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Invasion Rebel Yell | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal OOC sign up




A thunderous outcry ripples across the intergalactic airwaves.

The people of the Outer Rim have armed themselves and organized under the leadership of the Tingel Arm Coalition, an alliance of worlds who have felt the Imperial thumb above their heads once before. Inspired by the movements of old that threw off their oppressors, these men and women seek to take preventative measures to keep the banner of those who would seek to rule them off of their soil. They now move to cut off the head.

The Empire of the Lost has staked its claim, proclaiming itself as the successor of the Imperial state and seeking to bring its dominance to the rim. Now worlds once held in their grasp by the fires of war have begun to writhe in their cages. Lothal, still bitter from the scorched earth campaign that saw its governing body under the Lothal Protectorate fall, has secretly harbored those of a movement which opposes their overseers. A large fleet has passed through the resource world’s space, raising the alarm across the young Empire. As the valiant defenders of Imperial law and order scramble to ready their fleets and engage the unkempt savages, they emerge from hyperspace to find themselves staring down a large fleet over the foundry world of Dac. The Mon Calamari, disgruntled by the restructuring of their world to crack down on their people and favor their generational rivals, the Quarren, have allowed TAC sabbatours to slip onto the planet undetected and deactivate their planetary shield. Reports of hostile submersibles are quickly coming in as allied military forces move to link up with rebels on Dac to storm the shipyards and take them for the Arm of the Outer Rim.

As the siege begins on the oceanic world, forces left behind on Lothal make their presence known as well. Terrorist, planetary exile, priority enemy of the Imperial state Solarus Fynch Fynch has been reported to be at the head of an army advancing on Capital City, Mandalorian mercenaries at his side. Should he link up with local forces on Lothal, an untold number of local resistance movements are sure to rear their heads and join the fight. Planetary garrisons rapidly deploy to fend off the Commander in Chief of the Tingel Arm Coalition and hold out for reinforcements.

The Rim Wars have begun.


Objective I | Above Salt and Sulfur (Fleeting/Naval Conflict)

For the siege of Mon Cala the Tingel Arm Coalition has marked the shipyards in orbit around the planet as a critical priority. Aided by the tactical minds of Breshig War Forge Consolidated, TAC naval forces move to secure vital engineering platforms. The quality of Mon Calamari designed spacecraft has the weight to tip the scales of conflict further in their favor. While capital ships and their companion fleets move to take control of the shipyards, the first boarding parties disembark to liberate the stations.

The Empire of the Lost’s blockade fleet finds themselves under fire from incoming forces. Officers are tasked with engaging the interloping terrorist fleet and crush mounted resistance. Troopers are to be deployed via transport to board the shipyards and mount a defense and keep vital Imperial facilities secure. Now they must demonstrate to the galaxy that insurrection will not be tolerated.

Objective II | To Tread a Restless Sea (1v1 Duels)

The planetary shield gate of Mon Cala has been breached. Tactical forces descend towards the surface, their mission clear and urgent: assault and disable the shield generators on the planet.

Jotunheim: Notable local resistance has seen the shield generator below the waves, Station Jotunheim, temporarily shut down. To consolidate their victory and prevent the station from ever coming back online, they must take and destroy the reactor and engineering area.

Niflheim: Station Niflheim, stationed on an island above the sea, remains. Coalition forces are tasked with moving on these stations and ensuring their total deactivation.

Empire of the Lost enforcers are ordered to move in and secure the shield generators of the planet. With Station Jotunheim down, a front to reclaim the station has been mounted: Cut the TAC off, crush local resistance, and reactivate the generator. Operators at Niflheim stand at the ready to prevent the second generator from falling to the same fate.

Objective III | The March Home (Warposting)

Remnants of the Lothal Protectorate have formed up under their old commander, Solarus Fynch, joined by TAC volunteers and Mandalorian militia from allies in Breshig. Sentiment amongst those who march on Capital City is unanimous: Take the city, take the planet. As heavy artillery moves to secure the primary road into the city, guerilla fighters have begun to move through the tall grass of the field lands to reach their destination. With clear signs of resistance in the distance, civilians within Capital City have begun to arm themselves.

While the Imperial Navy is occupied with the siege of Mon Cala, local garrisons from the Empire of the Lost must hold out against the incoming land invasion. Lothal is a vital world, with precious Doonium and a heavy investment in farming to meet the subsistence needs of the Empire. Orders are to secure the streets of Capital City, crush civilian resistance to Imperial authority, and to hold off these rebels and wait for reinforcements to come from Dac.

Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris

Drops on 8/16​

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