Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebel Alliance Gathering Order (Golf-Oscar)/Recruitment

Karneth smiled understandingly, he replied, "Well better that you missed all the starfighters that were flying around."

He looked around as he heard the door open. It was Norgorth, the Vornskr that had slept with [member="Jarven Zexxel"] earlier. It cackled somewhat sleepily as it walked over to Jarven and rubbed against his leg as if asking to be pet. Karneth laughed lightly to himself, it was strange in an amusing way. Norgorth was not the friendliest of the Vornskr that Corruck owned. He seemed to be more protective of the crew, though Karneth had found him more a nuisance than anything else. Of course, Karneth was Force sensitive so Vornskr were naturally more aggressive towards him, fortunately Corruck had trained them to leave him alone. Though they still tended to act a little less friendly around him.
Upon seeing the dog, Jarven grinned from ear to ear. Knowing it was best not to surprise a freshly woken animal, let alone a Vornskr, he went down on one knee, opened his arms, and gently said, "Here, boy." The vornskr sleepily bounded up to him and Jarven gave him a hearty petting.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
The incoming comm signal was intercepted by the Rebel fleet, and the request for them to clear some hangar space was considered. The officers aboard Home One confirmed that the line was from one of the vessels involved in the raid on Makeb--Recalcitrant. It was Gryphon's ship.

Who knew if there were actually Rebels onboard for the return journey? The fleet had lost contact with Kazen's ship not long after the battle had begun. Ever cautious, Geneviève ordered one of the bridge officers to request a fleet code from the approaching corvette. If the crew aboard the ship did not know the protocols, then the fleet would fire all its ion cannons at the lone traveler.

"Recalcitrant, this is Fleet Command. Please provide us with your operational codes before proceeding."

[member="Corruck Kazen"], [member="DasGeneral"]
Sheera waited a little until at last someone responded. She felt depressed enough that she simply looked to Rathur, Corruck had kept those codes encrypted in his own quarters along with a number of other personal data. Rathur shrugged and stood. His eyes seemed to ask if she would be alright by herself. She nodded, though she still appeared to be shaken and very angry. Her emotions were all over the place and she found it difficult to hold them together long enough to respond. "Fleet Command, this is Recalcitrant. We will need a moment, Gryphon...Corruck kept those in his personal quarters."

She didn't care about the codenames, there was no point in hiding a dead man's identity. She didn't care if the people across the line responded negatively to Corruck's name being given. She didn't care anything about the Rebels at the moment, all she cared about was passing through the information that Corruck had wanted to be passed through in the event of his death. Once that was done she would gladly leave these people behind and never have something to do with them again. In her heart she knew that she would stay, that was what Corruck would have wanted after all. But her anger and sadness allowed her to have a temporary imaginary plan.

Rathur came back a moment later, a small box about a foot by foot in size. Its lid slid off and inside were a few datacards, two datapads, and Corruck's shaving kit that he had kept. Sheera pulled out one of the datacards and looked for some distinguishing mark. She lifted another and noticed that 'Op Code' was written on it. She pushed the datacard into the comm computer and sent the encrypted information directly to Home One. Her voice was filled with mixtures of anger, sadness, and all sorts of fluctuations that made it obvious that Sheera was going through something. "Fleet Command, here are the codes. Sorry about the encryption, don't know Corruck's codes. Hope you have some idea what the code may be."

She took a little joy in causing a pain to those at the fleet, whether or not it actually did she found the thought very appealing. Rathur though smiled a little at her. He knew his wife too well. He had seen this coming and just hoped that the people at the other end would be a little forgiving.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="DasGeneral"]


Karneth listened over the intercom, which he flipped on soon after Norgorth came in. He turned down the speaker input volume and spoke to [member="Jarven Zexxel"] "Norgorth seems to like you. Have any history with Vornskr?" He was trying to keep his thoughts away from Sheera at the moment, he could guess that she was very upset. Her anger would not get any results like the ones she wanted, but at least there was an outlet for her emotion.
As he was rubbing the vornskr, Karneth asked him if he'd had previous experience with vornskr. He slowed down as he thought hard about this.

After a little while of thinking, he turned his head to Karneth, took a deep breath and said, "No".

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
"Well?" she prodded, arms folded and eyebrows raised.

"It's an old code. But it checks out," the officer answered. "I was about to clear it."

A moment of deliberation followed, as the Benefactor carefully considered the situation. There could be an assault group gathered aboard Recalcitrant. Or there could be a bomb. After today's events, she should question everything.

But her gut said all would be well. When had her paranoid instincts ever failed her? And now, her instincts were telling her that it was indeed Kazen's crew. It was highly improbable that the Ravens could have stolen the ship and ascertained the information on where the Rebel Fleet would be rendezvousing in such a short span of time. "Okay. Clear it."

The officer nodded. "Recalcitrant, you have permission to dock."

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Sheera spoke under her breath, "About damn time."

She let her voice pick back up for a moment, it still had a hostility and uncaring nature, "Thanks. If the 'Benefactor' is there I have some things to drop off." By that she meant a number of datacards from the box and the datapads. She assumed that it was all intended to be handed over the immediate authority of the Rebels, for whatever reason. She didn't really care that much. She hit the comm unit off and felt a new bought of tears threatening to escape. She held it in as best she could, but she could feel a few slip through.

She brought the ship in, slowly lining it up for a docking procedure. Even in her angered state she took the time to accomplish the work without risking either ship. It was second nature to her. As the ship prepared to latch onto the larger vessel, Rathur came in holding two cups. Some warm caf, not something that she drank normally but then right now was not a normal circumstance. He handed it to her smiling and saying in a playful manner, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Sheera accepted the caf with a small smile and a hard look. Rathur frowned asking, "Not right now?"

"Not right now."

She stood, taking one small sip and cringing a little from the heat and bitter taste before picking up the box of stuff for [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] . She walked all the way to the airlock where she found Karneth and [member="Jarven Zexxel"] talking, apparently oblivious to what was going on. She wished she could forget Corruck's death so easily.


Karneth wasn't too surprised, from his knowledge not many people even realized that such an animal existed, much less had experience with one. "Well then, you've certainly got a way with the creature."

He looked at the control panel next to the docking passage, it basically stated that it was not ready to be entered however it would soon be safe to use. Karneth was just about to say something when Sheera walked in, followed by Rathur. He was going to speak to Sheera to ask how everything had gone, but Rathur shook his head. Karneth could understand why Sheera was the way she was, he hadn't forgotten Corruck's death but he held the emotions away.

He turned to Jarven and asked, "Well this is where we find out what happens eh. We're going to be docked fairly soon and probably there is going to be a welcoming committee just in case we were captured and this ship is rogue. You ready?"


Admiral Klutzy Dreamer? S-E-L-V? Rebel Alliance?

Absolutely worth stowing away for.

Trailed, at a respectful distance, by a nine-foot Wookiee named Beyyr, Mara D'Lessio Merrill sneaked down the loading ramp of a bulk freighter. The jungles of Selvaris smelled decidedly funky. She pretended not to notice as Beyyr greased the palm of the freighter's captain. Some things were beneath her dignity as an Adventurer Of The Spacelanes.

At the interstice of the jungle and the landing pad, Mara opened her bag and removed her system-range comm. She tuned it to the frequency she'd picked up on Ord Mantell and pitched her voice as low as it would go. "General Klutzy Dreamer, calling General Klutzy Dreamer, this is..."

Feth. She searched her memory of old-timey Rebel stories and picked a cool callsign.

"...this is Targeter. Requesting pickup on Selvaris."
"Targeter?" repeated the comms officer, lifting up an ear of his headset to glance about the bridge. "Does anyone know of a designation 'Targeter'?"

Negatives were received all around. But a quick search through old files indicated that 'Targeter' had been a Rebel Marine active on Coruscant in the months following the One Sith invasion. It had been a long time since last contact, but a code was all that was needed. The officer returned to the comms to respond. "Targeter, please provide the Fleet with the procedural codes as you proceed."

"That signal was on a public frequency, correct?" Geneviève's eyes narrowed as she paced the floor while the request was sent to 'Targeter'. "I'm not in the mood for any tricks right now," she voiced, loud and clear so all hands on the bridge would be quite aware. They were to utilize caution in every case.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

This was sooooo cool. Mara covered her voice pickup and looked to Beyyr, her father's longtime copilot. "What's a 'sedural code?" she hissed. "Quickquickquick."

"Wruuufhrufhrufhruf, ooooghwruff." <<A sequence of challenges and responses that probably sound like normal conversation, generally because they are normal conversation, with specific words thrown in at specific times. Impossible to guess, Mara. Sorry. I think they've reactivated the old Targeter code name, and they're trying to confirm if you're actually her.>>

"Well, poop." She uncovered the mike. "Uh, think you've got the wrong Targeter. General Klutzy Dreamer said to come to Sierra-Echo-Victor-Lima if I wanted to join the Rebel Alliance."

She covered the mike again. "Is that a code? The S-E-L-V thingy?"

"Chuffchuffchuff." <<No.>>
Sheera walked, if it could be called that, towards the bridge. She seemed upset enough that she could be stomping, but it was too light a tread to truly be considered that. In the end, Rathur decided it was a furious stride. She didn't really know the way, though she also didn't seem inclined to ask for directions. Instead, she appeared to be following instincts that led her towards her intended destination, though it did steer her wrong on a few occasions.

Karneth made sure that [member="Jarven Zexxel"] stayed nearby and that no one got too close to the group. He was uncertain of how this would end, however he did know that there would be some emotional outlets in the near future, some of which would be quite volatile. He didn't want anyone to be caught in the crossfire... he could remember an old saying about women and their tempers. The fact that two women would likely be going head to head, or at the least one would be trying to hurt the other as much as words could.

After about ten minutes, they had finally reached the bridge. The time did not seem to make Sheera's temper any less ferocious then when they were trapped on the ship. If anything, she seemed to be even more upset than before, as if the time walking had made her think and she had spent quite a bit of it thinking what to say and talk about the events of the past few days. When the two guards who stood at either end of the door went to stop the group, Sheera held out Corruck's ID and security card. The guard at first seemed unsure how to followup. He seemed at last to follow the best idea for security. He took the cards and moved inside the bridge. The other guard kept an eye on the group while the first one walked up to [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]. With a salute he offered the cards with a few words about how there were people outside who wanted inside.

Karneth smiled confidently at Jarven, he didn't expect trouble so soon. Not yet at least.
Admiral Brightsky walked over and looked at the broadcasting frequency. "Genevieve, I think it's alright. I put out a general call for anyone who wanted to join us to send us a message on this frequency. I know you're not too trusting at this moment, but I think it's time that we took a leap of faith. After all, how else will we get new recruits?" Min said to the leader and benefactor of the Alliance.

She picked up the mic. "Targeter, this is Klutzy Dreamer. We'll be to S-E-L-V to pick you up. Stand by and wait for us to come to you. Welcome to the Rebel Alliance." Min walked over to the con and tapped the navigator on the shoulder. "Prepare for immediate hyperspace jump to Selvaris. We've got a new recruit to meet."

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Darik looked around the cluttered, hectic surface of Selvaris and sighed. The galaxy had been tossed into chaos and he was left with his battered old freighter and nothing to show for it. All of his jobs had evaporated into thin air and no one seemed to want to take on a skilled pilot who didn't have a massive star frigate or something that they could use to blast their way through blockades or planetary assaults. He wasn't fond of the new Rebel Alliance. He remembered the old Rebel Alliance. He knew Mon Mothma, Luke Skywalker, and...Leia Organa, the woman who had doomed him to an eternity in carbonite, his wife to an early death, and his daughter to a life without her parents. He held no love for any government that currently existed, but he needed a group that he could use for support. One group was as good as any other.

"Rebel Alliance, this is...Troubled Wanderer. I am on the surface of Selvaris requesting pick up."

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

The transmission ended. Wide-eyes, Mara turned to Beyyr. "This is so cool."

"Wrruffchuffchuff." <Best manners, Mara. Rebels aren't like stories.>

"It's still cool." She set down to wait at the edge of the landing pad and put her bag on her lap. "Miktik would think it was cool."

"Arrurrrr." <Miktik thinks anything shiny is cool.>
Alena stepped onto the bridge and whistled wondrously with a smile as she caught sight of Wan Min handing out orders to one of the navigation crewmen. She approached the other woman as she looked around; the vessel's crew was bustling about busily.
Wan Min appeared to be taking her new appointment to Admiral very well, of which Alena was glad. Her Minnie was the type that was at her best under pressure, though Alena often worried if she was balancing too much on her plate. After their last salvage operation, both women had been severely stressed and Alena wasn't handling it as well on the inside as it appeared she was on the outside. But at least one of them was still running strong, she thought to herself, smiling inward. Wan Min looked rather impressive; she took to command well. Alena stepped to Wan Min's side, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fancy place you've got here." She muttered.


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