Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reaper's Journey Begins

On the dessert planet of Tatooine after arriving at Mos Eisley space port a 28 year old human male in battle scarred armor had just exited a ship he had stowed away on. The human went by the name Reaper seeing as he didn't remember his real name but that didn't bother him. After talking to a person Reaper learned about a Cantina that was in the city. So he decided to check that place out seeing he could use a drink before finding some work. There's something different about Reaper that not all people could tell only those with that type of ability.

Reaper is a Force Sensitive human that has no training whatsoever in his abilities but they have gotten him in and out of trouble multiple times. After awhile Reaper was at the Cantina where he then walked through the entrance and made his way to the bar. "What would you like" the bartender asked the male human that had just sat down in a empty chair. "Your strongest drink" was all Reaper said to the bartender who then went and made the drink. During that time Reaper sat there and listened to the other customers talk about random things and other topics that you normally hear.

After about five minutes the bartender returned with Reaper's drink which was set in front of him "Here's your order let me know if ya need anything else" the bartender said to the human before going back to work. After the bartender left Reaper quietly sat there drinking his drink wondering what to do next seeing as he had just got here about an hour or so ago. As he sat there still listening to the band and the chatter of the mixed group of customers that reside here. Reaper was close to striking up a conversation with one of the other inhabitants of the cantina. But then he decided not to seeing if he interrupted someone's conversation it could lead into a brawl or him dead which Reaper didn't want at this time.
Okay change that Tantooine was much worse off then Saleucami, sure this planet may actually be functional in terms of civilization, and not have carnivorous primates ready to rip your flesh out, but the weather was unbearable. Again Chikako had been left at the space port by her last ride, the captain only taking her this far before picking up some cargo and heading back to some other barren planet, at least she was actually getting somewhere.

"It is to dam hot here, how do people live on such a planet and not die". Her silver eyes scanned around the space port, but unfortunately there did not seem to be anyone leaving anytime soon or owning a large enough ship for more then on person, "Looks like I'm stuck here for a while....... I need to cool down". Time was awasting and unlike most times she had credits to spare.

Chikako walked down the main street in search of the bar, getting a few strange looks, most people looking at her with a slight amount of fear, but then breathing a sigh of relaef, did she look like someone from around her that wasn't very nice? Not many people had white hair, but who could that be?. She shook her head, it was of no matter, right new she just needed to cool off.

Finally she arrived at the bar, the sound of music and smell of drink filling the air, upon entering she received the same looks from outside, it seemed who ever she looked like had a reputation around Tatooine. Soon the bar went back to its merry way, and Chikako approached the bar, "Just water, I need to cool down". The bar tender returned with her drink and she eagerly drunk it down, not really caring about spilling some of it, she was just that thirsty.

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "]
[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "][member="Chikako"]
Mos Eisley. The most wretched hive of scum and villainy on the entire planet of Tatooine. Here, people would just as soon put a blaster bolt through your head than serve you a drink. It was a place not for the faint of heart, exactly the place Harvi Kwen wanted to be.

"Another round, my friend!" he declared to the bartender. The bartender, a heavyset man wearing a grubby apron, looked down at the four empty bottles in front of the young man, then back up at his face. He thought of asking where the man was putting it all, and how he intended to pay for it, but he saw the madness dancing in the sapphire blue eyes and decided he'd rather not know. Harvi hadn't shown any signs of violence since he arrived, so the bartender was confident his hired thugs could take care of him should he decide not to cover his tab. Taking another bottle from beneath the bar he handed the drink to the human with the blue and red dyed hair.

"You're a real pal!" Harvi said, kicking the bottle back. The bartender shook his head and turned to the man in armor who had just arrived in the bar. Harvi watched the exchange out of the corner of his eye and heard the man ask for the strongest thing available. Harvi grinned; he liked this guy. FInishing his swig, Harvi wiped his mouth and swiveled his stool, leaning back against the bar.

"You looking to forget something, boyo?" he asked the interesting man, "Or just looking for a good time?"
The voices of the locals were prevalent around him, two talking about directions 4 arguing about prices, but these were mere background noises to Jaedan, who's brown eyes were focused on his datapad and what he was writing, avoiding all the obstacles, it wouldn't seem like his attention was completely caught by the task at hand. The planet was too hot for him to wear his armor, that and he didn't want to attract attention, what he wore was what anyone from Tatooine would wear... Anyone who expected trouble that is, a lightsaber was cleverly concealed by his upper clothing, likely the reason he was trying to not disturb them too much.

Jaedan stops in his tracks in the middle of the street, his head raises from the datapad and turns to the right, his eyes peering towards the Cantina. He could feel something, there was a presence, a presence he has not felt before. Putting the datapad to safe keeping, Jaedan walked to the cantina at a fast pace, his face would rarely betray emotions, but a hint of curiosity could be seen on it. It could be one of the proclaimed sith, or perhaps one of the Ren... Either way it made little to no difference.

Once inside he started inspecting the place, his eyes danced around the room for a little until he set his gaze on Reaper, this was the source, the presence he sensed... But who was he and was that man that just came to talk to him his friend? Jaedan moved deeper inside the cantina, only then sensing yet another force user, a girl seeming not much younger than him, he couldn't help but wonder if any of them have sensed him yet, but it didn't scare him, there was darkness inside him, yes, but there was also light, both struggling in an endless, unceasing storm. Was it to be condemned? Perhaps, but it helped him stay clear from many potential enemies.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] [member="Chikako"] @Sarvus Reaper Varux
[SIZE=11pt]The Lambda class shuttle landed with a hiss as the hydraulics extended and the landing gear touched the coarse sand that made up most of Tattoine. The landing ramp descended and Six troopers clad in black and red armor covered with grey cloaks exited the craft. They made their way through Mos Eisley hanging up posters, which prompted citizens to enlist in the Imperial armed forces. Desmond thought it mostly a pointless job as those who did not enlist would likely just be conscripted at a later date. Still, those that joined willingly would probably be more eager to die for their nation than those who didn’t. So, he and his squad continued placing the poster throughout the city. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond plastered one of the last posters outside a cantina. He eyed the shady residence and decided after a job well done he and the troops were deserving of a drink. It didn’t look like the nicest place to drink a cold one, but Desmond had been in worse dives. He entered the bar and much to his dismay found it was just as hot inside as it was outside. Smoke filled the establishment, aliens of all different kinds mulled about drinking their liquor, a band played jazz in the background and the bartender kept eyeing everyone with a distrustful gaze, reaching under the bar whenever anyone moved a little too quickly for his liking. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond found it laughable, the Empire had taken control of Tattoine and the place still hadn’t changed. He and Inferno squad made their way towards the bar and the troops withdrew the stools, taking a seat shortly afterwards. Desmond removed his helmet and his squad quickly followed suit, revealing that they were in fact all clones of the Chiss. They each ordered their drinks and Desmond did the same. He tapped the bar counter and the bartender approached [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I’ll take a Corellian Brandy,” The Chiss said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The bartender shook his head “We got hair of the Dog, that’s it,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond sighed then placed a credit chip on the counter “Hair of the Dog it is then,” He said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The bartender poured up several pints and placed them in front of the Imperials who were busy talking amongst themselves about command tactics, previous missions, and the women they had had. Desmond let his squad talk amongst themselves, instead opting to tune out the bar and grab a quick fix. He patted his cloak pocket and withdrew a pack of Deathsticks. He popped one in his mouth and lit the drug, combined with the beer Desmond was immediately gratified with a buzz. A little bit loose now, Desmond began surveying the bar for possible prospects. Desmond spotted a young girl at the bar drinking water and figured she’d do better than most in the joint. He took another puff from his deathstick then put it out in a nearby ashtray. He made his way to the presumable Echani and slid her a small propaganda poster[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Have you ever considered fighting for your country?” He asked the girl. If things didn’t work out with her their was always the crazed man with the dyed hair and his friend...[/SIZE]

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
[member="Harvi Kwen"]
@Sarvus Reaper Varux
The bar seemed to bee drawing quite the number of unique patrons, the dark cloaked man already at the bar seemed a little out of place on a desert planet, it mush have been really hot for him under those clothes. The other though was even more... interesting. A very flamboyantly dressed man with a bat of some sort. He seemed to be the most out of place, were they part of some cult.... Chika shivered slightly at just thinking about the word, though her memories where fractured images of cults and rituals still plagued her mind to some extent.

She gave herself a small mental slap, 'Don't think about it, those might not even be your own memories, just forget, start a anew'. Unfortunately that was easier said then done, Chikako had no real purpose in life, nothing to purse, just aimlessly wandering from one planet to another. Perhaps searching for a teacher or instructor in the arts of 'magic' might be a possible goal, but where in the galaxy would she find such an individual?

Suddenly a flier was pushed into her view, making the young girl jump a bit, and place a hand on her sword out of reaction. Looking to her side she came eye to eye with a Chiss officer, and what she presumed to be his body guards. "Country.....? I do not live here, just a traveler, nor do I have a home... why did you pick me for your recruitment campaign? I am nothing special, just a wandering practicer of the 'magic' arts.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] l [member="Jaedan Fray"] l [member="Harvi Kwen"]
Reaper sat there quietly when a male and female walked into the Cantina the male had crazy looking hair and what Reaper got off the female sent a shiver down his spine. Soon the male with his weird hair style spoke to him while the bartender gave the girl a water. "I'm here to find some entertainment" Reaper said to crazy hair just as another cloaked figure walked in which gave Reaper a chill down his spine but something intrigued Reaper but before he decided to go over to the cloaked figure a man and six troopers entered the Cantina. "Great just great out off all the planets I had to pick I chose the one that was run by the Empire" he muttered to himself as he picked up his drink and just went over to the cloaked figure to see if he could be an interesting conversation to Reaper. Soon Reaper was a short distance away from the Cloaked figure which caused Reaper to stop right where he is.

"I'm Reaper what's your name" he asked the cloaked male who has been watching him while he was at the bar counter. As Reaper waited for a response he kept his senses open and on alert just in case trouble brewed which always seemed to happen with him. But for once he hoped that today wasn't the case for trouble that usually follows him. "Why am I talking to this person what makes me drawn to him" Reaper thought to himself while standing there with his drink still in hand which he took a sip from the glass that was filled with strange alcohol. Reaper then cleared his thoughts and continued to focus on his surroundings and the person in front of him.

[member="Chikako"] [member="Harvi Kwen"] @Jeadan Frey [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Jaedan stared at the man as he approached then looked at the imperials that just entered, it wasn't hard to recognize those colors, he studied them quietly for a while, one of them seemed to approach the silver haired girl, maybe he knew her, but Jaedan turned to Sarvus who asked him his name, apparently the sith had no intention of hiding the fact he was watching him. "I am Jaedan Fray." he replied bluntly, this man was more friendly than most heretical sith out there at the first encounter, so either he was the kind of sith Jaedan was, or maybe a jedi or from another order completely. It was no wonder Jaedan could feel his presence the way he did, this man was strong in the Force... But what of the girl, the other force user? Did she feel it too? Is that why she came? Yet she didn't look like she had any interest in Sarvus, so perhaps she knew already.

She was young though, so a theory that made sense is that this man was a jedi and she was his padawan, explaining why they are both in the same place and why Sarvus has approached him, he must've sensed Jaedan is a force user too, one he hasn't met. "Are you a jedi? Would that girl be with you, or maybe your padawan?" He asked with a never changing expression pointing towards Chikako. There were many options one had to consider, but he went with what seemed the most logical to him. However he hasn't forgotten about the man he was just speaking to either. Whoever he was, it was possible he had some ties with him.

Two possible jedi on an imperial world... Unless they were undercover, perhaps he had to reconsider? As he waited for the answer, Jaedan peered towards the girl and the chiss, the imperials had the potential to make trouble, trouble he would prefer to not be in, thankfully, who could tell a sith from the empire from one who wasn't, right?

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "][member="Chikako"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Harvi Kwen"]
[SIZE=11pt]Desmond looked at the girl curiously. She seemed normal enough at first. Out of all the spice fiends, gangsters, and smugglers in here she would probably be the most normal. Why wouldn’t he approach her? But, then she began speaking about magic and Desmond reassessed his judgment. Perhaps she was all 6’s and 7’s after all… The Chiss agent sighed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Nevermind miss, sorry for the trouble,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As he spoke to her the strange man seemed to ignore the crazed smuggler and made his way over to a cloaked figure who had just entered the bar. Desmond decided next to everyone else these two seemed the next best thing. He picked up his drink and downed the rest. After replenishing his buzz with the alcohol the Chiss grabbed his helmet and walked over to the two force users, having no clue that’s indeed what they were, and took a seat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Barkeep, bring us a pitcher of ale!” He said in his rich Imperial accent. “I’m sorry that was presumptuous of me. Either of you lads care for a drink? The names Desmond by the way, but my friends call me Des or Dessy,” He said smiling at the pair “That’s Inferno One over their, my squad,” He said pointing to them with a thumb. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The four clones gave the three a friendly wave then went back to their drinks and conversations. He needn’t tell his new friends that each one of Inferno One were fully equipped to eliminate men of their ilk (Force users), simply because Desmond believed their wasn’t going to be any trouble, and that everyone would remain calm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“So, what do either of you think about joining the Empire? We have plenty of opportunities for new troopers and the Navy is a great way to see the stars,”[/SIZE]

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux"]
[member="Harvi Kwen"]
Reaper made note of the cloaked male's name as he introduced himself to Reaper and then asked if he was a Jedi and the girl a padawan. "No I'm not a Jedi I'm just a Force user and as for the girl I've never seen her in my life until today" Reaper said to Jaedan Fray just as the Imperial who called himself Desmond approached a table with drinks the bartender had just placed on the table. When Reaper herd the male introduce himself to the two of them and then asked if they would join the empire. "So what Brings you to the Bar Jaedan" he asked the cloaked male while pondering if he'd answer Desmond's questions that he asked. "Don't look now but I think that Imperial is trying to recruits us" Reaper said in a low voice to Fray as he watched the Imperial motion them over to his table.

"Why do you want us to join the Empire" Reaper asked Desmond curiously not really sure if he wanted to join those Imperials. But he also wondered what the other Force user wanted from him and why they all happened to be on this planet in this cantina. Reaper was curious about all that is happening at this time as he looked over to the troopers he noticed that if anyone caused trouble they would rather be killed or detained and that's two things that Reaper didn't want. "I'll drink anything" Reaper told Desmond as he went over and took the cup of ale and then went back to were he was standing. He stood there waiting for a response from the two people he was talking to. While standing there Reaper studied the drink just in case it was drugged or poisioned for that matter.

"Why did I just do that the Empire is the last people you could trust" Reaper thought to himself while his guard is still up. He didn't know what would happen if he declined the offer to join the Empire and what would happen between Fray and himself. Fray was another one Reaper didn't know if he could trust seeing as they just met a short time ago. Soon Reaper just calmed himself and decided to wait awhile and see what happens before missing any decisions. While standing there he had finished his first drink and was still checking his second drink to make sure it was safe.

[member="Jaedan Fray"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Jaedan Fray"] [member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "][member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Chikako"]
Harvi pouted a little as the man he'd been trying to start a conversation with walked away. But then the girl caught his eye, and hope was renewed.

"Pardon me love," he said to the girl, "But you look about as out of place as me in this joint. What brings you to Tatooine?" Harvi smiled his insane grin, leaning back against the bar.
She gave the Chiss a blank stare as he sighed, had she said something wrong? perhaps they were looking for older people or non 'magic; users, Chikako knew that the Galaxy was not the most welcoming of them due to the Dathimer witches. She gave a light shrug to the imperial agent as he walked away, returning to her drink, perhaps it would have served as a way off this word, but getting caught up in politics and was a bit to much for her.

As the two dark cloaked men gravitated towards each other, along with the Chiss, Chikako though the she may be able to have some alone time, until the strangely dressed man approached her. 'love? what is he talking about', the mans smile slightly scared her, more so then any beast she had encountered before, "I am more of just stuck here then actually visiting as I do not have a ship of my own, nor can I fly one, why is it that you ask".

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
So Sarvus was no jedi and didn't know the girl either, then she came here by coincidence or was curious on the man too, if the latter is true, she is very good at hiding it. The interesting part was that the man did not admit belonging to any order, which was both disturbing and... curious... The jedi would not force him to go to them, but heretical sith? Ren? It was likely in a world such as this he would fall into one of the two extremes, yet perhaps that could be avoided.

Meanwhile, the chiss has approached them, with the expressionless face turned to the alien, Jaedan stared into his eyes while he was trying to recruit them and while Sarvus was helpfully pointing out this fact.

The sith would not respond Sarvus just yet, the chiss spoke of troopers so he likely didn't know he was a sith, yet opportunity is what he also saw. "Indeed, my friend's question is a valid one. But I also wonder, what must be done should we decide to join?"

The initial objective has changed, what he was doing before had to wait, right now there were two force users here he would need to reach out to, one of which belonged to no order and now with Desmond, an opportunity has presented itself.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "][member="Harvi Kwen"] [member="Chikako"]
"I'm just a curious guy," Harvi chuckled, mad blue eyes twinkling. Stuck, huh? Well, he could fix that, for a price of course.

"I just so happen to have a freighter currently void of cargo," he said, "I can give you a ride, if you've got the credits."
Curiosity was okay, but sometimes that got people hurt, but what he said could be of use, she could always use a more permanent ride to travel places, and it seemed that man was an experienced traveler with not real allegiance. "That seems quite coincidental, but I will not look a supposed gift horse in the mouth, though I do not have much money with me at the moment, is there another possible way to pay for a ride that will not involve me being broke".

Her magic skills and fighting experience was lacking, but she hopped that man would at least have some, even a minor, need for a girl like her. Chikako just hopped this would not come to bite back in the future.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
Harvi smiled his insane grin, leaning back against the bar again.

"Oh, plenty of ways," he said, "Though, I'm sure a good many of them you would very much like to avoid." Harvi considered the situation for a moment. This young woman needed a ride, and he didn't have anything to do. But, she had no credits, and one thing his mentor Anni had drilled in to him was that a proper smuggler never worked for free. In this case, there was only one thing to do.

"Tell ya what," he siad, eyes dancing with madness, "I'll take you anywhere you want to go, but you owe me something in return. It can be anything of value. Sound like a deal?"
Chikako gulped slightly at his indication, no doubt the slightly crazy man had some erotic fantasy in his mind or other strange request that came into that would be quite strange. "I would be willing to do what you required within reason Mr".

She was slightly worried that the man would just reject her plea for a ride because of this, though was ultimately surprised with his counter proposal, "That sounds reasonable, it is a deal then, be assured that I will keep my word on this matter, what ever it may be I will lend my assistance when ever you decided to call in this favor of yours".

She reached out with her hand for a shake, to confirm their agreement, "Soooo, How close would you be willing to take me to Dathimer", I do not mind if we make any stops along the way of your choosing". Chikako was not in any real rush, more so looking for a reliable mode of transport that could take her to said location.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
Dathomir, huh? Harvi had never been there, but it wouldn't be a great challenge to get to.

"One ride to Dathomir, coming right up," he grinned, "Meet me in docking bay six at the hangar, love." With that, the colorful smuggler was out the door and gone.
"What's taking this Imperial so long to answer our questions" Reaper thought to himself as his gaze darted from the one he was originally talking to and the Imperial who had just entered their conversation. "What's this Imp planing why is it taking him so long to answer some damn questions something feels off but I'm not sure exactly" he whispered to Fray while still waiting for a response from the man or whatever the hell he was who happened to be a representative of the Empire. Reaper at this wasn't sure who he could trust out of the two he had just met. But one thing is certain the only one he could truly trust is himself.

But at this stage he feels like Fray is more trustworthy then some Imperial who spends his time doing god knows what in his spare time. But as of now he was here trying to recruit both he and Fray into the Empire which Reaper doesn't know it he will accept the invite. Reaper as of now has no way off of this desert planet nor could be afford a ship of his own. Depending if the pay's good he might consider joining the Empire but only if they don't betray him. He also wonders what Fray wants with him seeing as he hadn't received a response from the other Force user but as of now they both have to worry about the Empire and what they have planed.

[member="Jaedan Fray"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

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