban at Night was a desert Cold. One Could not walk about without some fur as the temperature was low enough for people to get sick and Humans to catch a cold, during the day the heat was so massive one could get dehydrated easily and suffer a heat stroke. Such was Korriban.
It was Nighttime at the moment, and the Cold was seeping like a white wind of death in everywhere except for their tent, and it was not because of the two scented Candles of Romanira. The Heat was coming off his Essence.

His eyes spoke, he looked at her. His body ached but his energy was staggering, His eyes Spoke. Their Amber Glow grew in intensity even more as a flash of fire seemed to spark in them. Passion. His Eyes were speaking what he truly wanted, what he yearned for. His hand reached out to hers and touched it while they both reached of a particular luscious fruit. No Words needed to be Spoken.
There was joy in his voice infectious to anyone with ears to hear, she couldn't help but partake of the warmth offered in his voice it soothed her fears of what lurked near their camp. So Groom was here, "that is a comfort I can appreciate Animus" She had to admit hearing that bellow that seemed so near made her heart jump and speed up. Her head felt like it was swimming through layers of fire, and smoke.

Yes to feel protected to feel a heat that built from within to feel a passion that could consume and devour the very essence of the soul. Serena looked out into the darkness there hidden in shadow two eyes as red as a ruby peered back shining one moment, it's form barely seen as it moved away. The gentle sound of paws bounding across the open was the only sign of their guardian of the night. "He has beautiful eyes" A pet that could easily shred anyone on the dig

She couldn't help it she looked up at Animus his eyes looking at her part of her felt a drop of fear but tension filled her stomach as a dull ache centered within her. She couldn't understand completely why she felt as she did. Questions formed in her mind How long had she been alone? How many times had she thought herself close to find someone....only to have to let them go. She spent too much time among the ruins of old and forgotten cultures. It was catching up to her.

Korriban home of the darkeness. Here where it was cold, desolate, where emotions played across the mind as swiftly as the smoke from a fire. The nights were made for seeking warmth. Serena felt a wanting flowering within her, that growing ache the would only grow stronger if not sated in some way.

Serenas fingers brushed against Animus' no words were spoken, as her fingers curled around his. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt his essence wash over her.

Perhaps this night would not be so cold.

[member="Darth Mythos"]
His eyes dug deep into her as his Tapas made the tent and His body hot to the touch and increasing, not above illusions he also conjured an image of Yellow Lights from his body that curled around her waist and legs and he leaned closer to plant a kiss on her Lips as he passed his hand through her hair and his fingers through her neck. Lead by passion the temperature of the Tent skyrocketed on the instant their lips touched in the storm of emotions and the Dark Side that whirled around the tent. His essence was Obvious now, Dark and providing a Warm comfort of Fire and soothing sheet of Darkness and Light that blended with hers. His lips fell to her neck in a soft rhythmical pattern as he felt the end of her nerves spike up and the hair on her neck raise at the touch of his breath that washed over her as he pulled her hair back tugging it with slight power to reveal her neck to him and lay it at his mercy.

He could feel the Yearn for a touch, the desire for release... The tensive passion between the two bodies as he removed his cloak while kissing her never letting go of her hand or hair as his passion enveloped and devoured her in a cloak of Warmth and Darkness. His upper body had been laid bare to her as with a single swipe of his hand using the force he closed the entrance of the Tent, it was now that his essence was Pure and Intoxicating. His Upper body and his skin Steamed like a hot pan due to the Tapas, Not burning hot but instead a soothing Warmth that made his body heat the tent to the point where it was at least 20 degrees higher than the outside of the Cold Unforgiving desert. His Lips and whispers of Dark words in her ears never stopped for a second, biting her lower lips with his eyes of Amber Fire during into her very soul as he gave himself to her in a blind wanting. There was Desire and Passion in his body movements and his lips and hands as they caressed her body and emotions ran like a storm of Fire in that tent that was Actually, because of the Illusion of the Yellow essence, was visible.

[member="Serena Bouie"]

What was she doing?

Even as she realized that she had reached for his hand, that she was being overwhelmed body and senses she made no move to stop, no whimpers of protest. She melted into the touch.

She felt herself tremble as his lips pressed gently yet possessively against hers. The touch sent rivers of desire cascading throughout the moment his lips trailed down to her neck she shuddered there in his arms. Intimacy not since the clumsiness of the first time back in college had she experienced these cravings of want.

A single touch and she had become malleable to any whim he imagined. She could feel the essence of her own soul melt, shatter and splinter as heat rolled off him blending his own presence with hers. Her hands pressed against the iron weight of his chest the muscles flexed, bunched, and corded with his every movement hinted at the perfection hidden beneath layers of work clothes.

She could not deny attraction to him and to do so would be maddening his lazy casual grace would not be denied, nor would the extreme maleness that showed within that grace. Serena felt a strange receptivity flowing through her veins heightening her sense of touch, and the need to be touched.

Serena unable to hide behind the wall that hid her force presence slowly melded it with all that was around her. The exchange of sensual awareness awakened as her hands drifted to the back of his neck to gently pull him closer her fingers laced into his long hair binding him to her and her passions. As the illumination of her Jedi signature blazed fueled to life by the words that worked to drive her over the edge into the abyss she murmured words of her own into his ear urging him to further depths of desire as they merged with the dark words he whispered enticing her and luring her into the heat of the night.

Her free hand moved across heated skin as desperation clawed from the inside out she whispered his name.

They would share the realm of darkness this night, and wonder about the visions of light tomorrow.

[member="Darth Mythos"]
In the tent the sun arose late that morning... Mythos found himself awakening in the worst planet, yet the greatest morning he had ever had, Bantha Fur covered the bodies of Serena and Mythos as he opened his eyes slowly to the blinding sun of Korriban. He took the time to see that Miss Serena had yet to awaken and he decided to take pleasure in her warmth laying beside her just for a little while longer before the work began again. He wanted her to see his eyes as the first thing she saw as she awoke as he tried to wake her up by kissing her neck and back and then keep kissing her until she woke up. Smiling as he got a reaction on some spots he kissed her legs and knees and feet and everywhere that he could get his lips on until she woke up.
Using the force he poured himself a glass of cool Barberry Juice and laid beside her drinking a bit of it as his unrelenting kisses never actually stopped patting gently on her skin everywhere, one kiss here, then another there. He truly felt blessed to be here with such a beautiful woman in such a beautiful place, his tent.
Groom popped his head inside the tent and Mythos waved him off as he ran scampering. Shaking his head at the hound's over protectiveness of his master he went back to kissing the steadily awakening embracing her with his touch and warmth in a moment he hoped lasted all eternity... Truly he missed the simplicity.. of being a Human and of making love to a woman you desire with every fiber of your being.
"Good morning Mylady" He whispered her ear as he slowly kissed behind her neck and ran his hands over her body, if it was up to him they would never get up, ever.... alas, they had work to do, How dreadful.
Animus was more than just happy to be with her he actually had no idea what drove him to give himself to her in the first place other than an intense urge and tension there was between them, it was uncertain where this would possibly lead... But Mythos did not pay it much mind... this did not go against his nature, Passion was something that was second nature to him... Serena however, had awoken a special kind of Animus Malgus, a Malgus only her had ever seen. The Lover.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
The force is neither light nor dark, master nor slave, but a balance between extremes ~ Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger

The sun was rising the deep red of the horizon slowly giving way to the hint of burnt orange extending out to the brilliance of yellow and disappearing into the blaze of white.

The morning rays were also peeking over the ridges of the Valley of the Dark Lords highlighting the warm colors hidden within the rocks that formed the tombs of the men and women most feared in the galaxy. Such beauty could only be seen early in the morning and then only seen by those looking for it.

The dark forces of Korriban known for the twisting and turning of hearts and minds seemed to have skipped over a small area where a small archaeology team worked and slept. A single tent bore witness to a night of desires played out beneath its tarantatek roof and walls. If there had been any questions to be asked none among them would dare.

Inside the tent Serena was contentedly dreaming of trails of kisses as she lay within a bubble of warmth, and soft furs. She smiled drawing a deep sigh of contentment. The gradual awakening of her senses told she was not dreaming she could feel the tender lips pressed to her skin. She could feel the man lying next to her attentively attending waking her from rest.

"mmmmmm" she purred her senses were waking up. She lazily opened her blue eyes she still did not feel wholly herself and while that was scary she had never been out of control as much as she had been the night before. Her mind wanted to process and think on what had happened. But all she kept thinking about was the man next to her planting the kisses, without thinking she reached over to touch him to draw his unending kisses to lips that waited to kiss him back to arms the wanted to hold him close, to a waiting lover.

In her eyes he was the Adonis among men, each smoky look, each tender and demanding touch that awakened within her thoughts and actions unseen by any other. An intimacy that had laid open her vulnerabilities and demanded attention. A desire to be ruined and possessed and he had met each challenge and went beyond. He conquered, captured and possessed her.

"Morning my good Lord" she whispered back a she wrapped her arms around him. She was finally able to utter words as she moved to embrace him again, to feel the warmth of his skin against her own. She could not help but to glide her hands across his shoulders feeling the taut corded muscle, or seek to plant kisses at the hollow of his neck.

Regret in her voice that the night was over, "is it morning already? Or can we pretend it is night still?" Her fingers played in his long hair as she thought of the night before. Her cheeks turned crimson as she remembered the intimate touches he placed upon her.

Something was tickling at the back of her mind, something she was trying to ignore, something that was demanding its own form of attention.

[member="Darth Mythos"]
The way she spoke to him was that of a woman who yearned for his presence every moment and every day for a thousand years... it had been a while since Mythos, Sin of Pride had been wanted so badly. "I'm afraid so..." His words coming in between the kisses he continued planting all over her delicate skin as he measured the reaction of every spot he paid attention to, taking note of her most sensitive places and making absolutely sure... she would not leave this tent completely satisfied and her every desire met with unrelenting passion and fire. Animus Malgus made it his solemn duty to caress every inch of her skin and cover every centimeter of flesh in her body with his lips before wrapping her around his essence of warmth and care. "We have work to finish.... my tent will always be open to you, every night" One kiss. "Every moment" In the neck another . "And any time you desire me..." His eyes met her with finality as he thought of the marvelous night the had before this beautiful hot morning.

The sound and scramble of men at work ruffled the outside of the tent as he slowly arose from laying beside her reluctantly, Damn the excavation... He sighed as he realized there was still metric tonnes of Sediment to remove and painstaking hours to slave into before they could even get a glimpse of what exactly they were working at. He traced a single finger down the bottom of her soles while he took his clothes and placed them groggily in the bed. "Ticklish much? " He said with a smile and laugh as his finger traced again down the bottom of her soles.

It was now time to get dressed and back to work. His body was fighting his every being to stay in bed for a while longer but in Animus' mind, the sooner we can get to the end of this excavation, the sooner we can go back to the tent and 'sleep'. "Let's explore the secrets of this place and then we can get to exploring the secrets of each other" he said planting another kiss while dressing. He had made a critical mistake... His lightsabers were dangling in the table... and he did not even notice however if she did she would see that the Color of it, was Black as night... and he Was a Sith. Popping his head out of the Tent it was met by a Lick in the face by groom and a scampering around accompanied with a Bark and Growl. "Groom Later, go hunt something" Animus said with a Smile as he stepped off the Tent half naked and allowing the gleaming rays of the Sun energize his skin for the new day as a worker offering him a cup of Caffe and a knowing wink. "Thank you kindly" he said with a wink shot back. yes... indeed this would be a good day.

However... the Dig site had a guest today... a Female Tuk'ata had joined Groom in his his perch of the Stone and was in mating season.... this was not good. If she had chosen Groom to be her "Alpha Male" Groom would have competition and challenges today before he got to Mate with the Female.. which meant company... of the Big and Nasty kind, The Biggest Male Tuk'atas would come before Groom and challenge him for the Right of Alpha male and kill anything surrounding the Female... Groom was 10 months old, he was not in any circumstances ready to fight Decade old Tuk'atas much less Centuries old Tuk'atas which were bound to be the Alphas. The Dig site work however, was continuing unhindered. and unabated. Interesting day this would be... interesting indeed.
[member="Serena Bouie"]​
She drank in how he looked at her it took all of the control she had not to wriggle and writhe between ticklish laughter and wanton desire as he continued his torture of trailing kissing over her skin.

She did not want to give up this luxury spot where she was the center of attention of a man seemed intent on making sure he knew every inch of her intimately. She could not imagine that he did not have a road map of sorts in his mind of where the high spots, and low spots were. Serena shook her head such thoughts.

"Work," she smiled, "and we have much to do, and we are getting closer" She could hear the dig coming to life, the stirring of workers, the clatter of the attempt at a hot breakfast over a ration bar. The smell of heat. The hot sun warming the terrain created that distinctive smell that broadcasted the rising heat.

She jerked her foot, "Yes terribly ticklish!" Her eyes contained the sparkle of laughter. "All our secrets, as historians we are quite adept at discovering secrets." When he moved she saw them. She tilted her head and looked again. No. Her mind told her what she would not accept.

She felt a lump forming in her throat.

She slipped from the bed as he walked outside she grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head moving toward the table. She was speechless, sith Sith, OH MY GODDESS SITH. Serena had never met a sith before, let alone spend the night...she closed her eyes.

Secrets. Serena put a hand to her mouth, did this mean she had to fight him now? She didn't want to fight him? Goddess no, she wanted to. And that. Was not fighting.

He was not what she thought Sith were. But what if this was a ruse? It wasn't a ruse no one could pretend to like archaeology. But. Would he want to kill her now?

She finished dressing quickly came up beside his half-dressed form outside the tent, he was gorgeous she couldn't help it. She lifted a single finger to his skin and lightly traced a path from throat to navel, "ohhh myyy" her thoughts wandered even as she struggled with the new knowledge. She then reached over for his cup of café with confidence she took it and a sip, "Oh that's good, I'll meet you on site" she handed it back, and headed off.

She was distracted in her own thoughts and would not see the newest edition to the site until she emerged from her tent.

Serena headed towards her own tent, which was left empty the bed that she cherished after a long day's work from light to dark still made up. She looked at it, it looked desolate by comparison of the lavish furs that were in Animus' tent. She needed to freshen up, and change. She reminded herself of the things that were to be done today.


Once she finally realized the gravity of the situation she sat down on the edge of the bed. What to do? She called her light saber to her hand from its hiding place, its silver hilt slightly curved, if ignited it would burn blue. Unmistakable that she was a Jedi. Feth!

When she emerged she was refreshed and ready for the day even if her eyes were now red from tears of indecision. But she had decided that within the folds of the vest she wore over her work shirt she would keep her light saber. She looked about for Animus he might already be on site. She did see Groom who had a very lovely deadly companion. This was Korriban, predators were everywhere.

She trudged forward heavy in thought she kept her force presence small again she did not want to be attacked she had a feeling that being attacked was inevitable too many factors slowly converging together.

She knew she had to tell him though. Tonight, she'd tell him tonight.

For now she was sweeping sand from the path that led to the mound that she wanted desperately to dig into.

[member="Darth Mythos"]
He thought of her all day in the back of his mind but made no remarks as she left his tent.... they would much time at night...
Noon arrived a bit sooner than Animus Anticipated, luckily the site did not have the Visitors Animus Expected however he did see Groom Tangle with a bigger Male Tuk'ata that no doubt out Aged him by decades however... Groom was Faster, smarter and even used the rocks and surrounding to his advantage. Animus began to understand, Groom was trained by Animus since he was a pup and he fought alongside Animus in various training sessions, he moved like Animus and followed Animus' tactics of using the Ground as an Advantage and attacking then there was an Opening... something a wild tuk'ata would never understand or execute no matter how intensely trained.

Animus brought forth his Datapad as he looked above the site, Groom beside him covered in the Blood of the Fallen, Bigger Tuk'ata, Animus had not made a move to help Groom in his short, but bloody fight. His Pet did not seem to need it, at All. Petting his head, Groom took the approval and went back to the perch with the Female. "guess we both found someone special eh buddy? " He smiled and murmured to himself as he gestured the workers to follow some set out instructions towards the Higher mound of the Obelisk. Every day the dig site progressed a little bit forward and the sediments became a bit lower and more of the structure was being seen little by little. This thing would shake the very foundation of Historical knowledge as they knew it, it would annihilate the thought that Adas was a Myth and brought a real conclusion and empirical evidence of his existance and his legacy... perhaps... even more? He shrugged as the work piled and continued for what seemed like days until sunset, his stomach whirling in anticipation as he thought of the woman who had now tantalized his senses with thoughts of... Actual love? Could it be possible?

Mythos worked alongside some diggers while relaxing and thinking it over, mulling it in his mind. What if he fell for her? He had to keep her safe, what would the Lords Say if they Figured out he was intertwined in love with a Woman ? They would surely order her dead to make him plunge into darkness and agony and deeper into a part of the Dark Side he would never escape... as so many others... She had to keep her a secret from his superiors. He had to keep her a secret from everyone. To Keep her safe. Little did Mythos know she could handle herself and was a Jedi Knight, but he would find out soon enough... for now his thoughts would delve in her aroma and her smile... yes... he was falling for her, subtly, slowly, but her was.

[member="Serena Bouie"]​
She was sitting at the bottom of a trench looking down at a thousand tiny stones of color sand held back by wooden barriers that should they give away she'd be crushed beneath the weight alone.

Even though she worked her mind was not completely where it should be. Her thoughts were one the yellow eyes that pierced her sensibilities. Her skin tingled still where his fingers had last lingered. She felt parched and bereft of emotions without his being near. What was wrong with her? Was this love, or lust? Or both!!??

Be reasonable Serena the little voice in her head spoke You're a Jedi, He's a Sith. You're on the planet Korriban the heart of darkness itself. What did you think would happen here? Rainbows and puppies?

Serena brushed off the stones again with sweep of her brush, a face with piercing blue eyes stared up at her, "What?" she asked it. Of course there was no answer had she expected one.

"Miss Serena" one of the digger's dark from the sun, eyes that blazed color was looking down at her, "the mound that you're interested in, well when one of the workers" the mound the one in the right hand corner of the square in the map, the one that had drawn her eye almost immediately.

Serena shook her head, "Just tell me hon, it will be easier" Workers often did things they regretted and hesitated to tell about. Workers knew they were expendable and many needed the work. It was the times in the galaxy.

The worker smiled, "yes mam, well there was a rock there and when he..well the rock seems to be the top of something, it's pointed rather than smooth or weather worn."

Serena cocked her head as her gaze settled upon the worker, "Really?" Standing up sand fell away, she brushed the remainder off, and reached a hand up to be pulled back to the top, "Show me" Serena and the worker walked around out of sight. The other man looked down rather sheepishly, while she was being lead t other stone.

It showed no damage, or christening. She looked to where the beginning of carvings began, "are you sure it goes deeper"

Both men got on their knees without hesitation and began pulling the sand way from the stone. As they pulled the sand back the stone broadened, the edge became more defined, and the carvings expanded. Serena looked, "Get a team over here and uncover it" Serena did not recognize the markings at all, and she had no idea what it would be for unless the mound was more than..what if...

She looked for Animus all thoughts of his being a Sith left and all she saw was the guy who brought life back to her. That awakened senses she did not know she had, and that when he looked at him her heart skipped a beat.

Not wanting to yell she tried running in the sand towards him, she could only think of one thing right then as she got closer watching how the winds of Korriban added to his presence, added to the image of Adonis. She was only a few steps away no one else could hear her speak, "Hey, my dark lord I've got something to show you" She waved a hand for him to follow.

[member="Darth Mythos"]
My Dark Lord? Animus cocked his eyebrow as he dismissed the comment as a mere nickname for now as he dashed behind her with vigor and speed to find out exactly what she was trying to show him. "What did you fi-" he stammered as he saw the stone outcropping that she lead him to and he dashed to it with no hesitation to hide his essence and demeanor as he slumped down next to the site and began looking at the insignias. The carvings were thousand of years old most notably a single sentence in Sith Language that made his heart stop. "Sith'ari" Conqueror, Overlord.

His eyes popped open as he screamed "We stuck gold gentlemen this is..." his hands went to his head, his eyes marveling in disbelief as he threw himself back into the sand like an insane person. "We... found something... " In his minds the thoughts racing as the Symbols and insignias passed through his head like megabyte data calculating what this could be. "Adas..." His emotion could not be contained, a tear ran down his eyes as he whispered. "i found you at last Adas... you were dug deep..." He composed himself laughing it up as the men cheered when they realized what they had found.

He turned to serena in amazement, "Those marking" his voice unable to contain the emotions as he kissed her in the lips. "those markings are twenty thousand years old! and this!" he stepped closer holding her hand as he passed his hands through a specific marking in the stone. "This means Sith'ari" His eyes gleaming at the sound of the word. "It means, Overlord, or Conqueror in ancient Sith tongue, only two people have gained that title in the History of the Sith, One of them way too young to be this old.. which leaves only one..." His smile devious and hungry for this dig site to be fleshed out even more, the sun was going down and Night time Korriban was no place to be, Lights of dig sites would attract the attention of more than Just Tuk'ata and Pelko bugs which had already been a great nuisance to the excavation progress. "We flesh out this site as much as we can before nightfall i don't want any lights of any noises from here until the Sun comes up, During the Day Korriban can kill you during the night it most definitely will. prepare camps in Two hours" He was a bit disappointed that the Discover had some so late into the afternoon and that the entire team would have to wait until the morrow could continue, however keeping the digsite rocking through the night would be more than just irresponsible and could endanger the entire excavation. It was a guaranteed death sentence.

[member="Serena Bouie"]​
The look on his face when she called him dark lord was one of confusion and suspicion. She winked at him as they made their way back to a stone that they might not have looked for week if not for the weak bladder of a worker.

She was not sure of the find, she knew obelisks and monuments contained many symbols that could relate to an event or an individual. Not being an authority on ancient sith languages she was surprised to know that what was before them meant Sith'ari.

As he said the word Sith'ari it was as if the very winds bowed down in homage. Had the dark energy of Korriban for one moment taken a breath to recognize the first Sith'ari, was this obelisk the marking for a tomb for Adas.

She had been asked to come as scientist to help a fellow professor find a site for a village, instead they were on the trail of the Sith'ari. Had she been invited here because of her reputation and intuition to find things.

She would have to make etchings of the obelisk as it was uncovered, and perhaps teach herself this language in private. But could she learn it, without a dark side corruption? Was she being tempted by the dark side even now? Would the control she gained be stripped from her?

She didn't know she only knew she was bouncing in place at knowing before her was history and it was 20,000 years old!! She smiled so big her face hurt. She turned to see Animus sprawled upon the sands giddy as a child on Life Day morning.

She watched him enjoy this moment of triumph as his excitement spilled out she nodded and understood, she was preparing to kneel when he kissed her. She was lost at that moment, he loved history as much as she did. Even Venris who loved to find things never exhibited this much emotion, as precious as he was to her, Animus clearly shared her passion.

"20,000 years old" she said it again that predated a lot of what was already known in the galaxy Animus' eyes gleamed, the edges crinkled with laughter, all he felt was seen there in his eyes. She even in her diminished capacity right now could feel his excitement, his hunger, his need to have the site cleared.

Serena looked down again then kneeled down reaching over to touch the stone. "20,000 years of waiting, we can extrapolate how bit it is at the base, that will also tell us how much further down we have to go"

Serena looked at the symbols again another myth dispelled about the Sith was all around her, joy, radiated off Animus . He was close to finding his dream, to prove what he believed. She had seen her father like this at times, unobliterated joy that seeped into everyone and everything.

While they could celebrate finding this, the real celebration would come when they stood at the base and could read every item, for within the history written to the obelisk would be the triumphs, and wars of who it was dedicated to.

Had the day truly passed so quickly, was it afternoon. She had not noticed time had drifted without a moment of standing still. Serena stayed by the dig site making sure that the sand was carried off, and barriers put up to prevent a refill, and then around the site to prevent intrusion.

She couldn't help but stand there and watch as work progressed her gaze always averted to Animus when he came over to check. She could see him loping about waiting to pounce.


Would he pounce her when she told him?

Serena swallowed hard, the night skies were coming dusk had already started to hasten golden light bathed the site. A sign for certain.

[member="Darth Mythos"]

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