Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reaper's Journey Begins

Despite the awkwardness of the situation and Reaper's warnings, Jaedan was apparently calm staring at the chiss before turning his head to Reaper in order to whisper back "These are imperials, something is always off with them." He answered as subtly as he could to make sure the chiss would have some problems understanding should he hear. It was hard to keep some sort of neutrality between the two, on one hand, joining the empire was something he had to do, on the other, talking to Reaper was another thing he needed and he felt reluctant to have the man exposed to imperial sith. Extremes were not good, it is not what he hoped to achieve.

These soldiers were already armed and this was a world controlled by them, even if a very unpleasant one. A conflict with them was to be avoided in Jaedan's point of view so hopefully there was no problem, but if this man did not belong to any order, does that mean he was untrained?

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "][member="Desmond C'artyom"]
As Reaper listened to Jaedan's response he started to notice something about him like he started to guess why Reaper wasn't apart of any order. "Should I tell him" Reaper wondered to himself while they stood there waiting for the Imperial to answer their questions. After a while Reaper decided that it might be beneficial for him to tell Fray what he was theorizing at this time. "The reason why I'm not part of any order was that no order knew of my existence so yes I am untrained in my abilities and no master to help me learn so I've been trying to teach myself but to no avail" Reaper told Jaedan in a low voice so the Imperial couldn't fallow or understand what he was saying. Now that Reaper told Fray he waited to see what Fray's reaction would be at what he just learned.

While this was going on the bartender was busy making drinks for other customers that came in and ordered drinks. Non of which paid any mind to the Imperial trying to recruit new blood for the Empire or fodder is what most people see it as. There were also talks about different jobs and looking for certain types to help complete said job. Then there were different bar based stories being told to either impress someone or to frighten them then there was the whole grossing out thing. While the chatter happened a new group of either locals or not from this planter had entered the bar.

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
Jaedan listened intently to the man's words as if considering them carefully. So he was indeed untrained... And most likely this was all intentional, it's possible he did not wish to welcome the beliefs of either side. That is a an interesting approach, one he shared to some extent. "Maddening, isn't it?" he said in the same hushed tone "One side fears power... The other is a slave to it." He could find no other way to describe what he saw around himself. "The galaxy is an intricate place, yet one thing is ultimately simple. No matter how evolved for those intelligent enough to see, the world is as wild as any forest or jungle..."

He stared at Reaper with his empty eyes, they were not threatening, they were not welcoming, they had an unsettling peace to them, Neither chaos nor order had any place there, only the silence of void and oblivion "Sentience is the fragile line between two extremes too, Reaper, for when he finds himself all alone in the wild... A man becomes either beast or god." There was a risk in all this, a risk Reaper would not understand his reasoning and brand him as crazy, but it was a risk worth taking, to him it separated men from sheep "Others would tell you the lone wolf dies without the pack... That is true, but not as you may think, the lone wolf becomes a dread wolf. Master your power."

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "]
Reaper listened to Jaedan's words which intrigued him while listening he thought about his response to what Fray said. "The way I see it the only way for you to truly become stronger is to master both sides of the Force and not fear the darkness but embrace it but not let it control you, also the other way I see it from what I've studied the Jedi of old feared anything belonging to do with the Dark side, like outlawing the seventh form of Lightsaber combat, my dream is to create an order where everyone is required to learn both the light and the dark sides of the force. I will do my best to master my abilities If it's alright with you I'd like to travel with you for awhile even if it means that I'll have to join the Empire I will" Reaper said as the last part was a question. After he had responded to what Fray told him in the same toned voice that he had been seeing from the start. Reaper wondered what will happen next what his life will bring in the near future but as of now he must focus on the present not the future nor the past.

Soon the bartender was busy again marking drinks while the other customers talked and listened to the ban play their music. Sadly the band only played the same song over and over again but by now everyone was used to it at this time. So none of them decided to kill the band to shut them up but even if they did they would be killed by the Imperial that was in the bar. The conversations changed over time as new topics showed up and old ones left. The bartender finished marking the drinks he was working on and then delivered them to the ones who had ordered those drinks.

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
So this one was a thinker and not a zealot, that was good, even if there was a chance the way they see things could differ, someone able to check perspective is someone who can actually think, someone who can learn. He wanted to create an order of gray force users in which case it is likely he will not join the New Sith Order, maybe he will become a sith even without joining should he choose to, or maybe he will remain on a neutral path, either way he might not yet see the threat lurking in the galaxy which would require Jaedan to show him.

"You may travel with me if that is what you want. I will train you in the the force and combat if that is what you wish. But know that on the path I shall set you on there is no easy way to anything, in your way may stand jedi and sith alike, whether you want the good of the galaxy or not. Where you go the Force will not protect you... The thing ruling over the world day after day... It shall no longer rule over you. It is a weapon and the moment the weapon controls the wielder, is the moment the wielder is truly lost. The way of true sith is a path to power not destruction, will you accept my teachings?"

Even as a mere whisper he made sure his voice would tell all there was to tell. Maybe Reaper will eventually become like him, maybe not, either way it is to his advantage, the more people outside the enemy's grasp, the more likely their orders will crumble.

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "]
After listening to what Jaedan said about allowing Reaper to travel with him and also be trained by him in the ways of the Force even though it might be more challenging then other masters form of training. "It is what I want and yes my master I accept your training even if it means that it won't be easy a Challenge is what helps us grow in strength" Reaper said to his new Master as he bowed to him and only when told to would he rise. This would look weird to the Imperial who was still in the bar but that didn't matter to Reaper seeing now that he'll have away to become stronger. "Soon I will begin the next chapter of my life" Reaper thought to himself as he remained in the bowing position. Soon Reaper would begin his training to master his powers and abilities.

The bartender started talking to one of the customers about random topics which wasn't really important at all. From the looks of it the Imperial troops remained were they are not moving from their spot which was kind of nerve racking for some of the paying customers which had no say seeing as this planet was under the control of the Empire. Reaper also was still wondering if the Imperial would ever answer their questions seeing as its been over an hour since they asked. Back at the bar the bartender was back to making drinks for the customers that needed refills on what they were drinking. Once finished the bartender delivered the drinks to the ones with empty glasses.

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
Jaedan motioned with his hand as he spoke "Arise, my apprentice." he may not have found the holocron he was looking for, but he found something even more precious, for every step must be of strategical importance, ever move must be calculated, his knowledge will pass to Reaper and with a new power added to his, Jaedan felt he made a huge step closer to his goal. The man seemed eager and motivated, that was good, the great journey only now begins and it reveals powerful enemies in the horizon.

"We shall depart whenever you are ready, there is much to discuss and much to do and your training..." He paused briefly "Consider it has begun."

This was one of his first lessons as a child, training is neverending as is the struggle, while most go left or right, new paths were about to open. Which way will Reaper go? What will he become in the books of history? Should there be such a thing as destiny, It was time for whatever fate the force had reserved for him to be discovered... And then broken, the destiny was to be in his hands.

[member="Sarvus Reaper Varux "]
Once his master told him to rise Reaper rose from his bow and then listened to what else his master told him after hearing that they'll leave whenever he was ready. Reaper then paid for his drinks and went back to his master. "I'm ready to go Master" Reaper said to Jaedan after he paid for the drinks and just remained where he had been for awhile. "Seeing as this Imperial really hasn't said anything for a good while which is rude" he told his master while waiting for him to be ready to leave as well. As Reaper stood there he started thinking about what's his life will be like now that he has a Master to train train him in the ways of the force.

The bartender was making a drink while the other customers were talking about different topics that happened to have sparked their interest. After awhile the topic changed again which this time was about what type of job some bounty hunters could take to make some credits. Once the bartender was done with his drink and it had been delivered. The bartender went on checking to see if he could make anyone else a drink and if they didn't he would move on to the next. Reaper on the other hand had so many thoughts about what the future would hold for him.

[member="Jaedan Fray"]

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