Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 1 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal

Objective: I - Above Salt and Sulfur
Location: The Heimdall, Dac
Equipment: IG-14 Blaster Pistol, Forearm-Mounted Datapad, Uniform
Enemies: TAC | Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix | Nyles Kote Nyles Kote | Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
Allies: EOTL | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Augustus Von Strauss
Bridge Crew
Tempest Squadron

Tempest Squadron w/ Attached Jagdhunds
After helping assist the carryalls getting to the atmosphere, they quickly peeled off to readjust and figure out their next target. Unfortunately, the fighters engaging them in the defense of the carryalls, quickly followed.

"All units, stick with your wingman, we've got the Cap's dad's engineering under us. We are superior in all the right ways. Alright break." Sofia said in a calm but courage-filled voice. This battle had been tough so far, but they weren't done with it yet.

She saw a few bolts go past her TIE. She quickly pushed forward on her joystick and went into a spiraling dive, halfway through she cut the engines and spun one-hundred and eighty degrees to face her attacker unleashing a volley of maser and ion fire causing the attacking pilot to cut away giving her the perfect opportunity to follow and finish the kill, but a slew of additional maser and ion fire came from her wingwoman, Tempest Two.

"Got your back Commander."

"Thanks Jazzy." She said as another hostile passed her bow and quickly followed it with thrusters full.

The combination of Elite and Veteran units of both Tempest and their fellow Jagdhunds would make quick work of any following starfighters. Their speed and firepower, and exceptional training and combat experience would give them an edge against these rebel scum.
Tempest Squadron - 8 TIE/DLs
Jagdhunds - 8

Augustus's holograms lit up with a veritable slew of incoming fire, much larger then the last salvo. Right before impact the what he assumed were deactivated missiles exploded causing the Heimdall to shake violently, and causing the point defense systems to miss their initial bursts. Then the barrage hit Augustus's fleet, his grip grew tighter around his podium as his vessel shook by the force of it all. "Shields?" He called out.

"Holding Sir, but are taking a lot of damage, we aren't getting enough power back from the molecular to completely sustain. What are your orders?"

Augustus took in a deep breath and looked at the holograms around him, he look upon at the Moff Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti 's fleet watching as their shields became depleted. "Kriff." he said quietly enough that only he could hear. This battle wasn't going well by any standards, his fleet was holding, but thats because they were striking most at the center. He has to do something about it. He quickly looked at his own fleet and came up with an idea. He pressed the button on his podium that connected him to his other vessels.

"All units we are splitting into two. Eldritch, Hofund, Sword and your Lokis are to full-speed ahead around that gas field and flank the enemy. Your speed hasn't been shown yet, so that might cause undue stress on their targeting systems. The Freyja, Arcana, and Halberd will follow me with their Lokis, we are going to give the Moff some much needed cover. All squadrons follow your carriers, and assualt the Strill Securites fleet. Kreigshiffe Vor!"

As he said the last phrase anyone watching on thermals would be blinded as in unison their ion engines reached full-power thrusting them forward with unseen as of this point speed. These weren't called classified as 'Fast' for nothing, their speed being the main selling point of these designs.

The Heimdall with its supporting ships moved to block the fire that was assaulting the Moff's fleet. Going forward at an angle meant that their malmourral cannons couldn't be used, but their broadsides could be used, their port side armament firing on the Hellions ( Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix ) assaulting Darth Rasnuhl's fleet. The starboard firing on the Strill Securities ( Nyles Kote Nyles Kote ) and Hellion fleet on the other side of the gas. The Feryja, Arcana, and Halberd following in its steps targeting the same with their port and starboard sides, their Lokis being completely focused on starfighter and missile point-defense.

The Eldritch and its supporting vessels burst forward taking a route around the gas cloud, but still allowing for their port side to engage the enemy at long ranges, their inaccurate fire would increase in accuracy as they make it around the gas cloud, and they would begin sharing whatever sensor data they have with all friendly fleets, but that would come in a moment, once they actually make it around the cloud.

The starfighters would stick with their capital ships until they reached their destinations, which upon reaching would directly approach the Mandalorian fleet. All-in-all it was a risky strategy, but he wasn't worried. These fast ships were built for speed and slugging it out close-quarters, their broadsides said enough.

"The 20 vultures on your ships are now able to be commanded by you. Use them how you wish. Five of them have four discord missiles apiece. Happy Hunting. Thank you for the covering fire."

"Thank you Darth Rasnuhl, I'll also send some troopers your way to help the boarding party." Augustus looked at his ground officers, "Have both Storks head for that Hellion vessel," he said pointing at the Christophsis, "Have two Viper squads support them, then circle back to support us. Send them now." One of the officers immediately barked orders into a headset, the flight control officer did the same.

Command Ship: Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser - Heimdall (89|98)

Freyja - Fast Destroyer (76|82)

Arcana - Fast Destroyer (80|86)

Halberd - Fast Cruiser (90|95)

Corvettes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12
(85|95) (85|92) (82|90) (84|92) (86|94) (88|95)

Jagdhunds - 8
Hunds - 28 (-4)
Vipers - 48 (-8)
Sestinas - 20 (-4)
TIE/DLs - 22 (-2)
Vulture Droids - 20
Eldritch - Fast Destroyer (76|83)

Hofund - Fast Cruiser (88|90)

Sword - Fast Cruiser (86|92)

Corvettes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(85|94) (85|90) (82|90) (84|92) (86|94) (88|95)

Jagdhunds - 3 (-1)
Hunds - 14 (-2)
Vipers - 8 (-4)
Sestinas - 8
TIE/DLs - 20 (-4)
Tempest Engages Aether's squadrons

Von Strauss takes another barrage from Strill

Von Strauss splits his forces
1. Going to cover Moff Mecetti's Fleet
1a. Port side armament firing on Hellions attacking Rasnuhl
1b. Starboard armament firing on Strill Securities
2. On their way to flank Strill Securities and Hellion
2a. Only port side armament can fire on enemies.

Von Strauss sends two storks (240 soldiers) with 2 squads (24 TIEs) of Vipers to board and assist Rasnuhl

(25 years ago)



Velran ran towards his father: Zandrad Jarr Kilran the fourth, Velran hadn't seen him in years. He was out in the Outer Rim purging rebels and Sith Lords as a powerful and respected Admiral for the New Imperial Order. Besides Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn, Velran revered his father: A man of ruthless aggression. He was the one who drilled it in Velran's head that one must be bold: No hesitation, no mercy. Those words resonated with Velran throughout the academy and he graduated at the top of his class: About 12 parsecs if one was talking in a figurative sense.

Still, papa was there seeing Velran graduate, it almost bought a tear to his eye seeing him with a proud look on his face. If only mother were here to see it but sadly, she passed away in a Sith attack at Lianna on her way home from work. "Oh son!" Zandrad embraced the young Velran hugging him tighly. "I knew you were better than these low lives."

"Of course papa!" Velran said. "I know that I am! I'm a genius! I'm Admiral of the future!"

"Well I wouldn't go that far," Zandrad said. "Of course you have surpass me and that's no easy feet!"

Velran gave a growl in response, Zandrad on the other hand slapped Velran's shoulder. "You're an officer now Velran, you get to command a ship. Soon that ship will be a fleet and soon you could oversee the entire New Imperial Oder fleet."

"You know papa," Velran said. "As much as I dreamed of being a Grand Admiral and becoming like my idol: Thrawn. I feel like I want more."

Zandrad raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean my son?" He asked.

"That...." Velran clenched his fists. "I have an insatiable appetite for power!" He said. " I want more! It's not just the fleet but the power to conquer the Galaxy!"

"Ambitious son....." Zandrad said. "I like it! But the Emperor won't appreciate such..... insubordination."

"I know," Velran muttered.

"But one that is bold, it's about time that we have a Kilran in charge." Zandrad smiled. "For generations dating back to the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, we Kilrans have been subservient to the Empire. But we've placed an artificial ceiling on ourselves when in reality, we should be the rulers."

"Yes," Velran said. "We should be."

"Maybe my son can build an Empire." Zandrad smile continued to grow. "I just hope that you can produce an heir who can carry on your legacy. Right sir?"

"What?" Velran looked up confused. "Sir?"

(Present Day)


Velran was still in a daze the alarms blaring all over the bridge. Violent shakes were felt as some ensigns fell off their chairs, yet Velran stared blankly at the window seeing the Lamentation go down in flames the same with the Eye of Prophet. "You ever felt like you were dead and that nobody told you?" Velran spoke to no one in particular. His plans were going up in smoke...... literally, his fleet were starting to get ripped apart and there were reports that Velran just lost a few more squadrons. Yet Velran wasn't angry, he wasn't sad either.

He was just...... pensieve.

"SIR!" The ensign said. "We just lost Lamentation! The Eggman has sustained heavy damage! Multiple casualties have been reported all over the ship! What are your orders?!"

"My orders?" Velran puffed his bushy moustache taking a deep breath. "Contact the hangar, I want to talk to my daughter. After that, we abandon ship."

Though Velran knew that the possibility of escaping now cratering ship is around 10 percent.

The Ensign gave Velran a quizzical look before patching him through the hangar. "Kanni?" Velran said still looking at the stars. "I want you to abandon ship. I know you're kicking the bad guys' ass and making me proud but...... This ship is about to crash, and I need you to leave."

Tears started to form around Velran's eyes. "Please baby girl," he said. "I need you to live."
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Aboard the MHGN Obscurer
Flagship of the Moff Mecetti Fleet
Imperial Blockade Forces
Defending against Non-Imperial Forces

On the tactical display, the MHGN Thrust brightened and then faded away. This was mirrored by a tiny sun which flared to life outside the bridge viewpots.

Maldor was running out of cruisers. If something did not change soon, he'd be unable to hold this position much longer.

What would the Emperor say if he abandoned this position to save his carriers and flagship?

More importantly, what would the Emperor do?

But now, at last, the situation in the field seemed to be evolving. Allies began making bold strokes. Perhaps this was what he'd been holding on, for. Perhaps now the strategy of his partners in the fleet would prove out.

As though in response to his thoughts, he received a transmission.

Ah, yes. The interdiction field. Maldor had kept it in reserve thus far, even when opponents were micro-jumping around the starscape. He recognized that it was not a trigger he could pull lightly, as it would impact his own ships as well as those of the enemy. If the Emperor needed to evacuate forces, an interdiction field would be quite the hinderance. And if the enemy chose to retreat, he didn't want to dissuade them.

But here was a bold new plan taking shape. He didn't need to understand that shape in order to lend his support.

"Activate Gravitic Modulators.

Also, order fighter squadrons to set their laser cannons to half-power and strafe those buzz-droids. That should be sufficient power to harm the droids on the surface without placing peril on allied ship hulls."

His orders were relayed, and a thrumming filled the ship as the Gravitic Modulators powered up.

"May the Force foil our foes, and its darkness obscure our maneuvers from their eyes," he said quietly.

It was a very old Sith mantra. This seemed the right time to resurrect it.

The Moff Mecetti fleet loses another Capital ship, but engages its interdiction field generator in response to allied requests. Meanwhile, fighters break off to target buzz droids harrying allied vessels.

Fleet Makeup
1 Obscurer Class Star Destroyer (2 km total)
MHGN Obscurer - Condition: 80% hull, 45% shields

2 Singularity Class Carriers (3 km total)
MHGN Hive – Condition: 72% hull, 25% shields
MHGN Nest – Condition: 75% hull, 28% shields

10 (7) Tercio Class Cruisers (7.5 km total)
MHGN Spear – Condition: 0%
MHGN Thrust – Condition: 0%
MHGN Fencer – Condition: 0%
MHGN Panoply – Condition: 64% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Array – Condition: 0%
MHGN Archer – Condition: 63% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Herald – Condition: 68% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Elegy – Condition: 65% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Royal – Condition: 62% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Shield – Condition: 65% hull, 0% shields

Tie/mg Starfighters w Ordinance Rings – 40 Squadrons
(480 units originally, 325 units remaining)
Hammer Blastboats – 20 Squadrons
(80 units originally, 45 remaining)

Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Ekkeke Shale Ekkeke Shale | Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti @Agustus Von Strauss Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Orion Orion

As the battle rages, where the tide turns in the favor of the TAC, the comms would come to life, without permission and out of the control of the Obscurer's bridge communications officer, when the voice of a younger man would be heard by all upon the bridge

"Aegis Fate to Obscurer, come in Obscurer. Moff Mecetti, this is High Admiral Knight transmitting on the Imperial Emergency Channel, for we do not have much time. I have been briefed on the situation, and I ask you to activate the Obscurer's Gravity-Well generator. A strange request, I know, but a move that could mean life or death for you and the Emperor. Admiral Knight, Out!"

High Admiral Orion Knight asks Moff Mecetti for a favor, as it pertains to his coming

"Activate Gravitic Modulators.

Also, order fighter squadrons to set their laser cannons to half-power and strafe those buzz-droids. That should be sufficient power to harm the droids on the surface without placing peril on allied ship hulls."

"May the Force foil our foes, and its darkness obscure our maneuvers from their eyes,"

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun |

Allies: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Ekkeke Shale Ekkeke Shale +Tac

Targeting: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti / Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss


Phoenix Wing


Fleet Composition

  • ~~~

  • Conditions
    Ship 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ (Full Operational)
    Ship 2■ ■ ■ □ □■ ■ ■ ■ ■□ (Minor Damage)
    Ship 3□ □ □ □■ ■ ■ ■⚠️ (Moderate Damage)
    Ship 4□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □❗ (Severe Damage)
    Ship 5□ □ □ □ □□ □ □ □ □❌ (Destroyed)

Ship NameShieldsHullEngaging
GAMS-346 Astrocat Blockade Runner□ □ □ □ □■ ■ ■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Sur'haai-class Scout Frigate■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■Enacting Capture
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■Enacting Capture
Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran @Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 3■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Apex Predator: Baby Shark Flagship■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 1 □ □ □ □■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 3■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 4■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

■ ■ ■ = Full | = Minor Dmg | ■ □ □ = Major Dmg | □ □ □ = Destroyed
Squadron NameShips per SquadronIntegrityEngaging
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 12■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 22■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 32■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 42■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 18■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 28■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 38■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 48■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 14■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 24■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 34■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 18■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 28■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 38■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 112 Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 212Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 312■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 412■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 512■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 612■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 712■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 812■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 912■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1012■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1112■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1212■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1312■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1412■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 18■ □ □ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 28■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 28■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Tuitio Support Boat Squadron 14■ ■ ■Assisting Astro Cat
Tuitio Support Boat Squadron 24Assisting Mother Shark 1

Phoenix Wing Bridge

Commander Kael Draven observed the enemy's sudden activation of a gravity well and spoke up. "Captain Vesperis, could they be trying to stop us from leaving?"

Vesperis considered the idea for a moment but then shook his head. "No, that doesn't make sense. If they wanted to trap us, they'd have activated it sooner, right when the battle began."

Draven nodded, thinking. "So what's their play here?"

Vesperis's eyes narrowed as he connected the dots. "They're not trying to stop us from leaving. They're trying to bring something in—reinforcements. That gravity well is a beacon for something to drop out of hyperspace."

Realization dawned on Draven. "Then we need to counter it before they can arrive."

"Exactly. Activate the Null-series Gravity Well Neutralizers on all the Mother Sharks," Vesperis ordered. "Let's try and cut off their reinforcements... If they want to show up let's not give them the advantage of where."

Draven moved swiftly, inputting the commands. "Neutralizers are online, Captain. "

Vesperis nodded, satisfied. "That should give them some problems... Stay sharp—they might try something else."

"Yes, Captain,"
Draven replied, focusing back on the battle.

The SCDC-02S Super-Heavy Class-D Disruptor Cannons had been hammering away at the target, each blast edging closer to its goal. Then, at last, the relentless assault paid off. The beams sliced clean through the battered hull, piercing into the heart of the ship's Engine Core. The moment the energy made contact, the reaction was instant and catastrophic. A brilliant flash erupted from within, followed by a shockwave that burst outward with terrifying force, consuming the surrounding space in a cascade of debris. The sheer power of the impact sent ripples across the battlefield.


Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran
Aboard the Egg Man, Hangar Bay

Playtime was over. Aether stepped forward, catching Kanni's saber blade with his hand. The gauntlet, crafted from phrik, songsteel, and duraplast, was built for such moments—lightsaber-resistant, it held firm against the searing heat without yielding. As he leaned in, ready to deliver a Keldabe Kiss, , his focus was suddenly interrupted by a voice crackling through the comms overhead.

"Kanni? I want you to abandon ship. I know you're kicking the bad guys' ass and making me proud, but... this ship is about to crash, and I need you to leave. Please, baby girl,I need you to live."

No sooner had the message ended than the ship was rocked by the cataclysmic detonation of the engine core. The hangar bay shook with violent tremors, the sheer force of the explosion reverberating through every bulkhead. Yet, Aether stood firm, his magnetized feet anchoring him in place, his stance resolute as the world around him descended into chaos. He moved to try and Grab the girl as things shook.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti - We turn on all the Null-series Gravity Well Neutralizer on all the sharks

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran - With mpermission from the oppositional writer we blow up the engine core on the Eggman.

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Her enemy was bigger but, inherently, Kanni’s smaller stature made her a more difficult target in comparison. This man was massive compared to her, he had greater reach, but that made more open space behind his guard for the Kilran to get within, slash and dance toward his back.

However, for the moment, both opponents were measured. They both had armor of uber awesome defense (phrik, cortosis, songsteel, beskar, other lightsaber-resistant stuff, duraplast, duraplate, whatever, you name it) and were both powerful with their own enhancements. Unfortunately for Kanni, however, while she had a lightsaber she was not a Force-user. She couldn’t cast lightning at him. Dang it!

Kanni answered her foe’s first question, not buying into his taunting. “Nope!” Second question, answer served. Precise strikes followed as Kanni defended with precision. She parried one of his blades, gave a riposte, forced him to be on the defensive for once as her shuriken came up to suddenly block his other saber. Heh.

“Can’t keep up? That’s funny wunny!” Kanni laughed. “You haven’t cut me yet, dummy!” She swung her blade at him again, determined to find an advantage with her strike, when he caught her weapon in his grip. The metal guy looked about ready to kiss her the next moment. Ewie-wooie!

He was gonna lose that hand all the same. Just then, a voice came over comms and the ship rocked. Kanni had been doing pretty good at keeping up with the rhythm of this dance but not at current events at her back.

Kanni was distracted by the message, her very own father speaking to her from the ceiling, but fortunately the ship being jolted had created some space between both opponents for the moment. “Crash?” No. It couldn’t be. They had to win this! “L-Leave?” Why was he telling her to leave? He can’t mean it! He needed her to live. She needed him to live. Was he going down with the ship? He was the brave man for that but he was also the Emperor. Was he…giving his daughter one last order?

There was an explosion. The one within Kanni, the fury and the agony, and the one within the ship as the hangar felt like it was going to drop from the Eggman itself and straight to hell. Kanni didn’t have magnetized feet, unfortunately, but she did have acrobatics. She somersaulted away from her enemy as he tried to grab her and attempted to make for the exit.

“EMPEROR!” Kanni tried to call over to him with her helmet’s comlink. “FATHER!” She was determined to race for, not the escape pod, but the bridge, where he would surely be. “I WON’T LEAVE YOU!” Onward, she ran, panting inside her helmet, faster and harder. “DON’T LET ME GO EITHER!”

Then he did it. He actually did it. Force fields within the ship began to close before her in corridors. This way was closed. No matter. I’ll go the other way! She went that way. Another force field suddenly showed. This way. That way. Until, finally, Kanni realized what was happening.

He’s…boxing me in… She couldn’t believe it. After everything she did for him! This was it!? Locking me…out from…the bridge… She sniffed, blinking tears from her helmeted vision. He wasn’t just trying to keep Kanni out of trouble. He was trying to funnel her to the escape pods. No. NO! I WON’T LISTEN! She stomped. I WON’T GIVE IN! I WON’T QUIT! “I WON’T GO!”

He spoke again over comms, repeated his words, his instructions, his orders, and that was key. Ever since her creation, Kanni Ugaiya knew what she was supposed to do, where she was supposed to go, who she was supposed to be. It was in her genetic code. She was programmed to do one thing: Serve her master.

So, when Emperor Velran Kilran gave a firm order to his daughter, Kanni Kilran, she could fight it, try to but, in the end, she had no choice in the matter. She had to follow it. “NOOOO!” She pleaded all the same. “DON’T SEND ME AWAY!” She cried. “D-DON’T LEAVE ME…D-DADDY!” Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

It didn’t matters. Orders… “Are orders…” She whispered. Then, as the ship rocked all over again, reverberating from explosions, Kanni had no more moments. If she died in this ship then that would mean disobeying Father’s commands and, in the end, she never did that. His word was her word. She would preserve his legacy, determined to never waver from his orders, as her master and father and emperor, and keep her loyalty forever.

“Goodbye…Father…” She offered, looking within the Eggman one last time, and entered the escape pod. She paused, staring at nothing, staring at metal on a wall, at the cold hard floor, and closed the door. I…love you…forever… The pod launched, ripping away from the ship, splitting from it and into space, ripping Kanni away from Velran, splitting her brain and spirit. That was it.


Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order

OOC: Exit attempt for Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran . This is in part because the day is closing IRL and I'm out of town from Friday to Monday LOL
Imperium Resurgent
zhongli (genshin impact) drawn by jirafuru | Danbooru

The concepts of Fortune, Fate, or the 'Will of the Force', are fickle things.
On one day, one might find themselves as the most stalwart of defenders, their lines unbreakable and will indomitable
On another, these same defenders might find their lines shattered like glass and their will drained from them like so much blood from a corpse
But as Orion's father had taught him, Fate, Fortune, the Will of the Force, or whatever you care to call fickle. And while fickle things such as these concepts are difficult to prepare for, they can be made up for…

So when the TAC, in their drive to shatter the blockade and finally be rid of Emperor Kilran once, were focused so narrowly on their objective.

Fate or the Will of the Force would shift once again, as the Vanguard of Grand Warlord Armada of High Admiral Orion Knight would finally arrive, slamming into their exposed flank in an attempt to distract, confuse, and to draw fire away from their Emperor.

Now how was this done? With the GWN systems online no less? Well that factor was another reason as to why the Admiral used the Emergency Channels, as the Grand Armada was less than a minute out from the Mon Cala/Dak system. This meant that the moment the Gravity-Well Generator of the Obscurer was detected, the Elite and well prepared Navigational crew of the 'Aegis Fate' would have the requiredmicro-calculations locked in, allowing for what came next
While heavily improvised in it's preparation and in it's execution. The maneuver the young Admiral had pulled was a classic Thrawn Pincer, but on a truly massive scale. As at least 2 Superiority Fleets worth of Star Destroyers and their support ships, new and old, dropped out of hyperspace and would unleash torrents of fire upon their engaged foe
Upon the Bridges of the Eggman and the Obscurer the Admiral's voice would be heard
“My sincerest apologies, Gentlemen, the fleet had just been refit after our long anti-pirate operation…now then, if you would allow us to take the reins…?” Orion would smirk a bit as the Bulwark MK-1 ‘Aegis Fate’ unleashed torrent upon torrent of turbolaser fire into the rear of the support ships of the TAC fleet. “All ships, fire at will, focus on targets of opportunity! And SAVE. YOUR. EMPEROR”
And upon the bridge of the Obscurer, the young Admiral’s voice could heard again, an appreciative tone clear on his voice. “I thank you, Moff Mecetti, without you and the Obscurer, I do not believe I could have made this…this masterpiece~”
Orion's smirk would turn to a smile as he barked his next orders “All fighters Launch, Vornskr Wing clear a path for Dewback and Rancor Squadron. Paragon Squads 6, 5, and 9 and Crusader Squads 3 and 7, prepare to Launch and relieve our boys on that shipyard! Crusader Squad Alpha aboard the 'Frigg', break off and prepare to board the Eggman to rescue His Majesty!”

"Vornskr Wing, Reporting in, the way shall be clear, let terror reign in the heart of the Foe"

"This is Dewback Leader, Copy Command, Long may the sun shine on the Empire"

"This is the 'Frigg', so shall it be done, High Admiral"

Superiority Fleet Alpha:
Bulwark MK-1 'Aegis Fate': Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Bulwark-Mk2: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Bulwark-Mk2: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Bulwark-Mk1: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
New Imperial-1: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
New Imperial-1: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Support Ships:
5 CR92a Assassin Corvettes w/updated weaponry
3 Ton-Falk Class Escort Carriers
6 Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers w/updated weaponry
2 Katana-Fleet Dreadnought Heavy Cruisers
(All at 100% Shields, Hull, and Subsystems)
Fighter Compliment:

Dewback Squadron (Ace): 8 Preybird-Strike class Starfighters
8 Preybird Strike-class Starfighter Squadrons
12 FAE/TIE Series "Aetherstrike" Starfighter Squadrons
12 TIE Viper Starfighter Squadrons
8 Eradicator Class Heavy Bomber Squadrons

Superiority Fleet Bravo:
Heimdall class Fast Battlecruiser 'Frigg': Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%

Hofund-class Fast Cruiser: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Hofund-class Fast Cruiser: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems: 100%
Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems 100%
Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems 100%
Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer: Shields: 100%, Hull 100%, Subsystems 100%
Support Fleet:
4 Virilus-Class Heavy Frigates
6 Rapax Class Escort-Corvettes
6 Loki class Corvettes
(All at 100% Shields, Hull, and Subsystems)
Fighter Compliment:
30 NCE-100a "Hund" class Starfighter Squadrons
Vornskr Wing (Ace): 8 NCE-101b "Jagdhund" Starfighter Squadrons

The vanguard force of the Grand Warlord Armada arrive in System, right into the backs of the TAC fleet in a massive version of the Thrawn Pincer.

Superiority Fleet Alpha and most of Superiority Fleet Bravo move into close combat with the TAC fleet

Vanguard force TIE, Hund, and Jaghund Fighters, along with Virilus, Rapax, and Assassin Picket ships engage TAC fighters and picket ships at will

Vanguard Eradicators and Preybirds launch their Anti-Capital ordinance into the TAC formation

2 Crusader and 3 Paragon Squads launch in Caestus Assault Landers to the Mon Cala Shipyards to reinforce the garrison there

Heimdall-Class Battlecruiser 'Frigg' splits off from Bravo Fleet to inject Crusader Squad Alpha into the bridge of the 'Eggman' in order to save Emperor Kilran and remaining bridge crew
Allies: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl
Enemies: Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Ekkeke Shale Ekkeke Shale Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
Last edited:

"An Emperor must go down with their ship."

It was how Grand Moff Ordile Vaiken went down when his Star Destroyer was attacked by foreign invaders. It was said that Vaiken stood silently on the bridge while everything exploded around him. Even when consumed by the flames he died with a smile on his face. A fitting end to an all-time great Moff. Admiral Fimus Piett bravely went down the Super Star Destroyer: The Executor during the Battle of Endor. Sure, the ship crash landed on the Second Death Star killing thousands of his own people, but he went out like an Admiral.

But Velran was no longer a Moff, he wasn't a Grand Admiral anymore. He was the Emperor of the Empire of the Lost, the faction that he built with his own two hands. He rallied the fractured and squabbling Imperial remnants from the former Empire and shaped a brand new one in accordance with his vision. An Empire that would last a hundred thousand years, an Empire destined to dominate the Galaxy. For the first time since the New Imperial Order, the Empire of the Lost the true descendants of the Galactic Empire is as strong as ever. A fierce Empire, a bold Empire.

One that Velran won't live to see.

The Eggman's engines were destroyed, the explosions consumed the Frigates and the TIE Fighters who were desperately trying to defend the engines. The filthy rebel who infiltrated the Super Star Destroyer fled the ship and the evacuation alert began to blare all over the damaged ship. Ensigns, troopers: Clone and Stormtrooper alike were scrambling to get to the escape pods, but Velran knew that escape was futile. Due to sustaining so much damage, half of the escape pods would malfunction leaving the victims consumed by explosions and those who did make it will be picked apart by the rebels. Velran remained calm his hands clasped behind his back as everything erupted behind him.

The Ensigns, who were on the bridge with him, were either dead, escaped to a shuttle, or were on the floor weeping and screaming for Velran to them. But there will be no saving them, there was nothing to be done. Tears began to fall from Velran's face as he heard the static filled voice from his daughter saying that she won't go.


"Kanni!" Velran blurted out through the explosion though part of him wasn't sure that she heard her. "You know, all my life, I always thought that I was the smartest person in the room! I thought that no one could ever be better than me!"

A sad smile formed on his lips. "That was until I laid eyes on you!" allowing said allowing the tears to freely fall from his face. "At first, I saw you as a weapon but when you gazed upon me. I saw a daughter! A person who is better than me in every way! I'm doing this to save you my baby girl because you have the potential to do better than me! You carry the blood of Rycus Kilran in your veins, your smile, your boldness, brings tears to my eyes thinking of you!"

Velran laughed before crying. "I love you Kanni," he continued. "You opened my heart in ways that no one ever did. Now go! And remember the song we sang after we killed the defective Clones at Lianna?"

Swaying his body back and forth, Velran began to sing:

We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds
Far away
So will you, please, say hello
To the folks that I know?
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song

"We'll meet again my baby girl!" Velran said smiling while wiping his tears at last. "Don't know where! Don't know when! You're strong! Rule in my stead and destroy these rebels!"


As soon as he said it, a large explosion threw Velran off his feet as he landed flat on his back. The Emperor groaned laying on the floor, a large lurch was heard which meant one thing, the Eggman was going down.


Verlan scrambled to get up but was unable to, gravity was holding him down and the crying Ensigns that were left began to slide next to him some hitting their heads against the wall knocking them out while others clung on for dear life. Velran's heart was pounding as fast as a Rancor after a pit fight, his eyes grew wide seeing the planet: Mon Cala growing larger each second. Velran always told himself if he were to die, it's best to go down with the ship with a calm face but the sheer reality knowing that a crash was imminent sent terrifying chills down Velran's spine. All Velran can do was as the Eggman began to violently shake was to scream.

Velran continued to scream in abject terror while the Eggman continued to break apart hurdling towards the planet's atmosphere.
Last edited:

Aboard the MHGN Obscurer
Flagship of the Moff Mecetti Fleet
Imperial Blockade Forces
Defending against Non-Imperial Forces

Two events occurred in rapid succession, unleashing emotional whiplash upon Moff Maldor Mecetti.

Against all odds, Admiral Knight brought his fleet out of hyperspace precisely where it was needed. It was a masterful bit of hyperspace navigation. Maldor was not sure how it was done, after the enemy neutralized the gravitic disturbances the Obscurer had been generating. He could only imagine that- despite the countermeasure which prevented mandatory hyperspace interruption, the projected mass fluctuations were still visible to Admiral Knight's navigational resources.

He hadn't needed to be ripped from hyperspace.

He'd only needed a navigational reference.

And the war of gravity between the enemy ships and the obscurer had certainly provided such a reference.

But before Maldor could celebrate, the tac screen showed something new and terrible unfolding. The Emperor's Super-Star-Destroyer fell. For all Maldor knew, the Emperor himself was about to die.

Maldor had no love for that egocentric madman... but what would become of the Empire without him?

He stood, shaken. Then, remembering himself, he acted.

"Issue our compliments to High Admiral Knight. Order all remaining ships to advance upon the center of the enemy force.

Transmit the following, Maximum Power, all Channels. Use Running Lights to signal the message as well, in case enemy jamming blocks radio signals.

Repeat these three words on endless cycle:




Love Him.

Hate Him.

It didn't matter.

This was the Empire, and if the idea of the Emperor's ultimate sacrifice couldn't motivate the troops, then the Empire didn't deserve to exist.

Maldor Mecetti's fleet- half of them burning- rushed forward with cannons blazing.

The Mecetti Fleet engages in a final, defiant charge, motivated by reinforcements and the burning pyre of the Emperor's ship.

Fleet Makeup
1 Obscurer Class Star Destroyer (2 km total)
MHGN Obscurer - Condition: 78% hull, 40% shields

2 Singularity Class Carriers (3 km total)
MHGN Hive – Condition: 70% hull, 20% shields
MHGN Nest – Condition: 70% hull, 22% shields

10 (7) Tercio Class Cruisers (7.5 km total)
MHGN Spear – Condition: 0%
MHGN Thrust – Condition: 0%
MHGN Fencer – Condition: 0%
MHGN Panoply – Condition: 54% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Array – Condition: 0%
MHGN Archer – Condition: 53% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Herald – Condition: 58% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Elegy – Condition: 55% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Royal – Condition: 52% hull, 0% shields
MHGN Shield – Condition: 55% hull, 0% shields

Tie/mg Starfighters w Ordinance Rings – 40 Squadrons
(480 units originally, 300 units remaining)
Hammer Blastboats – 20 Squadrons
(80 units originally, 40 remaining)

Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Nyles Kote Nyles Kote Ekkeke Shale Ekkeke Shale | Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti @Agustus Von Strauss Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Orion Orion
Objective: I - Above Salt and Sulfur
Location: The Heimdall, Dac
Equipment: IG-14 Blaster Pistol, Forearm-Mounted Datapad, Uniform
Enemies: TAC | Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix | Nyles Kote Nyles Kote
Allies: EOTL | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Orion_Knight Orion_Knight
Augustus Von Strauss
Bridge Crew
Tempest Squadron

Augustus was focused on the battle before him, it wasn't until he saw one of the portside bridge crew fall to her knees that he looked over. Past the Mecetti fleet, the Eggman fleet was gone. He looked in objective horror as he watched the super star destroyer carrying their Emperor plummet slowly into Mon Calamari's atmosphere. His mouth was slightly agape before he was able to snap out of it thanks to the speakers inside his ship repeating the same phrase over and over:




Filled with a new burning passion, he walked over, stepping into the slightly lowered bridge pit to his fallen crew member. He offered a hand to help her get back on her feet and a handkerchief for her tears, ignoring his own. He turned back to his crew and with a raised voice,

"Now is not the time for tears or anguish. We have a mission to complete before us, a mission given to us by the Emperor himself! We must not freeze up at this pivotal point. We will follow Mecetti's lead! Helmsman, turn the bow to face the Mandalorians and engage all thrusters. We shall be the sword wielded by our Empire!" He took in a long breath as he walked back to his podium. He pressed a button allowing him to speak to the entire crew, "LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR! FOR THE EMPIRE! KREIGSHIFFE... VOR!!"

Augustus's fleet joined in the Moff's charge be it final or not, they weren't about to forgive their enemy. Augustus wiped a tear from his face and placed his hands on the podium before him, this was no longer defense, it was vengeance.

Command Ship: Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser - Heimdall (89|98)

Freyja - Fast Destroyer (76|82)

Arcana - Fast Destroyer (80|86)

Halberd - Fast Cruiser (90|95)

Corvettes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12
(85|95) (85|92) (82|90) (84|92) (86|94) (88|95)

Jagdhunds - 8
Hunds - 28 (-4)
Vipers - 48 (-8)
Sestinas - 20 (-4)
TIE/DLs - 22 (-2)
Vulture Droids - 20
Eldritch - Fast Destroyer (76|83)

Hofund - Fast Cruiser (88|90)

Sword - Fast Cruiser (86|92)

Corvettes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(85|94) (85|90) (82|90) (84|92) (86|94) (88|95)

Jagdhunds - 3 (-1)
Hunds - 14 (-2)
Vipers - 8 (-4)
Sestinas - 8
TIE/DLs - 20 (-4)
Augustus's Heimdall Fleet moves with Moff Mecetti's fleet in a defiant charge towards the enemy.
All other actions from the previous post, are still in effect. This post is a reaction to the Emperor's death.

No one ever said getting shot at a target for a drop was fun.

But you get used to it. Or at least Tamna did. Shaddix and Weller still whimpered like little girls every time. which had both women in the squad chuckling without fail.

The moment they were boots on the ground, however, rifles were against shoulders and awareness was full throttle. Jas didn't even have to yell contact as they were all already firing. Lyra was having a field day lighting up the hallways like an Empire Day parade as they all slowly advanced.

But someone with a brain had to be in charge here.

Doors slammed shut and turrets deployed like clockwork. It was almost like being back in her old Corps, only this time, she was on the receiving end of it rather than the one dealing the blows. The young Korvan was racking her brain to remember what her mother used to tell about the Kuat assault back in Cold War, even as she helped sharpshoot at the turrets. As the hotbed cooled down, the others grabbed their downed comrades' tags.

"Fox, does anyone in your squad have a wrist computer?" He asked the officer with a neutral tone. "No need to waste the breaching charges just yet. Turbolifts should be nearby, we can wing something from there."
"Yeah, I got it." she said absentmindedly as she approached the control panel, her mind still working through the Empire's tactics on Kuat.

She had just inserted her scomp when a sense whispered up her spine. "Oh you gotta be kidding me." she mumbled. Those approaching may not be exactly on the same level as a New-Imperial Knight, but they were Imperial nonetheless. What they lacked in the usual Knight skill, they'd make up for in cohesion.
"Fox, hold up. There's troops on the other side."
No shit.
She'd already halted her attempt to slice the door. Her helmeted head swiveled back toward their CO.
"On your word, Sir." she said.

When he motioned for her to get the door ajar, she sliced it ever so slightly to only allow a small opening. Her free hand hovered between her hidden saber hilt and her pistol as she watched the Pureblood hurl the thermal through the opening as soon as he assessed the situation. When the detonator went through, she slammed the door shut again. A dull thud could be heard against the door as the thermal went off.

Hopefully it left some carnage on the other end of the door.

But at the same time, a fog crept into the hallway. Helmets and HUDs did the work for them, but even with that, visibility was somewhat compromised. Tamna, on the other hand, could feel a collective presence approaching from behind them, no doubt capitalising on the low visibility.
<Sir, we got uh....some strange company.> she said softly and privately to Jas, not wanting to out herself directly as a Force-bloodhound.
"Bloody hell, I can't see a word in front of me." Weller complained not far from her in the meantime.
"I fucking hate Imperials. If they don't have human detonators, they do this shit. Rifles at the ready, y'all" Shaddix grumbled from the back of the pack.

Tam kept the scomp in the panel, ready to open at a moment's notice if Jas gave the word, but her hand finally rested on the grip of her pistol. A Knight get more resourceful on the fly when it comes to particle beams, but not everyone's that skilled. Only one way to find out which way they swing.
"Lyra, keep some envelopes ready. I wanna see what we'll be dealing with." she said softly to the Devaronian next to her.
"On your word, sweets." came the reply.

And so they waited in silence for action to spring from the ground.

Hopefully the other teams had a better time of it.


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun |



Phoenix Wing


Fleet Composition

  • ~~~

  • Conditions
    Ship 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ (Full Operational)
    Ship 2■ ■ ■ □ □■ ■ ■ ■ ■□ (Minor Damage)
    Ship 3□ □ □ □■ ■ ■ ■⚠️ (Moderate Damage)
    Ship 4□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □❗ (Severe Damage)
    Ship 5□ □ □ □ □□ □ □ □ □❌ (Destroyed)

Ship NameShieldsHullEngaging
GAMS-346 Astrocat Blockade Runner□ □ □ □ □■ ■ ■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Sur'haai-class Scout Frigate■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■Enacting Capture
Sarlacc-Class Snare-Bearer 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■Enacting Capture
Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran @Maldor Mecetti
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser 3■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Apex Predator: Baby Shark Flagship■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 1 □ □ □ □■ ■ ■ □ □ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 3■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Great Mother Shark Amphibious Ship of the Line 4■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

■ ■ ■ = Full | = Minor Dmg | ■ □ □ = Major Dmg | □ □ □ = Destroyed
Squadron NameShips per SquadronIntegrityEngaging
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 12■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 22■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 32■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
B-Zero Heavy Starfighter/Bomber Squadron 42■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 18■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 28■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 38■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
SS Ebonray Assault Interceptor Squadron 48■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 14■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 24■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
SS Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Squadron 34■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 18■ ■ ■ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 28■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am Heavy Fighter Squadron 38■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 112 Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 212Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 312■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 412■ ■ □Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 512■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 612■ ■ ■Yol Kan | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 712■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 812■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 912■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1012■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1112■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1212■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1312■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Directorate Ghost Viper Interceptor Squadron 1412■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 18■ □ □ Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 28■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft Squadron 28■ ■ ■ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Tuitio Support Boat Squadron 14
■ □ □
Assisting Astro Cat
Tuitio Support Boat Squadron 24
■ □ □
Assisting Mother Shark 1

Phoenix Wing Bridge

Commander Draven:
"Captain, the enemy is falling apart. They're breaking their line and charging at us erratically. Their emotions are driving them, and it's making them reckless."

Captain Vesperis:
"Precisely what I anticipated, Draven. Their desperation will be their undoing. We'll take full advantage of their chaos. Signal the fleet—this is our moment to strike hard and finish them. Their erratic maneuvers will only make it easier for us to obliterate them."

Commander Draven:
"Agreed, Captain. I'll ensure the squadrons are ready to exploit any gaps in their defense."

Captain Vesperis:
"Excellent. Let's show them the price of their folly."

"All ships, the time has come to strike hard and fast. Aranar-class and Blizzard, unleash everything you've got on those damaged ships ahead of us. Tear through them with Hyper Particle Cannons, Railguns, and every heavy weapon we have. Show no mercy—destroy them

"Mother Shark 1 and Baby Shark, fall back and assume rear guard positions. Protect our flanks and ensure no enemy reinforcements slip through. Your point-defense systems will cover our approach as we press the attack."

"Before we ram them, let's drain their shields. All ships, activate Shield Leech weapons and focus fire on those damaged vessels. We'll soften them up before the kill. Once their shields are down, prepare to ram them with full force. We will leave nothing but debris in our wake."

"All squadrons from the Blizzard, engage enemy stragglers and mop up any resistance. We are breaking through, and I want nothing left standing in our wake. This is our moment—drive them into the VOID!

"As we move forward, maintain tight formations. No ship breaks from the line until the enemy is utterly destroyed. This battle ends with our victory, and their complete obliteration."


Strill Securities

Strill Securities NPC Account


Friendly Units:
'Ysalamiri Birikad' Nutrient Frames have been issued force wide.
Ally Tag(s): Jas Katis Jas Katis | Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan | Tingel Arm Coalition and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Defender of the Lost Defender of the Lost | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Empire of the Lost and Allies



ADT-02M HFL turrets dropped from the Chekar pods the moment the plasma cut boarding devices cut through the hull of the station the Hellions were already aboard. High velocity depleted baradium pellets shredded most of the hostile contacts on the other end. Those that survived, likely wished they hadn't. Atin and his fellow droids pushed in through the covering smoke of their anti-energy weapon countermeasure gas grenades that were deployed moments later, inhuman reaction times allowing them to pour accurate fire from their menagerie of heavy weapons fractions of a second later. Return fire thudded into energy shields but the assault force of droids were not deterred, nor even given pause, inhuman reflexes and accuracy being the hallmarks of the deadly barrage of mixed heavy weapons.

Once the firefight had died down, Atin and his command squad fanned out through the room. He glanced at a dying Stormtrooper, his systems informed him that the man would be dead in a few minutes without any external factors. He quickly came to the conclusion that the dying man was nor worth the ammunition expenditure nor effort to put him out of his temporary misery. It was only fair to grant him a warrior's death, however. In what appeared to be a casual motion to an external observer, Atin discharged a depleted baradium pellet cannister into him before walking by as though nothing had happened. Orders quickly went out over the 'Manda' battlenet to breach the bulkhead that led further into the station. Two of his droids with heavy plasma casters began cutting through with vibro-saw bayonets.

"Hellion boarding party, this is Lieutenant Atin, Strill Securities, we are on station and moving to your position," transmitted Atin before he returned his attention to the bulkhead that had been sawed open. The defenders were on the receiving end of an assault on two fronts from multiple directions. To their credit, they were holding for the moment about as long as his calculations had indicated that they would. This was taking into account the reinforcements that had been deployed/ In the very least their resolve had not failed them. In the end, all a warrior had was the weight of their actions, though according to his data that was not of much comfort to many who were not prepared for the possibility of death in combat.

Atin had calculated the probability of when the enemy would be driven to the use of heavy weapons to repel the assault, but in their use the enemy had made the grave error of presuming him and his Gar Verd slow or lumbering like typical droids their size. Damage, and casualties had been statistically low, negligent in fact. Those units too damaged to continue the assault were left behind to hold their egress route, though Atin was aware of the non-zero probability of this being a one way trip. It was no matter, their chances of success were high enough, he had run the calculation several times. Oya manda.


  • Company of Gar Verd droids arrives to aid the Hellion boarding assault.
  • The 'beachhead' is secured by turrets and the droids make quick work of the unfortunate souls on the other end with heavy weapons, given they are not concerned about the consequences of their use.
  • The company of droids, all having landed in the same rough area but not the same precise location, all push up to link up with the Hellions, once more being indiscriminate in their use of heavy weapons against combatants.


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